Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244

The skinny old man seems to be full of spirit, but when you look carefully, you can feel a faint sense of decay on the other side.

"See the ancestors!"

Wu Zhengyang bowed down to worship, with a very respectful look.

The other side waved, indicating that Wu Zhengyang didn't need to be more polite, but his eyes were fixed on Song Yan, even with a heat: "what you said just now is serious!"

His name is Chen Shaoyang. He is the founder of Shaoyang. His life span has reached 9300 years.

Those who practice out of their orifices can live about five thousand years, those who practice distractedly can live about eight thousand years, and those who practice in the early stage of integration will not live longer than ten thousand years, that is to say, Chen Shaoyang has not had many years to live.

The mole ant still lives stealthily, let alone the master of the early stage of the combination.

Therefore, in recent years, Chen Shaoyang has not given up the calculation of the middle stage of the combination, and is also asking people to find the middle stage of the combination.

Unfortunately, it's too difficult to create Kung Fu. He hasn't made much progress, and he hasn't succeeded in finding the mid-term Kung Fu. After all, such Kung Fu is wanted by the first-class sects all over the world. As long as one of them appears, everyone will break their heads. Therefore, Chen Shaoyang will be so excited when he knows that song Yan can provide the Kung Fu to the late stage of the integration.

Because, when he is promoted to the middle stage of the combination, his life span can be increased by one thousand years. If he is trained to the late stage of the combination, his life span can be increased by another thousand years. If he reaches the transitional period, his life span can directly soar to twenty thousand years.

"Naturally!" Song Yan nodded at Chen Shaoyang's hot eyes.

"What is the proof?" Chen Shaoyang asked again.

"Look, elder!"

Song Yan takes out a jade Jane and gives it to the other side.

Chen Shaoyang can't wait to take the jade slips. When Yuan Shen looks into the jade slips, a piece of skill comes to mind.

It's easy to distinguish the merits and demerits of the skill with his early eyesight.

Therefore, after a brief review of this skill that can be cultivated to the early stage of integration, he can be sure that this skill is far beyond the one he has cultivated.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Shaoyang takes back the yuan God, stares at Song Yan again, and asks, "I'm not afraid that the old man will take your skill out of my hands."

Song Yan shakes his head confidently: "I believe that the elder is not that kind of short-sighted person. If you cooperate with me, the elder and Shaoyang clan can get more. If you want to forcibly take my skill, you may not succeed!"

"Where did you get that confidence?" josei

All of a sudden, Chen Shaoyang, a slightly stooped man, grabbed song inkstone with a claw without any sign. The seemingly ordinary claw contained the true meaning of the road. Song inkstone, as the target of attack, felt stiff all over, even his soul trembled.


The black sword suddenly came out of its sheath.


The true meaning of Kendo breaks out. It turns into a bloody sword light and accurately splits Chen Shaoyang's palm.


With the explosion of energy, song Yan's body shape is only stable when he retreats to the door. Chen Shaoyang is also shocked by song Yan's sword.

Chen Shaoyang didn't expect that he would be forced to step back by a distracted young generation, but he was slightly shocked, but immediately praised: "OK! What a strong sword technique! "

Wu Zhengyang, on the other side, was also stunned and stared at Song Yan in amazement. He was sure that if he faced the sword, he could only survive with a ten percent chance. However, he was relieved to think that his ancestors had been forced back a step.

"Thank you for your praise!"

Song Yan put away his black sword and said with a smile.

"You are the song inkstone that was chased and killed by taiyijiao, aren't you?" Suddenly, Chen Shaoyang's meaningful way.

"Not bad!" Song Yan nodded.

Wu Zhengyang was once again shocked. He never dreamed that he was the song Xiaomo who killed the four parts of Taiyi sect.

"What are you going to do?"

Asked Chen Shaoyang.

Song Yandao: "there are three experts in the sub altar of Dahuang Prefecture, so we need to find four helpers, so that we can be foolproof!"

"Who are you looking for?" Chen Shaoyang asked again.

Song Yan reported the names of four clans.

Chen Shaoyang smiled: "it seems that you have come here well prepared."

Because the four first-class clans reported by song Yan are all good friends or closely related with Shaoyang clan.

"And what are you going to give them?" Chen Shaoyang asked, staring at Song Yan.

Song Yandao: "when they have finished the division of Taihuang Prefecture, each of them can get 15% resources. At the same time, as a reward, I will give them a set of skills that can be cultivated to the middle stage of the combination!"

"Good! You can be a man! " Chen Shaoyang said with satisfaction, "don't worry, I'll be responsible for contacting the four old guys!"

"Thank you very much, elder!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Come on, Zhengyang, you are in charge of entertaining him. I'll go to the four clans!" Speaking, Chen Shaoyang is leaving."Wait!"

"What else can I do for you, boy?"

Song Yan once again presented a jade Jane with both hands. Chen Shaoyang guessed what he had done. After he took it for investigation, his whole body trembled with excitement. Because this is the follow-up of the skill just now, which can be cultivated to the middle stage of the combination.

After a while, Chen Shaoyang returned to normal. He said to song Yandao with complicated expression: "boy, since you are so good, I will not let you down. Don't worry. Even if the four old ghosts don't agree, I will invite you another four combination experts!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Shaoyang disappeared.

Wu Zhengyang, who witnessed this scene, has guessed what the jade slips sent by song Yan for the second time, and he is also excited. If his ancestral cultivation can break through to the middle stage of the combination, then the strength of Shaoyang sect will be greatly improved.

"By the way, Lord Wu, I forgot to give a gift to meet you before. A small gift is no respect!"

While talking, song Yan takes out a jade bottle and presents it.

Wu Zhengyang didn't have a good idea to check it on the spot. He directly sent song Yan to the VIP room to be settled, and only when he returned to his yard did he open the jade bottle.

When he saw the twenty pills lying in the jade bottle, his eyes were all round, because it was the breaking God pill. Twenty breaking God pills could add twenty distracted experts to his Shaoyang sect.

In the VIP room, song Yan is thinking about every step of the plan. Although Chen Shaoyang promises to bring him four experts, he will not place his hopes on him. He will have other arrangements.

After two hours of deliberation and dozens of deduction of the plan, song Yan went to bed without any omission.

Lying on the bed, song Yan flashed Chen Fei's face in his mind.

After cutting off Xie Tianmu, he once went to see Chen Fei secretly. Then he left enough resources to practice until the later stage of the body, and at the same time, he gave her three God breaking pills.

There are three God breaking pills. The other side can achieve 100% distraction.

With the magic power of alchemy, pills are nothing to him, especially when he has four Taiyi sects. There are so many miraculous medicines in his body. If you sell all the refined pills, you can sell at least hundreds of thousands of elite crystal.

This is also the reason why he didn't feel any pain when he gave Wu Zhengyang twenty broken dans.

[author's digression]: after the update of sanguine, thank you for your great reward.

Since the book was written, there has never been a safe and stable year. Even if the first day of the new year's Eve is in the code, this year mosquitoes want to rest.

Of course, mosquito break is not to break the watch, but to save the manuscript in advance, so, this period of time will not add more, wait for years to add more.

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