Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

Song Yan also took out ten pieces of the best Lingjing and threw them to him, saying, "hurry to restore cultivation."


They nodded and immediately sat nearby to absorb the spirit of the best spirit crystal to restore their cultivation.

They have their own cultivation in the later period of distraction. Only the lack of vitality of heaven and earth in the demon prison causes their cultivation to fall to the middle period of distraction. Now they have the best Lingjing. So, in only half an hour, they all return to the peak period.

And only a piece of elite crystal is used.

After the restoration of cultivation, they did not grudge the real yuan. The real yuan inside and outside the body would be removed when they rolled. josei

"I'm going to accept all the cultivators in the heavy demon prison. You two will lead the way!" Song Yan's voice rings again.


The two respectfully replied that they were both respectful and fearful to the new master. In fact, they had better wonder how the other side brought Lingjing into the demon prison. You should know that all the cultivators who were put into the demon prison would be searched by Taiyi.

It's not simple to be able to bring Lingjing into the demon prison under the search of taiyijiao. It's important to know that some people hid the storage ring in the chrysanthemum and it was still found by taiyijiao.

Some people swallow Lingjing directly into the body and are still forcibly taken out.

In short, there are many people who have tried many ways and failed to escape the search of taiyijiao.

"Eh, Zhou laoguai, the black widow, you have caught a new man!"

Just out of this area, there is a strong young man wearing only a pair of underpants coming face to face, looking at Song Yan's eyes full of greed.

"Take it!"

Song inkstone is light.


Without saying anything, Zhou laoguai and the black widow rushed out and attacked the young man.

The strong young man was attacked and killed by the two men and was defeated. He shouted angrily: "Zhou laoguai, black widow, do you want to violate the rules?"

"Wei Gang, for the sake of having known each other for many years, you'd better go easy!" Zhou laoguai said with a strange smile.

"Are you not afraid of being besieged?" Wei Gang continues to roar.

"Well, I don't know what to do!"

"BAM BAM bam!"

With a series of collisions, Wei Gang, a strong young man, was caught alive.

Zhou laoguai brings Wei Gang to song Yan and forces him to kneel.

"Give you two choices, either to die or to surrender. Which one do you choose?" Song Yan asked indifferently, for these guys who rely on cannibalism to maintain their accomplishments, they can't be used by him, so kill them directly, he won't have any weakness.

"I am willing to surrender!" Wei Gang said without hesitation.

Song Yan nodded his head with satisfaction, and put a ban into Wei Gang's knowledge of the sea, and let him feel the taste.

Later, he took out and threw three excellent Lingjing to Wei Gang to restore his cultivation.

In the next few hours, song Yan received six cultivators in succession, but this also attracted the attention and vigilance of other cultivators.

So, half an hour later, song Yangang took people into a region and was surrounded by more than 20 practitioners.

"I can't believe you've joined a new man!"

The first black faced man stood out, coldly.

"Boss Ding!"

Seeing this man, Zhou laoguai, the black widow and others all changed their faces. Because this week's eldest brother was very strong. When he was put into the demon prison, his cultivation was about to enter the integration period. Over the years, although his cultivation declined, it still remained in the post distraction period.

The other side continued: "well, since you have violated the rules, then I have a reason to kill you. Brothers, kill for me, one will not stay!"

With a wave of Ding's hand, more than 20 cultivators all rushed to song Yan and others.

Because there is no vitality of heaven and earth in the demon prison, the powerful Taoism can not be used at all, and all the magic weapons on the body are searched by Taiyi cult. Therefore, a distracted cultivator works hard to kill, but like a mortal warrior, relying on martial arts and supernatural power.

Although Zhou laoguai and others recovered their accomplishments and were more powerful than those in front of them, they all had the same level of true yuan quality. Therefore, he could not take much advantage of it, but fell into the downwind under the oppression of the number of people.



Long sword goes out of its sheath, and song inkstone disappears in place.

"Poop poop!"

Between the blood splashes, four heads fly up.

"I want to die!"

See this scene, Ding eldest brother is greatly surprised, swing a fist toward song inkstone to blow to kill and come.

"Go away!"

Song Yan cuts a sword with his backhand. The seemingly powerful leader Ding is directly cut off by a sword. Even the lineage of taiyijiao like Ying Wuxue can't block his sword, let alone the leader Ding.


After a sword to kill the eldest brother Ding, song Yan killed two more people, and then gave out a light drink: "everyone stop, or die!"The death of six companions effectively shocked the rest of the people, and they all stopped and jumped out of the battlefield, staring at Song Yan in awe.

"Surrender or die, give you three breathing time to think about!" Song Yan said again.

As a result, there was no suspense. Nineteen people, including Ding, surrendered. Song Yan didn't dislike the trouble. He banned them one by one in their sea of knowledge, and let them try the painful taste. He also took out the best Lingjing to let them resume their cultivation.

Under this situation, the number of people under song Yan's staff has increased to 28.

Next, song Yan, with the 28 restored cultivators, pushed the rest of the human cultivators all the way, and some of them were rebellious. Song Yan was too lazy to talk with them and killed them directly.

Therefore, in the end, song Yan received 72 practitioners, all of them in the later period of distraction.

After that, we should solve the nine demon cultivators.

Nine demon families have long found the battle on the territory of the human beings. Song Yan and 72 human beings who have recovered their cultivation have arrived. They have surrendered directly, which is a pity for the human beings.

Even though the accomplishments of these nine demon cultivators degenerate, their strength is still very strong. After their accomplishments are restored, they can easily defeat the later distraction period of the human race.

Now, it's time to find the monks who have been hiding in the dark.

There is not a trace of heaven and earth vitality in the demon prison, so there are no plants, no water, almost dead.

With the help of the people's Congress, they quickly locked the places where the monks were hiding.

Song Yan arrived directly with a large team of people.

Then he found four monks who buried themselves in the earth. They didn't breathe and their hearts stopped beating, just like dead people. But song Yan knew that they had performed a special skill similar to tortoise rest, which made them fall into a state of pseudodeath, so that they could reduce their consumption to the minimum.

"Do you come out on your own, or do I have someone dig you out!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

"No! Let's come out by ourselves! "

A dry voice sounded, and then four figures rushed from the ground

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