Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305

In the lobby of the teahouse opposite to Zixian Pavilion, there are crowded people, and each seat is full of tea guests.

"Although the song inkstone is new to the capital of the emperor, the name of beigongshang is too loud. As long as the song inkstone is not a fool, he will not die!" Someone analyzed.

"Isn't that to say, we can't see the good play?" Some people said regretfully.

"Not necessarily!"

Suddenly an old monk said mysteriously, "do you know the origin of the song inkstone?"

"Doesn't this kid have a big start? Or is he a new disciple of a large sect? "

"No!" Lao Xiu shook his head and became more mysterious.

"Don't sell off, old man. Tell me the origin of the song inkstone!"

"Yes, old master, please don't play tricks!"

Hearing the crowd's urging, Lao Xiu took a sip of tea and then began to speak slowly: "this song inkstone comes from the Tang Dynasty!"

"Tang Dynasty? That little Dynasty in a remote area? " A way despised by a young monk.

"Haha, I thought that song inkstone had something to do with it. It turned out that it was just a cultivator from a remote Dynasty. Haha, it's just him that deserves to fight with Bei Gong Shang. Hum, it's a waste of our time!"

"Yeah, it's boring!"

"It's doomed!"

"Haha, I don't want to see it. Let's go. Why don't you go to the brothel and listen to the ditty?"

Seeing that people didn't like song Yan, Lao Xiu smiled and asked in a loud voice, "do you think Tang Dynasty is a remote place?"

"Isn't it?" Practitioners sneer.

Some people sneer at laoxiu: "old Sir, don't make a fool of yourself here!"

"Haha!" Lao Xiu suddenly gave a strange laugh: "you are too young. Although the Tang Dynasty is located in a remote area, there are also experts there. For example, there are immortals sitting in the town of taiyijiao, the state religion of the Tang Dynasty." josei

"Impossible? Can there be immortals in the remote areas? " Some people questioned, but their faces were rather surprised.

"If there is no immortal in Tang Dynasty, can I allow him to exist in Dazhou?" The old man said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, all the monks in the hall bowed their heads and thought about it. They all thought that Lao Xiu had a point.

Lao Xiu's voice continued to ring: "Taiyi religion has been established for a hundred thousand years. There are immortals sitting in the temple, and there are also immortals handed down to suppress Qi luck. There are more than a few hands in the temple, and there are hundreds of combination experts!"

Hearing the old man's words, all the practitioners in the hall were surprised.

"Isn't it true that the taiyijiao is more powerful than the first-class sect of the great Zhou Dynasty?"

"Yes!" Lao Xiu nodded.

"Is that song inkstone from taiyijiao?" Suddenly someone asked.

Lao Xiu shook his head: "no, that song Yan is not a disciple of Taiyi school. Instead, he has made a great deal of trouble with Taiyi school!"

"Impossible? That song inkstone is only distracted in the later period. How dare he oppose taiyijiao? " Another question was raised.

Lao Xiu smiled but didn't speak.

"Come on, give this elder a pot of the best tea. It's on my account!" There's a prince of Royal Guards talking loudly.

"Thank you very much, young man!"

The old monk nodded to the Royal Prince and continued to talk. He slowly talked about what song Yan had done in the Tang Dynasty and how he had destroyed the half divided altar of Taiyi sect. He was so stunned that everyone was speechless.

However, some people still question: "old man, you can't make this up. No matter how powerful song Yan is, he can't be distracted later. How can he kill so many combination experts?"

"Haha!" "In fact, I'm quite skeptical when I get this news, but song Yan did one thing when he entered the territory of my Zhou Dynasty."

Then, Lao Xiu explained song Yan's deeds in Xianfeng city.

The Tang Dynasty is too far away, and everyone has no clear understanding of the Tang Dynasty, but it happened in Xianfeng City, so they have an intuitive understanding.

Kill 290000 demon cultivators and capture the combined demon king alive.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

Some people also exclaimed, "sword kills 290000 demons. This inkstone of Song Dynasty is so murderous that it's a reincarnation of killing stars!"

Suddenly, someone ran in and shouted, "you guys, the gambling house is on the way. Song Yan can't live out of Zixian Pavilion for 10% of the price, and live out for 10% of the price!"

Hearing this odds, many cultivators in the hall are happy. Song Yan is so fierce that he has a great chance to walk out of Zixian Pavilion.

However, some people are worried that although song Yan is fierce, beigongshang is not an ordinary person. It's hard for a strong dragon to defeat a local snake. What's more, beigongshang itself is a small dragon.

"This is an opportunity, go to bet quickly, I can press song Yan to walk out alive!"

Cried someone.

For a while, everyone swarmed out of the tea house and went to gamble.

And in the box of this teahouse.

Nangongyue, Dongfang yubai and other dandy disciples are all here.They heard the conversation about song Yan downstairs.

"I can't imagine that song inkstone is so powerful!" Oriental jade cypress some sigh way.

"It's better to knock off some teeth of beigongshang!" A playboy said.

"If he can walk out of Zixian Pavilion alive this time, I will make good friends with him!" Nangong Yue said with a smile.

"Here comes the song inkstone!"

All of a sudden, a dandy exclaimed, for a moment, people released their divine sense, and found that a young man in white was walking slowly at the end of the street.

The young man's face was calm and calm. He didn't seem to worry about the next thing at all.

On both sides of the street, countless eyes fell on Song Yan, who was curious, sarcastic, disdainful and even gloating.

In a small tea shop, Murong Hongdou looks at the song Yan walking slowly. His eyes show some worry and concern. Looking back, he says to the old man who is drinking tea leisurely: "Grandpa, do you think he will be ok?"

"Don't worry, a good man's life is not long, which brings disaster for thousands of years!" The old man's calm way.

"You mean he's ok?" Murong's face was full of joy.

"Girl, do you care so much about that stinky boy, is it...?" Suddenly, the old man stared at his granddaughter suspiciously, playing with the taste.

Murong red bean cheeks slightly red: "Grandpa, don't talk nonsense, others just don't have it."

Seeing his granddaughter's performance like this, the old man's eyes could not help but flash a trace of sadness.

Song Yan walked slowly in the clean street, he could feel countless gods and minds were spying on him, and many bold eyes were looking at him.

He didn't care.

Finally, he came to the gate of zixiange, and his eyes fell on the four guards of beigongshang.

"I came to meet you. Where is Mr. Bei Gong?" Song Yan asked.

"Haha! If you want to see my son, you have to pass our pass first! " One guard laughs and stares at Song Yan unkindly. These four guards, three peaks in the later period of distraction and one in the early period of integration.

But seeing this scene, all the spectators could not help but show their excitement. Many people even shouted, fight fast, start fast and so on.

[author's digression]: it seems that some readers in the book review area have mentioned that the chapters are confused. It seems that they are blaming mosquitoes. The mosquito doesn't carry the mosquito in this pot, because it is likely that there is something wrong with your tower reading app. If you delete the app and download another one, you should be able to solve the problem.

In addition, thank you for the great rewards of red flame out of the sky

[my dream flying], [the dead of the spiritual world], [in the account], [recalling Jiangnan and Jiangnan], [ice heart fire], [Fengdi], [traveling alone for thousands of miles], [Liu Menglong], [your good friend]

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