Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Nangongyue waved, and the simple box fell into his hands. He held the box in both hands, handed it to song Yan, and smiled, "brother song, this is my intention. Please accept it."

"What is it?" Song Yan asked with a smile and took over the box.

"Brother song might as well open it." Nangong moon Road, between the eyebrows with a bit of pride.


Song Yan opened the case, a ruler long or so, and a transparent gem about the size of a thumb was inlaid on the hilt. The thin and sharp blue short sword came into view, but there was a restriction on the short sword, which temporarily restrained its breath, so it could not see its grade.

"Brother song might as well untie its ban." Nangong Yue said again.


Song Yan nodded. The prohibition on the sword is not complicated. Even those who don't understand the prohibition can break it by force.

He pinched the Dharma formula and entered the sword, then the forbidden system on the sword disappeared. Suddenly, an extremely sharp breath burst out from the dagger.

"Good sword!" Oriental jade cypress couldn't help praising.

Without the cover of the forbidden system, the breath of this sword can no longer be covered. Song Yan saw at a glance that it was a nine level spirit sword, especially the breath from the sword. He felt that it was not a common nine level spirit sword.

"What's the origin of this sword?"

Song Yan picked up the dagger, but felt that the sword actually resisted him and seemed to want to fly away from him.

Nangong Yue said with a smile, "brother song has good eyesight. This sword is called qingjiao sword. It's the sword once worn by immortal Qingli."

"Heaven, it's the sword of real green glaze!"

Dongfang jade cypress and others, hearing the words, all showed the color of extreme shock and awe.

"Is this real green glaze person of great origin?" Song Yan asked with some doubts.

"I know that."

Wei Gong rushes to say: "it's said that this green glaze immortal is the most powerful sword immortal after the black and white sword immortal, and this green Jiao sword is made by breaking into the land of the demons, beheading an old Jiao in the period of crossing the calamity, using the Jiao Jiao of the old Jiao. Because of this, he was chased and killed by many powerful people in the land of the demons, but in the end, he managed to escape from the land of the demons!" Speaking of this, Wei palace suddenly showed the color of doubt: "no, it's said that immortal Qingli likes this green Jiao sword very much. He never leaves. How could he fall into the hands of Nangong prince?"

"Well, you only know one unknown and the other!" Dongfang yubai interposed: "immortal Qingli has unparalleled combat power. Although he successfully escaped from the land of TIANYAO, he also suffered a lot of dark injuries. Unexpectedly, his dark injuries haven't been cured. The sky robbery suddenly came. If he wasn't injured, it's not difficult to survive the sky robbery. So in the end, he died under the last sky robbery. It's really a pity!" josei

"Not bad!" Nangong Yue's voice rang out again: "immortal Qingli was killed by the last Tianlei, and all the spiritual tools and storage rings he carried were destroyed. However, this green dragon sword was ok, but it absorbed a little power of robbing thunder. It advanced from eight level spiritual sword to nine level spiritual sword. This sword was collected in the royal treasury and later given to my father by the empress. It's a pity that this sword Although the rank is high, only sword cultivation can give full play to its real power. Therefore, when I see brother song's excellent sword technique, I will go to beg my father to give it to brother song! "

"Gentlemen don't rob people of their love. What's more, this sword is too valuable. Brother Nangong, take it back!"

Song Yan put the green dragon sword back into the box and gave it back to Nangong moon.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue was not worried. He pretended to be unhappy: "brother song, it's just called a sword with a hero. It's useless to leave this sword in my father's hands. Instead of wasting it, it's better to give it to brother song, who is a sword master, to play his strengths. If brother song treats me as a friend, please take this green Jiao sword!"


Song Yan shows hesitation.

"Brother song, brother Nangong is also kind. Take it!" Said Oriental jade cypress.

"Yes, brother song, take it. Don't disappoint brother Nangong!" Xing Wuji, the little grandson of Xingshang calligrapher, also advised.

Then, Lu Hao, the youngest son of Lu Yushi, and Zhou Po, the second son of Zhou Shilang's family, began to persuade each other, hoping that song Yan's sword could be used.

A good sword is also of great help to the strength of song Yan.

Before that, he got the sword of black and white sword immortal. Unfortunately, in order to hide from taiyijiao, the sword fell into taiyijiao's hands. This green dragon sword is no less than black and white sword immortal's sword. So, he is naturally very moved.

It's just that the sword was given by Nangong Yue. The other side sent him such a heavy gift. I'm sure he didn't ask for anything, so he would refuse.

However, seeing that everyone came to persuade him, he really couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it, so he nodded: "in that case, I will accept it, thank you brother Nangong!"

"No harm! Let's keep drinking! " Nangong Yue waves her hands in disapproval. It seems that she doesn't care about giving out a treasure.

Just when song Yan and others were drinking in the Haitian Pavilion, a dusty spirit beast car, under the control of an old servant, drove into the imperial capital quietly."Princess, shall we go directly to the mansion or Haitian pavilion?" The old servant turned and asked the man in the car in a low voice.

There is a woman in blue with a long sword in her arms. She looks like she is in her early thirties. Her face is cold and her eyes are closed on the carriage as if she is asleep.

Hearing the old servant's inquiry, the woman in blue opened her eyes, and a trace of nostalgia appeared on her face: "I haven't tasted the seafood of Haitian Pavilion for more than 30 years, and I miss it very much. Go to Haitian Pavilion!"

"Yes, we haven't returned to the imperial capital for more than 30 years!"

The old servant sighed softly and drove the spirit beast car straight to Haitian Pavilion.

Half an hour later, the spirit beast car resists the Haitian Pavilion.

The old servant opened the door carefully, and the woman in blue walked down from the car with her sword in her arms and strode to the Haitian Pavilion. The old servant followed her with a little bow.

"I'm sorry, you two. The Haitian pavilion has been booked today. Please come back another day!" The man standing at the door stopped them, saying politely.

Wen Yan, the woman in blue frowned slightly, and finally sighed, "that's all, come back another day!"

"Princess, if you don't want me to..."

"No need to go back to the mansion!" The woman in blue interrupted the old servant and turned to leave.

At this time, a group of people from the second floor, is song Yan and others.

The woman in Qingyi, who was about to leave, suddenly turned back and stared at the green Jiao sword on Song Yan's hand.

"Why is the green dragon sword on you?"

In the eyes of the woman in blue, she asked in a cold voice.

"What does this have to do with you?" "Nangong moon snatches the sound to answer a way.

"Answer me!"

The woman in blue doesn't care about nangongyue at all. She still stares at Song inkstone. At the same time, a strong momentum rises from her and locks song inkstone.

Feel the powerful momentum of this woman, Nangong month and others are surprised.

However, Nangong Yue was very dissatisfied with the fact that he was ignored by the other side. She said coldly, "why is it that qingjiao sword is taking care of you in brother song? Go away quickly and don't make us angry!"

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