Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369

Hearing song Yan's abusive words, Zhu Rongchen's face suddenly turned red, and even the green tendons on his forehead burst. He never dreamed that the ants and grasshoppers in his eyes could threaten his life in a flash.

Especially his two apprentices are still on the stage, which is a great humiliation to him. A crazy killing is intended to breed in his heart. He stares at Song Yandao maliciously: "do you really think you can kill the Buddha, take your sword, kneel down and kowtow to the Buddha to make amends? The Buddha doesn't care about you!"

As for tuobafeng and tuobaxian'er, who were completely shocked by this scene, they didn't believe what they saw. It was a dream.

Hearing Zhu Rongchen's words, Tuoba xian'er woke up like a dream and cried out in panic: "song yankuai put up your sword to apologize to the master!"

Because she knew that even if song Yan killed Zhu Rongchen, it would be difficult to get out of the Huoshen cult. After all, there are more than 100 experts in Huoshen cult, and even immortals.

"Kneel down and kowtow to make amends!" Zhu Rongchen recovers his composure, looks at Song Yan coldly and drinks softly.


All of a sudden, a very clear slap of the ear sounded, but it was a palm fan in the face of Zhu Rong.

With song Yan's slap on Zhu Rongchen's face, time seems to be in a standstill.

Both tuobafeng and tuobaxian'er's mouth are wide enough to fill the next fist, and their eyes are round.

After a while, tuobafeng could not help murmuring: "how dare he? How dare this bastard slap the master in the face! "

Tuoba xian'er's mood is extremely complicated. She knows that with the fall of this slap, there is no possibility of easing between Song Yan and Zhu Rong Chen. It's not only insulting Zhu Rong Chen, but also insulting the whole Huoshen religion. It's even more serious than killing ten or eight sub altars of Huoshen religion.

As for Zhu Rongchen's face, it changed several times in a very short period of time, from red to iron green, then from iron green to black. At last, his face and eyes were full of a strong sense of killing. At the same time, his voice also roared: "thief, I swear, I will tear you to pieces, and I will take out your soul and burn you with red lotus fire Two thousand years! "

As for Zhu Rongchen's roaring threat, song Yan smiles: "do you think your threat is useful to me?" josei

While talking, song Yan's green Jiao sword gently loosed forward and directly pierced his eyebrow. At the same time, a violent breath from the green Jiao sword ran into his sea of knowledge, as if to break the Yuanshen who was sitting in the center of the sea of knowledge.

This time, Zhu Rongchen realized that his life was still under the control of song inkstone.

After a long silence, Zhu Rongchen asked again, "what do you want?"

Song inkstone said: "first, stop the Song Dynasty from sending troops to attack the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, you are not allowed to attack the Tang Dynasty's idea by the fire god cult. Second, Tuoba xian'er is my woman. If you want to marry her to me, promise these two points and let you go!"

"Well, I promise you!"

Zhu Rongchen agreed to come down with a little thought.

"Zhu Rong is really a happy person!" Song Yan smiles and takes back the green Jiao sword.

At this time, Zhu Rongchen's whole body burst out. A golden sun essence wheel was added on his right hand and a month essence wheel was added on his left hand. The two wheels burst out a horrible atmosphere and crashed into song inkstone.

"It seems that Zhu Rong is not convinced!"

Song Yan seems to have no accident that Zhu Rongchen would turn back and start, and the green Jiaojian in his hand would point out.

"Ding Ding!"

Qi and energy burst, and sun and moon failed to make contributions. Song Yan picked him back with a green Jiaojian, and he himself flew to the center of the hall with a slight shock.


Zhu Rongchen pinches the seal with both hands, and the two refined rounds of sun and moon erupt with more and more terrifying breath, turning into a big round of sun and a round of curved moon.


In Song Yan's hand, the sword of the Green Dragon flew out.

"When! When! "

Accompanied by two loud noises, the whole hall of Lihuo rocked violently, but two fine wheels were cut off. At the same time, song Yan stepped out and approached Zhu Rongchen.

"Poop poop!"

With the long sword cutting, Zhu Rongchen's defense Taoism was directly broken in front of him. Before the other side could back away, his sword point was in conflict with Zhu Rongchen's eyebrow, and it was the same position as before.

Xuanmiao's sword again filled the air, freezing Zhu Rongchen's body and Yuan Shen, making him afraid to move a little.

Song Yan put away the green Jiao sword and stared at Zhu Rongchen thoughtfully: "it's no more than three times. I can let you go twice, but I won't let you go for the third time!"

“…… You...! "

Zhu Rongchen stares at Song Yan, but in the end, he doesn't have the courage to continue.

Seeing this, song Yan smiles at him, and then turns to Tuoba xian'er. Even though song Yan's back is facing Zhu Rongchen, he still hasn't dared to make any changes. For ordinary martial artists, the back to the enemy may be attacked by stealth, but for those who cultivate immortals at their level, Yuanshen is everywhere, and even if the back is facing the enemy, they are not afraid of surprise attack."Xian'er, come with me!" Song Yan comes to Tuoba xian'er, pulls him up and walks away from the fire hall.

"What do you think of my Vulcan religion? Come if you want, and leave if you want? "

At this time, Zhu Rongchen's voice sounded again.

As soon as his voice fell and the figures in the hall flashed, suddenly there were four more elders. Judging from their breath, one was in the middle of the disaster, and the other was in the early stage.

"Zhu Rong, are you sure you want to do this?"

Song Yan looks back at Zhu Rong Chen and asks, but he doesn't pay any attention to the four masters.

"Take this thief!" Zhu Rongchen said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master!"

At the same time, four rescuers started.

Two swords containing terrorist power were cut from left and right to song Yan. At the same time, a black seal appeared over the hall, emitting a circle of black halo. Under the shadow of the black halo, song Yan felt his body suddenly stiff.

At the same time, there is also a man who constantly pinches the seal with his hands. It seems that he is exerting a powerful Taoist skill.

"Zhu Rong, it's not easy for you to cultivate a monk who has been robbed?"

Song Yan suddenly said a strange word. Then, he took Tuoba xian'er out step by step. With a flash of sword light, there was a robber named Xiao Shou.

Then, the sword light continued to flash, and the bodies of two other robbers were cut in two.

As soon as the sword light turned, it turned into a bloody lightning to stab the middle of the crossing.


Without any resistance, the man was pierced by song Yan in the middle of the robbery.

At the next moment, four adult sized yuan gods flew out of their bodies and stared at Song Yan in horror. If song Yan didn't keep his hand, none of them would survive, because they found that under song Yan's sword, they had no resistance at all.

"Still coming?"

Song Yan scornfully sweeps four yuan gods, and finally his eyes fall on Zhu Rongchen: "the yuan gods who didn't kill them this time are looking at xian'er's face. Next time, don't say yuan gods, even your soul won't let go!"

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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