Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1363

Chapter 1363

It's not easy to get rid of these experts. However, immortal Mingtan's face is still blue. It's not dissipated at all, but more and more thick.

"How are the people of the Yin and Yang school?" Mingtan asked to the air.

All of a sudden, the air twisted, and a black figure appeared, respectfully saying, "go back to Zhangjiao, the people of Yinyang sect are secretly locked in a small city!"

"You immediately order people to spread the news, and ask song Yan to get to that small town in ten days. One day later, he will kill ten people of the Yin and Yang clan!"


The black figure was distorted and then dissipated directly into the air.

Yangtiancheng, a small county in the Tang Dynasty, was locked in a group of mysterious monks several days ago.

There are 13 jailers guarding the prison. The most powerful jailer is only on the seventh level of Qi refining. The accomplishments of ordinary jailers are between the fourth and sixth levels of Qi refining.

Wei Datou, the leader of the prison guard, is a man of great vision. From the clothes and the identity of these people, they should not be ordinary cultivators. Moreover, there are men, women, old and young in this group, which is likely to be from a certain clan.

If, as usual, he saw such disciples, he could only bow and bow and bow and bow.

But this time, these people are better than ordinary people when their accomplishments are sealed. Although they have no right to kill them, they still have the right to torture them.

"Head Wei, you are here."

As soon as he entered the prison, two jailers greeted him with a flattering smile. Yesterday, he took a storage bag from a young disciple. Although there were only dozens of inferior Lingjing and low-level magic weapons in it, it was a huge sum of money for him. You should know that his salary in a month was settled by silver note, even if his salary in a year was not enough to buy one inferior Lingjing.

Dozens of inferior Lingjing are enough for him to make a fortune.

So last night, he went to the brothel in the county town and had a great time.

This is not, taste the sweetness of him, ready to seize a few storage bags.

"Are those guys honest?"

Wei asked with his head held high.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wei. Those guys are very honest!" Two jailers asked with a smile.

"Well, call all the brothers on duty. I have something to announce!" Wei Datou nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, yes!"

Two jailers hurriedly called up four other jailers on duty.

"I'm happy today. I'm going to invite some of you bastards to drink and eat meat. This is the silver note. Take it to buy some good wine and vegetables!" Wei Datou took out a large silver note from his arms and threw it to one of the jailers.

The jailer named san'er's eyes brightened at the number on the silver note, which was a thousand Liang.

"Head Wei, is there too much silver

"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry to buy food and wine. You bastards can share the rest!" "Wei big head is extravagant wave a way.


When six jailers heard this, they were overjoyed. They spent at most one hundred liang of silver to buy wine and vegetables, and nine hundred Liang was left to share. Each of them could also share more than one hundred Liang. You should know that a jailer like them has a salary of twenty-three dozen Liang in January.

More than a hundred Liang is not half a year's salary.

Thinking of this, the rest of the jailers immediately flattered Wei touer.

and Wei Tai tau enjoyed it very much, but in the heart he scolded. A few woodlouse, more than a hundred silver coins were worth your pleasure. You know, a lower Ling Ling can sell tens of thousands of two silver.

Soon, saner came back with a good table of wine and vegetables, which cost 120 Liang. josei

Seeing this, Wei said in a loud voice, "you bastards are welcome. Eat and drink hard. If you don't finish eating, you won't give me face!"

So next, all the jailers gathered together to eat and drink.

Within half an hour, six jailers were all drunk.

Wei big head sees shape, the corner of the mouth not from many point sneer: "come, everybody continues to drink!"

A quarter of an hour later, all the jailers were drunk.

Wei called out one by one, and found that they were all drunk. He could not help smiling a little more proudly. He walked quickly to a cell, then took out the key and opened the cell door.

There are five people in this cell, four men and one woman. The men are all young, and the women are very beautiful, which makes Wei Dazou very excited.

"Give me all your storage bags, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" "Wei big head vicious threat way.

"What are you, and dare to covet our things!"

A scornful sneer from a young man.


With a flash of cold light in Wei's eyes, he rushed up to the young man and kicked him. He beat him to scream and scream. He was hurt all over before he stopped.

"Again, hand over the storage bag, or I will kill you!" Wei Dazhou glanced at the other four and threatened again.Smell speech, that woman's expression is quite calm, the other three faces all appeared the color of sadness and indignation, they are all the inner courtyard disciples of yin and Yang clan, the existence of the foundation period, now unexpectedly was threatened by a small prison.

Unfortunately, their accomplishments have been sealed. Otherwise, they have to make this guy into meat sauce.

"I don't have a storage bag, only a storage ring, you either!"

The woman suddenly opened her mouth and took off a ring on her finger.

It can be seen that Wei Dadou is a bit of a fool. The storage bag can only be regarded as a very low-level magic weapon. His cultivation can barely be opened, but the storage ring is extremely precious. At least the cultivator in the foundation period is qualified to have it. With his cultivation of Qi refining seven layers, he can't break the storage ring and get the things inside.

"And three of them? It's not a storage ring, is it? " Wei Datou stares at the other three.


The three men groaned coldly and threw out three storage bags. Wei Dahou grasped them with satisfaction, but his eyes brightened. Then he went to the disciple of Yin Yang sect who was beaten by him and pulled the storage bag off his waist.

Four storage bags, even if there are only ten inferior crystal in each storage bag, can make him make a fortune.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the woman again: "they all handed over the storage bag, but you took out a useless storage ring to fool me, so I have to..."

Big head Wei jumped at the woman with a strange smile.

"Dare you!" The woman snapped, but her voice could not cause a little deterrence to Wei Dadou at all. At that time, the woman's face became extremely panic, subconsciously wanted to dodge, but her cultivation was sealed, where there was Wei Dadou's speed.

Seeing that she was about to be hugged by Wei Dadou, a figure suddenly appeared in the cell, and pointed out from nowhere, Wei Dadou was set in place.

"Young man!" The woman couldn't help making a joyful cry when she saw the old man.

And song Yan winked at him, joking: "big beautiful girl, long time no see!"

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