Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1332

Chapter 1332

One month passed in a flash. In junjiutian's place, song Yan benefited a lot. He did not lack cultivation skills or resources, but the guidance of famous teachers.

Jun Jiutian is a good teacher. He often points to the essence of things in one sentence, and can answer song Yan's questions in practice with the least words.

So, in January, his accomplishments did not improve much, and his strength did not change much, but his mind seemed to undergo a transformation and sublimation.

"Thank you very much, master!"

Song Yan stood up and bowed to Jun Jiutian. He really thanked each other.

Jun Jiutian smiled and nodded. He accepted the gift in peace of mind. Song Yan was very satisfied with his intelligence and aptitude. He only needed to mention a little. The other side could not only understand the problem, but also draw inferences from others.

To tell you the truth, it's also a very comfortable thing to be able to point out such a talented cultivation as song Yan. There's even so much to be desired. Unfortunately, the time of January has come. josei

Just then, a young man in black came.

He first worshipped the emperor nine days, then smiled at Song Yandao and said, "I think this is song Yansong's younger martial brother who is new to my Phoenix. I'm Cheng su. Welcome to join us."

"Song Yan met senior brother chengsu." Song Yan also smiled.

"You are welcome. This is your identity token!"

Cheng Su thrust a token into song Yan's hand. On the front was a vivid picture of Phoenix bathing in fire. On the back was an inkstone written in ancient seal script.

"Externally, you are one of the core disciples of Fenghuang Tianjiao. Internally, you are my junior brother of Huangmai." Cheng Su continued.

"Thank you very much, elder martial brother Cheng." Song Yan nodded.

"Come with me. I'll take you to recognize our senior brother and tell you something else by the way!"


Song Yan nodded again, then said goodbye to Jun Jiutian and followed Cheng Su down the mountain.

As he went down the mountain, Cheng Su introduced the situation of Huang Mai to song Yan: "now we have 226 disciples, only 63 of whom stay in the fairyland. Everyone else has gone to the outside world!

In addition, although our Huangmai disciples are also core disciples, our treatment is far superior to ordinary core disciples. You can go to the core gate support hall with your identity token to get your cultivation resources when you have time.

In addition, the Sutra Pavilion in the core gate is also open to us, but there are many skills, even the magic of Taoism. But the most important thing for you is to upgrade your cultivation to the integration period. It's better not to be blinded by the magic of those skills, because after you reach the integration period, any one of the six elders can learn the skills you can't imagine With the gods! "

"Thank you for reminding me!"

Song Yan said again, he could feel the sincerity and kindness in the tone of chengsu.

Cheng Su smiled: "you are welcome between my martial brothers. If we two disciples don't dye power, naturally there will be less intrigue. Our biggest goal is to cultivate as soon as possible."

Talking, they came to the hillside, where there is a forest, behind which is a vacant lot. There are hundreds of ordinary stone houses of different sizes in the vacant lot, and there is a flying waterfall not far away.

Cheng Su pointed to the stone houses and said, "the stone houses here are basically left by the former senior brothers. Although the stone houses are ordinary, those senior brothers often meditate and practice in them for a long time. It is inevitable that the stone houses will catch some rhymes. Practicing in them will help you break through the combination. Of course, you can build one yourself!"

Suddenly, Cheng Su seemed to think of something. Looking at Song Yandao, "do you know that the strength of any one of our disciples can be far greater than that of other disciples of the same rank?"

Song Yan looks at each other doubtfully.

Cheng Su continued: "it's full of the spirit of fairies. The spirit of fairies is far more powerful than the spirit. If you can turn the real yuan in your body into the power of fairies, your strength will naturally be far superior to other practitioners of the same level."

"So it is!" The inkstone of Song Dynasty shows a sudden color.

"Well, I'll take you to meet those senior brothers!"

With the introduction of Cheng Su, song Yan met sixty-two senior brothers who were practicing here. Their attitudes were very kind, but to song Yan's surprise, they did not exist in the transitional period.

Maybe it's to see what he thinks. After introducing those elder martial brothers, Cheng Su said, "younger martial brother is wondering why there's no elder martial brother here who's going through the robbery?"

"Yes!" Song Yan nodded.

Cheng Su explained: "the small world is too small, and the master of the crossing robbery is too scared to take the energy. So, once the crossing robbery is completed, the disciples of the two branches will take the initiative to leave here. First, after the crossing robbery, they will prepare for the next day's robbery. Second, if they practice here, maybe one day's robbery will suddenly fall down, which will cause damage here. Third, they Cultivating here will affect others! "

"Are the six elders also looters?" Song Yan suddenly asked.

"In the future you will know." Cheng Su's strange smile.

Although the other side didn't answer him, the meaning was quite obvious. None of the six elders was a robber and should have existed beyond the period of robber.Next, song Yan chose an empty stone house to live in.

When his mind moved, he sat in the stone room and took out the skill that Jun Jiutian had given him.

From his point of view, this skill is quite brilliant, at least not inferior to the ordinary immortal level skill, but it is far worse than his cultivation of "the secret of breaking the Heaven Sword". No wonder that Jun Jiutian did not force him to cultivate this skill.

Throw this skill into the storage ring, and he sits cross legged, urging the secret of breaking the Heaven Sword to work.

With the movement of his skill, the spirit of fairies between heaven and earth was pulled to his body.

Refining and integration.

Just one Sunday, the quality of the real element that integrates part of the spirit of fairies will be improved one level.


Song Yan couldn't help praising that it would take a lot of time to improve the quality of Zhenyuan in the outside world, but here, it's only a quarter of an hour.

He didn't continue to absorb the spirit of fairies, but improved a lot of quality of the real yuan used to nourish the flesh body yuan baby.

In a few hours, his body and the new baby have been improved a lot.

So he continued to absorb the spirit of fairies.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours!

Twelve hours!

In a twinkling of an eye, in the past few days, Zhenyuan in Song inkstone has changed dramatically. The quality of Zhenyuan is at least ten times higher than before it attracted the spirit of fairies.

If he uses the present real yuan to urge "the secret of breaking the Heaven Sword", he can easily kill the later period of the combination.

Even so, his real yuan has not reached the level of Xianyuan power.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Ten days.

Half a month.

Finally, song inkstone completed the transformation from zhenyuanli to xianyuanli.

[author's digression]: thanks for the great reward from Tokyo >

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