Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1274

Chapter 1274

In the middle of the seven consortia, they can't even fight against one of the latter, and even two people were injured by the sword of the Taoist in Qingyi, which made them feel humiliated. Therefore, when they saw that the other side was bound by the master, they all launched the strongest attack, which turned into the seven torrents going towards the Taoist in Qingyi.


Tiger king's attack arrived first!

The green and golden torrent directly hit the slightly thin body of Taoist Qingyi, and then the torrent turned to include Taoist Qingyi in the crazy hanging.

There are thousands of strangulation forces in this torrent. Each strangulation force can easily kill a distracted cultivator. Thousands of strangulation forces are launched together. That kind of powerful destructive force is unimaginable. If the complex falls into it at the initial stage, it is difficult to hold on to one breath.

"Click, click, click!"

It's like a stone plate rolling on a stone mill, making a harsh sound. The real yuan outside the body of Qingyi Dao is being compressed rapidly, which is less than one meter away from the body.


At this time, the king of snake and the king of rat followed.

The snake king's attack contains a huge poison that can be poisoned at will in the early stage of the general body. It also has a strong corrosiveness, which constantly corrodes the real yuan mask of Taoist Qingyi.

So, the real yuan mask of Taoist in Qingyi retracts again

The attack of the rat king is made up of countless gray mice the size of palms. The gray mouse is called the golden rat. Its teeth are extremely sharp. Even if the spirit can be easily broken, a large number of golden mice are tearing at the real mask of the Taoist priest in Qingyi, making it weaker and weaker.

Then came the attack of the other four metaphases.


Taoist Qingyi can't resist it at last. Zhenyuan mask is pressed back into his body by seven people. Next moment, his body is like a rootless duckweed, and he is involved in the flood of attack

"Die for me!"

The tiger king burst out to drink, and the huge body rushed out. He opened his mouth and opened his mouth to the head of Taoist priest Qingyi. The big eyes like bronze bells were shining with bloodthirsty brilliance.

The snake king's huge tail also hit in the air and hit the body of Taoist Qingyi.

At that time, an ancient, bleak, throbbing voice sounded:

"the glory of heaven, the nine heavenly thunder, with my body and soul Quote...! "

Song Yan looked up and saw that the Taoist priest in Qingyi ignored the attack from the king of tiger and the king of snake. At the moment, his eyes were closed, his hands were fast printing, his mouth was chanting words, and an ancient syllable kept popping out of his mouth

For a while, the whole array space is full of a heavy pressure, like Tianwei.

"Tiger king, snake king, return quickly!" Song Yan drinks heavily.

Seeing that the Taoist in Qingyi is about to be bitten off by himself, the tiger king, though unwilling in his heart, quickly retreats. First, the master's order can't be violated. Second, he also feels a sense of extreme danger. It's the Taoist in Qingyi.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

At this time, the sky of array space suddenly becomes extremely dark, but there are a lot of clouds converging.

Then, heaven and earth are one of the bright, and then there are nine God thunder with unmatched momentum from the sky.

"Xuan Lei enters the body!"

The Taoist priest in Qingyi suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were cold. He looked down upon all living beings as if he were a God.


All the nine divine thunders are split on the body of the Taoist in Qingyi.

"What's wrong with this guy? Call thunder to split yourself? "

Seeing this, yeluchi laughed loudly.

"It's not that simple!"

Kuixi has risen from the ground, but his face is still pale. He shakes his head and looks at the Qingyi Dao humanity that is split by shenlei, which makes him uneasy.

In fact, there are also tiger king, snake king, rat king, hawk king and other seven syncytial metaphase.


The last divine thunder fell on the Taoist in Qingyi, while his eyes penetrated the void and fell on the king tiger and others. When they were stared at, they all felt frightened by the fierce beasts!



The Taoist priest in Qingyi flashed with electricity and light. At the next moment, he turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to the king of the tiger.

"Don't be arrogant!"

The tiger king roared loudly and rushed to the Taoist priest in Qingyi with a sound. At the same time, the huge tiger claw was raised high and sent out a sharp green and gold glow. He slapped the Taoist priest in Qingyi's head heavily.


The Taoist priest in Qingyi spits out a byte and raises his fist slightly. Then he sees that the attack of the tiger king is broken as if it were devastated, then it hits him on the chest.


The tiger king's chest was pierced and his blood was splashed. However, the attack of the other six match masters followed.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"The Taoist priest in Qingyi drew out his fist and swept the six sides. Then he saw that the six bodies were blown away in the middle period and all fell back.


In a flash of light and shadow, song Yan moved the tiger king to his side, and found that the other side was dying. The power of Taoist Qingyi's fist was so great that it not only destroyed his demon body, but also attached a mysterious thunder power to his Yuanshen, which could not be removed!

"The light of life!"

Song Yan hit three life lights in a row. The tiger king recovered some vitality, but he was unable to fight again.

"You go back to recuperate!"

Song Yan put the tiger king into the temple. He didn't want such a super fighter to die.

At the next moment, he stared at the Taoist priest in Qingyi, who was killing everywhere in the sky. His eyes were cold.

Only to see his hands quickly rolling up, a complex array of printed formula followed by the formation.


A light drink, the sky appeared a huge sword, hundreds of feet long.

The cohesion of this Heaven Sword cost more than 3000 top-grade Lingjing.


Song Yan drinks it again. Suddenly, there are nine fist sized black chains around the Taoist in Qingyi. The runes on these chains are flashing. The other end goes into the void. The other end locks the arms, legs, body, head and neck of the Taoist in Qingyi.


The heaven sword on the head shakes. The next moment, it will cut off towards the Taoist in Qingyi. josei

"Drive it for me!"

Taoist Qingyi felt the threat of the huge Heaven Sword from the top of his head. The xuanlei energy in his body surged and tried to break nine black chains. As he pulled, the whole array space shook violently and was in danger of collapse at any time.

"Collapse! Collapse! Collapse! Collapse! "

The four chains on the hands and feet of Taoist Qingyi were torn, but Tianjian was cut at this moment.


The Taoist in Qingyi roared to the sky. He used his whole body strength to make a fist to face the sky sword.


A huge force exploded, and a wave of annihilated light pushed around, breaking up the space layer upon layer, turning the whole world into a black hole.

The Heaven Sword broke away, but the Taoist in Qingyi

[the author's aside]: first, thank you for urging you to write quickly] [demons, monsters, fire], [solitary, eccentric, male, born], [moriyan], [forget_ Me: five big rewards

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