Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

The next day, Princess Qingping's residence.

"How is your injury?" Princess Qingping is gently wiping her sword. She looks at the old servant who is bowing.

"Don't worry about the princess. The old slave is all right." The old servant's body bowed again.

"Oh, that's good."

The old servant's eyes flashed, and his voice sank: "princess, the young man's detailed identity information has been collected." josei

"Well, speak!"

Princess Qingping has wiped the sword for the second time. She has been doing it for decades every morning.

Every time she wiped it, she felt that the connection with the sword was closer.

"Yes, that boy is song Yan. He appeared in the imperial capital more than two months ago..."

Princess Qingping listened to the old slave calmly. Even when she heard that the bodyguard of beigongshang was killed, she didn't show any mood fluctuation. Until the old servant said that all the people in the manor mansion were killed, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and suddenly said, "although thirteen is naughty, he is my brother after all, Siyang is his only heir. This is the matter I have to manage it. Send someone to the inn to take Siyang to the mansion! "

"Yes!" The old servant nodded and continued to talk about song Yan: "two months ago, song Yan was accepted as the core disciple by Fenghuang Tianjiao as an exception."

"No wonder you dare to refuse me. I was the core disciple of Fenghuang Tianjiao!" Princess Qingping raised her eyebrows and said, "but what about that? Phoenix Tianjiao's face has to be given. You send someone to send him an invitation to my house for dinner!"


After a night of fermentation, song Yan offended Princess Qingping, and the story has been passed down to no one in the hierarchy.

Beigong mansion.

"Retribution, retribution!"

"Song Yan, even if you are the core disciple of Fenghuang Tianjiao, how can you offend Princess Qingping..."

But when he said that, his brow suddenly wrinkled, because last time he thought that song Yan must die, the result was that he cut off all the people in the manor Prince's mansion. This time he thought that song Yan must die again, but that guy had some evil sects, which may not be able to turn the corner.

"No, I have to do something!"

Thinking of this, his eyes flash quickly, and finally a subordinate whispers his orders.

Go to the government.

In the boudoir of Shangguan Haitang, she just woke up in a silk Pajama, showing her beautiful body, especially the two pairs on her chest, showing half, round and full.

"Miss, you are awake!"

Two servant girls came in with toiletries.


Shangguan Haitang opens her arms and enjoys the service of two beautiful maids.

Dressed neatly, a servant girl said: "Miss, last night the chief manager sent a message jade Jane. Because it was too late, the servant girl made up her mind and didn't present it to the miss."

"Well! Come on. " Shangguan Haitang didn't show a little angry meaning, let two servant girls relax.

Soon, the information sent by the chief executive, Yu Jian, fell into the hands of Haitang, the superior official. When the divine sense was swept away, the information in the jade Jian was directly printed into her sea of knowledge.


After reading the news on the jade slips, Shangguan Haitang couldn't help chuckling: "this song inkstone is really a trouble maker. Just one day after he came back, he offended the princess Qingping."

Star Tower.

On the bed, the call moon in Tulle lies lazily. The beautiful figure is invisible and attractive. She also has a jade Jane in her hand. When she finished reading the information inside, she could not help but caress her head and say: "this guy really doesn't know how to stop. How long has it been since he offended Princess Qingping again!"

The hours of a morning are fleeting.

Things that had only been circulated among the ranks of the powerful suddenly became known to the public under the promotion of the interested people.

"Haha, this song inkstone is in great trouble. Princess Qingping is an expert in the period of plundering." There is a way for practitioners to gloat.

"So what, song Yan is now the core disciple of Fenghuang Tianjiao. Does Princess Qingping dare to kill him?"

"You don't know. Princess Qingping is famous for her hatred of evil. At the beginning, she fell in love with immortal Qingli because the younger sister of the superior prime minister was also pursuing immortal Qingli. As a result, Princess Qingping killed the younger sister of the superior prime minister with one sword!"

"No!" Someone exclaimed.

"Why not, and some of the daughters who were killed together were all the daughters of the powerful people in the dynasty. Then, Princess Qingping has nothing to do!"

"Isn't that inkstone of Song Dynasty dead to say so!"

"Haha, who calls him arrogant? Even Princess Qingping should be offended!"

This kind of conversation constantly appears in every teahouse and corner of the imperial capital.

Most people are not optimistic about song inkstone.At this time, another news came out that Princess Qingping sent someone to take the little princess from the inn to the princess's mansion.

Then someone jumped out and said, "Princess Qingping and the brother and sister of Princess Muye are deeply in love, while the little princess is the only heir of the princess Muye. As an aunt, Princess Qingping will definitely take the lead for the little princess in the last time!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for the last time, there would be a chance to turn around between Song Yan and Princess Qingping. Now it seems that we must not die forever!"

In a garden in the Song Dynasty mansion, song Yan is playing with Li Tianluo and Lin Waner to fight against the landlord. Suddenly, Qin Xiaoyu comes in a hurry.

At the end of the first round, song Yan asked, "what can I do for you?"

Qin Xiaoyu sent an invitation with a dignified look, and said: "the invitation of Princess Qingping."

"Oh, put it there!" Song Yan nodded lightly.

"Young master, you can't go this time. It's a Hongmen feast!" Qin Xiaoyu said nervously, "and I heard that Princess Qingping has sent people to receive the prince Wu Siyang!"

Smell words, Li Tianluo and Lin Waner are also nervous.

Song Yan said after a little silence: "this matter can't be avoided in any way."

"Or you can go back to Fenghuang Tianjiao to hide for a while!" Qin Xiaoyu suggested: "even if the princess Qingping is brave enough, she can't be forced into Fenghuang Tianjiao!"

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled: "Princess Qingping is not as terrible as she imagined, and I am not as weak as she imagined."

"My husband, why don't you just take a moment to avoid the attack?" Li Tianluo suddenly opens her mouth.

"Don't worry, I never do anything uncertain for my husband!" Song Yan turned to Qin Xiaoyu and said, "send someone to tell the person who sent the invitation. I will go to the dinner on time."

"All right!" Qin Xiaoyu has some helpless ways, but thinking of her childe's character of never flinching, she also knows that he will not be a turtle even if he persuades.

I don't know who leaked the news. The news that song Yan will go to the Qingping princess's mansion for dinner tonight will soon spread.

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