Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325

"One move? With just one move, song Yan killed the early stage of a combination! " Even if everyone has heard that song Yan has the power to kill the middle stage of the body, it will still be shocking to see a body master die in his hand in an instant.

"No, he didn't even use a move!"

All of a sudden, someone exclaimed, because the sword Qi shot by song Yan was not a move at all.

In that small yard, beigongshang's eyes narrowed slightly, and there were murderous surges in his eyes. This scene reminds him of the scene that his guard was killed.

"Kill, the more you kill, the more irresolvable the conflict between you and Wu Siyang!"

"This song inkstone is really decisive in killing people. It's merciless to kill people!" In the other courtyard, Oriental jade cypress said with a complex look.

In the folk house, the eyes like the moon and the autumn water gleamed: "this kid is so decisive, but he has the demeanor of our demon clan."

"How dare you kill my man!"

All of a sudden, a roar with anger resounded all over the place. It was Wu Siyang. This time, he didn't call himself Xiao Wang, obviously he was furious to the extreme.

"Why not?" Song Yan lightly replied: "he came to kill me. I can't stand there and let him kill!"

"But he's from my manor house!" Wu Siyang's eyes are congested.

"So what!" Song inkstone eyebrows a little pick.

"Good! Good! " Wu Siyang calmed down his mood a little and said in a gloomy voice: "you have completely angered Xiao Wang, so today Xiao Wang will let you die in despair!"

Speaking of this, Wu Siyang's fingers crossed four bodyguards at the beginning of the combination, and said in a cold voice, "you four go to kill him!"

"Do it!"

The four bodyguards are decisive men who are ordered to fight directly.

A long one, with enough temperature to distort the void, a surging sword light with supreme sword meaning, and a black long gun that turns into a shadow, together with a fist that can easily smash the heaven and earth, kill song inkstone.

The four men had a tacit understanding. The attack seemed to be scattered, but it formed a continuous momentum, and blocked the possibility of song Yan's evasion. In their opinion, song Yan could kill the former bodyguard by the strange sword light, so forcing him to shake hard could resolve his advantages.

But they didn't know that although song Yanxiu was only in the later period of distraction, the purity and quantity of the real yuan in his body was no less than that in the later period of the combination. In addition, he took a lot of cold Lingdan, and his potential was so strong that his spirit was even stronger than that in the later period of the combination.


Facing the siege of four people, song Yangen didn't do anything to dodge.

Seeing that the attack of the four people was about to swallow him, song Yan suddenly raised his right arm and then shot him out.


The seemingly ordinary fist contains the supreme power and the destructive power from powerful to terror.

One blow, the fire dragon is out.

The second punch, the sword is broken.

In the third blow, the black long gun was shown and made a crispy sound, then there were dense cracks on it, and then it broke into several sections with a few clicks.

The fourth fist, hit with the fist of the bodyguard. Then, the body of the other side explodes directly in the mid air and turns into a blood mist.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed a very shocked and stunned expression. They downplayed the attack of three of them and killed one of them with four punches.

Too fierce, too fierce.

Even if the combination of the middle of the siege can not do so in the face of four people, let alone a distracted late.

At the same time that people were shocked by this scene, song Yan's body shape moved.


A shadow flashed quickly to the extreme, and even most people felt that song Yan had never moved when standing in place.

Just then.

"Poop! Putong! Poop

The sound of three falls was heard, but the three bodyguards fell to the sky, and their vitality dissipated at a very fast speed.

"Second kill!"

"It's definitely a second kill!"

"In the early stage of killing the three in one breath, can this be done in the later stage of distraction?"

Even if you see it with your own eyes, there are many people who can't believe it and can't accept it.

However, Wu Siyang's face turned black and blue at this moment, which is a shame. Are all the guards in his house useless? How could he be killed easily by a pariah like killing chickens and dogs?

"Is the bodyguard in the manor mansion just like this?" Song Yan's voice followed closely. If the fire adds fuel to the fire, Wu Siyang was almost blown up by Qi. Then he pointed to a middle part of the body and said: "you go!"

But he immediately pointed to the other two metaphases: "you go together!"

Seeing this, I was deeply relieved that the middle period of the body was the first time pointed out, because he was sure that he was not the opponent of the young man alone.

"Last time, song Yan killed two metaphases. This time, can he kill three metaphases?" There is a way of observing war."Probably! The last time he killed the bodyguard of beigongshang, the time he spent was very short, which shows that he still has the spare power. It may not be that he did not kill the possibility of the middle stage of the three combinations! "


In the middle of the three combinations, there was a lot of killing, no unnecessary nonsense, and they went straight to the market.

The momentum of their hand is even greater, the whole world is shaking, as if to break.


Just then, a crisp light drink sounded.


It's the sound of the sword coming out of its sheath.

White with sword, step on the sky.

Sword shakes Kyushu, sword drinks human blood!

There is no great momentum, no awesome sword Qi, only three sword Qi that is almost to the extreme, and the mysterious sword meaning that permeates the void.

"Poop poop!"

Three blood splashes, then into a blood bead, scattered from the air.

The body of the three bodyguards in the middle of the body is like a body immobilization technique. They stop breathing in the middle of the air and then fall down.

"BAM bam!"

The sound of the collision between the body and the ground is like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart. At this moment, everyone's pupil can't help but shrink, and many people's eyes flash with fear and awe.

It's true that the three bodyguards who fell to the ground were the middle bodyguards.

In that small yard.

Beigongshang suddenly got up. He didn't even realize that the teacup on the table had been knocked over. He stared at Song Yan with his eyes fixed on him. His eyes were filled with horror. There was also a deep jealousy. There was a fear in his heart.

Because he saw that in that day, song Yan still retained a lot of strength.

"So strong!"

In another courtyard, nangongyue Oriental jade cypress and others are all stupid. At the same time, nangongyue's heart is filled with a huge regret. If such an expert can attract around, he can absolutely crush beigongshang. Unfortunately, because his mind can't accommodate people, Shengsheng pushes such a fierce person away. josei

In the house, the face of Houyue is a little more dignified, because this boy is even stronger than she imagined.

In the Song Dynasty mansion, the old man was drinking a little wine while throwing Lingxiang beans in his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes were inadvertently sweeping towards the direction outside the mansion, and he was slightly stunned. He couldn't help saying: "how can this boy be so powerful?"

[author's extras]: after the update of the third update, thanks for the reward from Claire Luqiu

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