Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229

The night is as cool as water, and the moon as a hook.

Song Yan finished healing and walked down from his bed. He came to the window and pushed the window out.

Suddenly, a soft footsteps came from the outside of the door. After a while, there was a knock on the door: "Mr. Song, have you had a rest?"

Next moment, song Yan opens the door and welcomes Chen Fei in: "what's up with Miss Chen?"

"Mr. Song, I want to invite you to a hot spring, OK?" Chen Fei's voice is soft, and her face is shy. Her eyes are drenched with water and spring light.

Smell speech, song inkstone mouth corner outlined a faint bad smile: "since Miss Chen has this elegant idea, I will be your company."

After a while, they walked out of the attic side by side and pulled out two long figures in the moonlight.

A moment later, they came to the hot spring with hazy water vapor. Different from the hot spring in the main world, the hot spring here has no sulfur flavor, but a light fragrance.

There is a small wooden building for changing clothes beside the hot spring pool.

"Mr. Song, I'll change first."

Chen Fei looks at Song Yan and trots into a room in the small wooden building. Song Yan smiles and enters another room in the small wooden building.

Take out a pair of beach pants and slippers from the storage ring and put them on. Song Yan walks out of the cabin with his upper body bare. The water splashes lightly. Song Yan steps into the hot spring pool.

The water temperature is about 40 degrees. He slowly sinks into the water and relies on a smooth jade plate beside the pool. He can't help moaning for a while.

He could not help but close his eyes and quietly feel the washing of his body and mind from the pool water. In this period of time, his strength is rapidly improving, but it is not easy for a moment. He has been arranging to deal with the Liangzhou Branch of taiyijiao.

Both the body and mind are in a state of tension.

Soon, a slight footsteps came, song Yan didn't need to open his eyes to know that it was Chen Fei who had changed his clothes.


Soft into the water sounds, then, song inkstone on the induction of a number of people not far away.

At the moment, Chen Fei is only wearing a pair of black shorts and molestation clothes, and a layer of tulle is put on the outside to cover people's eyes. Even though she has made a decision in her heart, she is still very shy to wear so little to face song inkstone.

She was in a state of unease. Learning from Song Yan's appearance, she sank her whole body into the steaming pool water, only showing a beautiful head.

Maybe she hid her body in the water, and her sense of shyness subsided a lot.

Time passed slowly. Song Yan, who was not far away, did not open his eyes. Chen Fei also relaxed slowly and enjoyed the immersion of hot spring water and the nourishment of her skin wholeheartedly.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Song Yan, who was a meter away, and bit her silver teeth. She said that this guy was a dead man. Mingming was surrounded by a beautiful woman, but she was indifferent.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Fei finally couldn't bear it. She bit the silver teeth and said softly, "are you asleep, Mr. Song?"


Song Yan opens his eyes and turns to look at Chen Fei. The night can't hinder his vision. After the hot spring immersion, Chen Fei's face is red and fluttering, which is particularly delicate and moving.

Women have always been particularly sensitive to the eyes, feeling song Yan's naked eyes, Chen Fei panicked and subconsciously said: "what is the son of song looking at?"

"Look at the beauty." Song Yan said with a smile.

Under the brush, Chen Fei's face turned red, but he was very happy. He said, "son of song, you are really bad."

"There are worse ones."

All of a sudden, song Yan moved to Chen Fei's side, his right hand stretched out from the water, accurately hugged Chen Fei's delicate willow waist, and with a little force, he pulled the other's body into his arms and felt the softness of the two close to his chest. Song Yan could not help but swing in his heart. josei

Chen Fei didn't think that song Yan was so bold, and came here without any sign, subconsciously trying to struggle, but immediately she thought of her purpose. Instead of struggling, she felt like a shy girl sticking her cheek on Song Yan's neck, saying with a trill: "what are you going to do, son of song?"

Song Yan tells her what she wants to do with his actions. He holds up Chen Fei's sharp chin with his other hand and whispers, "my dear, look up, let me have a good look."

His voice seems to have a mind bewitching taste. Chen Fei subconsciously raises her head according to what he said. A pretty face is already pink. There is a faint spring in those watery eyes, and a bit of shame and uneasiness.

Song Yan's eyes were fixed on the beautiful face, with appreciation in them, but no obscenity. This kind of eyes made Chen Fei very useful, because those men always look at her, even if they cover it up well, there will always be a kind of greed and * * in their eyes.

"What a sight!"

After a while, song Yan said softly, then he let Chen Fei go and lay down again.

"Here Is that himChen Fei was a little confused. How could the other side suddenly let her go? For a while, she was frustrated and angry. He couldn't see me?

At this time, song Yan's voice sounded: "I am a passer-by, destined to have no commitment to you."

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart sank into hesitation and entanglement.

The other side is really excellent. He is a distinguished guest of the head of the family and has a very high cultivation. However, the other side will not stay in the Chen family. If the most valuable thing is given to him, is it worth it?

But what if I can keep him?

Song Yan's voice sounded again: "you can't keep me, and Chen Jiansheng won't let me stay here for a long time!"

The reason why the Chen family leader is so enthusiastic about him is that he still has the use value and wants to get more benefits from the Xianjia relics. But it's just a bureau. Once the truth is revealed, I'm afraid that Chen family has the heart to kill him. At that time, in order to vent their anger, Chen Fei will be the first unlucky one.

Although song Yan is not a gentleman, he is not limited to implicating innocent women at will.


When the sound of the water rang, song Yan stepped out of the hot spring and walked towards the attic.

Looking at Song Yan, Chen Fei's beautiful face is still full of entanglement and hesitation.

In the middle of the month, song Yan lay on a soft bed, thinking about every link of the whole plan carefully. Now he has successfully attracted three families to join the network. I'm afraid that Xie Tianmu has also paid attention to it. Once the three combined ancestors find the so-called Xianjia ruins, the second step is when the plan starts.

At that time, Xianjia ruins will become a deadly battlefield.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, which made song Yan frown. As expected, at the next moment, the sound of the door knocked.

"Who?" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Son of song, it's me!" Chen Fei's voice came from outside.


Song Yan sighs in her heart, and she can't help thinking of Tianluo Saint daughter who flashed over the end of the world. That woman dedicated herself to him for the wild hope in her heart.

[author's aside]: Fourth, thank you [no smell], [pain of breathing], [handsome man], [small. 9. 9、 And.. ][td90966272] and [Dingdang dad] these great rewards are

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