Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250

At the same time, the other four ancestors envied the ancestors in the cold region, so they were injured. With their cultivation, they could recover in seven or eight days. However, they all wanted to be injured once for the five thousand best Lingjing resources.

After allocating their own resources, song Yan suddenly said to the ancestor of Han Yuzong, "master Zhou, I know a kind of secret skill, which can cure your injury instantly. How about it? Do you need to try it?"

"Well, let go!" The way that the ancestors of the Han area didn't think so.

Therefore, song Yan grabbed the arm of the ancestor of Han Yu and urged the light of life. Then, under the astonished eyes of the five ancestors, the injury on his arm recovered at a visible speed.

"Isn't that amazing?"

The five ancestors are all marvelous and surprised.

Song Yan didn't explain it too much.

It's reasonable to say that when the resources are allocated, everyone should leave. But those four ancestors didn't mean to leave. Instead, they talked a lot. They seemed to miss the past, but in fact, the content they talked about had no substance at all.

"Everyone, I will leave first!"

Song Yanchao's five combined ancestors hugged each other and decided to leave, because when allocating resources, he found an interesting object and wanted to go back to study it.

"Wait for Xiao Song."

Seeing that song Yan was about to leave, the five combined ancestors who were talking about everything stopped talking.

Song Yan looked back at them suspiciously, his heart was like a mirror, but in his mouth he said, "what else can I do for you

For a while, the other four ancestors all glared at Chen Shaoyang.

Chen Shaoyang then said with a smile, "Xiao Song, when is the next action?"

"Five seniors want to do one more job?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

Chen Shaoyang coughed: "coughing, I'm going to die. I have to leave something for my children and grandchildren, so..."

Song Yan waved his hand and glanced slowly at the five ancestors. Somehow, the five ancestors were nervous and embarrassed when he glanced at them.

"That's what the four elders mean, too?"

"Not bad!" The old ancestor of Huayang sword clan said: "I'm suffering from Huayang sword clan. Although we are first-class clan, every disciple has a tight life. As an old ancestor, I'll think about it for the disciples under the clan."

The ancestor of xianyuzong nodded in deep thought: "mm-hmm! Our xianyuzong is also...... "

The ancestors of Hanyu sect opened their mouths one after another. At last, the ancestors of sunset sect also opened their mouths. They all mean the same. Their disciples are not good. As the ancestors, they have to earn some resources for their disciples.

For a while, song Yan felt funny.

Then he said, "master, it's just the so-called" sharpen the sword and cut wood without mistake ". If you change the skill I give you, how long will it take you to cultivate it?" josei

For a long time, Chen Shaoyang said, "although it's not a re cultivation, it's just a transformation, but the skills you gave us are higher than our original skills, so you have to spend at least three months!"

March is very short for cultivators, but it's too long for song inkstone now.

So he asked again, "how long does it take to break through to the middle stage of the combination?"

Chen Shaoyang thought carefully and said: "at least ten years, but also need a lot of resources as a support!"

Wen Yan, song Yan can't help thinking about it. He killed two sub realms of Taiyi religion one after another. I'm afraid that Taiyi church will send more experts to guard them next. Then, at the early stage of the five combinations, there is not enough to see. If all five people break through the middle stage of the combination, even if there are two more groups of Taiyi religion, it doesn't matter. But now, it seems that it's short for them to break through the middle stage of the combination Obviously not in time.

Then, there is only another way.

So song Yan said to the five combined ancestors, "five elders, our school has a secret place. The internal and external time ratio is 100:1. It's only one day since we have practiced in it. I don't know if you are interested in practicing there."

It's said that the five combined ancestors are all big earthquakes, because this kind of secret environment is so adverse. Once they enter the secret environment, they will spend nearly 100 times more time than others. If one sect can enter the secret environment, they will definitely surpass other sects in a very short time.

After a while, the ancestor of Huayang sword clan slowly opened his mouth and asked curiously, "Xiao Song, what is your school

"My school is called the shrine." Song Yan smiled.

Everyone frowned, apparently they had never heard of the door of the temple.

Song Yan explained: "I won't explain too much about other things. All you need to know is that the God of the temple can shuttle the existence of all the worlds."

"Really?" The five ancestors were shocked again.

Song Yan's hand turned, and there was a strip of metal box in his hand. With a ring, one side of the metal box lit up. Then he saw song Yan's fingers moving on the metal box, and then a video appeared.A group of girls in rare clothes danced in metal boxes.

Song Yan explained, "this is called mobile phone, which is the product of another world..."

Song Yan briefly introduced the functions of the lower mobile phone. The five ancestors felt strange and took their hands to watch one by one.

Song Yan continued: "at present, I have been to four worlds with the God of the temple. The overall strength of those four worlds is not strong, but they have their own characteristics. For example, in the world I went to before, I unified the human race with decades of world, became the human emperor, and then I obtained countless resources."

Hearing this, the eyes of the five ancestors were all full and round, and each eye was full of extremely hot brilliance.

The resources of a world, how many resources are they? No wonder the young Song Dynasty is so young and generous.

"Xiao Song, bold question, how many resources did you get in that mysterious world?" Asked Chen Shaoyang.

"It's only 20 million top-grade Lingjing!" Song Yan's modest smile.

"20 million excellent Lingjing, or just?"

The five ancestors were just complacent about obtaining more than 10000 excellent Lingjing resources, and now Song Yan directly threw such a number.

Song Yan disagreed: "actually, it's nothing. I have a senior brother. Now he has conquered several worlds and has countless resources. I'm only a fraction of his Lingjing!"

Just a change? 20 million elite Lingjing is just a change!

The five ancestors of the body were critically hit again.

At the same time, they all decided to hold song Yan's thigh tightly. If they could get on the ship of the temple, they would send it later.

A day later, song Yan came to a valley shrouded in array with five ancestors.

Looking at the valley, the five ancestors all showed their eager expression, because this is the secret place that song Yan told them.

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the third update, please visit our website to read the latest novels!

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