Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

Mingtan was surprised. He didn't expect that song Yan could get rid of his momentum. Of course, he released less than one percent of his momentum. There was a little bit of ponder around his mouth. He sneered: "interesting!"

Next moment!


The momentum in the main hall increased again.

"Poof! Poof

Unable to bear this momentum, Tian Lao and Qin Xiaoyu all fainted from vomiting blood. Seeing this scene, song Yan's eyes shrank slightly. However, at the moment, he was in a dilemma and could not care about them at all.


Even if the Dharma phase heaven and earth are used, he still resists very hard. Even when he hears the sound of his bones exploding, he knows that the best way is to give up resistance and lie on the ground like a toad.

But he didn't want to do that. Even if he died, he didn't want to give in to Mingtan immortal.


He drank loudly, his whole body muscles were agitated, and the real yuan in his body also flowed rapidly, constantly pounding the pressure from all around.

"Don't be a fearless resistance!"

The voice of immortal Mingtan rang out again, with sarcasm: "you really think you are a character when you are engaging in wind and rain in the Royal City in this period of time? In my eyes, you are just a mole ant. If I look at you higher, i.e. a bit bigger mole ant, I don't need to move my fingers to kill you.

Li Tianluo and Li Sixuan's marriage was decided by their own dignity. You are an ant trying to destroy. You really don't know how to live or die. Kneel down for me "

when your voice falls, the pressure around you suddenly doubles!


The pressure of the visible waves on Song Yan made his tall body bend again. He felt that the bones of his whole body had already borne the extreme, and could break at any time.

Click, click!

Next moment, song Yan's painful feeling said that the backbone supporting his body suddenly broke three sections!


His body smashed into the hall, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.


Song Yan roars in his heart, and the real yuan in his body forcibly attacks the distracted period.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

His body as if there are multiple skin drum in the beating, Qi and blood in rolling, Yuan crazy surging impact. josei



Three times!

One after another, with his shock, he could only use his body to resist the pressure from the outside world. Therefore, his spine broke a few more sections, and there was red blood flowing out of his mouth, nose, ears, eyes and seven orifices.

"What? Don't give in, as long as you ask me, I will spare you The voice of Mingtan immortal reverberates in the hall and is as high as the spirit of the nine heavens, cold and merciless.

"Please paralyze!"

Song Yan scolds, and the whole body of Zhen Yuan condenses into a rush to the checkpoint.


With his continuous efforts, the distracted barrier was finally broken away. His Yuanying and the real yuan in his body were transformed at a very fast speed. At the same time, the spirit of heaven and earth around him was constantly pouring to him!

"What a breakthrough?"

Mingtan immortal was more and more surprised, but immediately sneered: "even if you break through again, the mole ant is always the mole ant!"


In the air, a strong cohesive bombardment on Song Yan's body. Suddenly, his body flew up and fell tens of meters away.


Song Yan spits blood continuously, but takes the opportunity to take out a pill from the storage ring and throw it into his mouth.

These pills are used to increase the power during the distraction period.

Now he has just broken through. Although the realm has arrived, the real yuan in his body has not reached the early stage of distraction.

A handful of pills will turn into a huge amount of energy.

His new baby is like a sponge, absorbing the power of pills.

At the next moment, song Yan's body returned to the normal size, and he stood up in front of the eyes of Mingtan immortal.

"Are you challenging me? I don't know! "

Immortal Mingtan ridiculed. Suddenly, the pressure in the hall surged again, breaking through to the early stage of distraction. But compared with immortal Mingtan in the middle of the disaster, song Yan was still too weak.


He vomited blood again and flew back. He was once again suppressed by death on the ground of the hall.

"If you have the ability to break through again, let me have a look?" The immortal Mingtan sneered.

Song Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. When he broke through to the early stage of distraction, his strength soared at least ten times. However, he still didn't see enough of Mingtan immortal. The cultivators in the period of crossing the calamity were too powerful.

But he won't give in.

"Open it for me!"

In the burst drinking room, he was encouraged by Zhenyuan all over. Facing the pressure in the hall, he stood up again and looked directly at Mingtan immortal again.

Seeing song Yan standing up again, immortal Mingtan was really surprised. There was more cold and gloomy color in his eyes. He had released 2% momentum. Even in the later period of distraction, he could not bear it. But this kid stood up against his pressure again and again. Especially, from his eyes, what he saw was not a little fear and fear, just unyielding and angry!"Boy, I teach you a truth. When you are not strong, you'd better be a man with your tail in your hand, because your persistence is a very funny thing in my eyes!"


The pressure in the hall doubled again, which made song Yan's whole body crack. Now he is like a big bow, which can break at any time.

Blood flowed out of his seven orifices again, and even his body appeared a crack. For a while, he became a blood man, but his eyes were fixed on Mingtan immortal, coldly saying: "Mingtan immortal, song Yan swore that if I don't die today, I will kill you in the future!"

Speaking, song Yan actually strides forward against the pressure. Every step, he has to work very hard. Every step, he will leave a red blood footprint.

Hearing song Yan's words, Mingtan immortal smiled: "chop me? I'm afraid you don't know for another ten thousand years. Besides, you don't have the chance to destroy the plan of the Buddha. Do you think the Buddha will keep you? "

As soon as the voice fell, the pressure in the hall doubled again.

But at this time, a light wave radiated from the center of song inkstone. Then, everything within tens of meters fell into stagnation, and the natural pressure disappeared.


Song Yan's detective grabs the dizzy Tian Lao and Qin Xiaoyu, and a big move disappears.


In the moment when he disappeared, the small world formed by space stagnation could not bear the pressure of the outside world.

Seeing the missing song inkstone, Mingtan's face was a little more misty, followed by anger, a huge divine sense instantly covered the whole royal city.


After a search, he didn't find the trace of song inkstone.

In fact, he didn't know that after Song Yan broke through the period of distraction, the scope of the great move increased several times. So, he moved directly out of the king's city, and then hid in the temple.

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the third update, please visit our website to read the latest novels!

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