Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1373

Chapter 1373

Because Zhu rongkong found that, with his powerful spiritual sense, he could not find the location of song inkstone. At the same time, the blood rain falling from the sky is not ordinary blood rain. The blood rain sends out a faint sweet smell. Even if the five senses are closed, the sweet smell can still be transmitted to the mind.

Vaguely, Zhu rongkong felt that the taste was strange.


All of a sudden, a figure suddenly appeared behind Zhu rongkong. The red spear in his hand, which kept alert all the time, was like a flash back stabbing, and instantly penetrated the figure.

But at the next moment, another bloody figure appeared on his left side, cutting with a sword.

Then, the third blood red figure appears, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth In an instant, there are hundreds of blood red figures around Zhu rongkong who are frantically besieging him.

The strength of the later period is not covered. Even in the face of hundreds of bloody attacks, he still seems to be able to cope with it.

But gradually, there was a trace of blood red in his eyes. With the more blood red figures killed, the color of blood red in his eyes became thicker. At this moment, song Yan directly appeared tens of meters away, standing in the air, hunting in white robes, but strangely, Zhu rongkong didn't see him, and still attacked the blood colored figure that appeared constantly.

Because of the limitation of cultivation, before he broke through the combination, song Yan could only use the formula of "dye blood", and could not show the real strength of this move at all.

But this time, after he broke through to fit, his accomplishments increased greatly, and he could display some mysteries when he applied "dye blood" again.

The sweet smell of the blood rain can directly confuse the spirit of the cultivator and make him dull.

As for those bloody figures, they are gathered by the blood rain. The more they are killed, the more they will be confused. Therefore, Zhu rongkong, who is confused by the gods, can't find him even if he appears grandly.

Zhu rongkong still fights with the bloody figure, but the bloody figure seems to be endless. If he kills one, one will appear.

Other people who have long been out of the scope of the blood rain are very surprised to see this scene.

In particular, Zhu rongkong and the two came to the later stage of the crossing, the eyes are a little more scared of the color.

It can be said that the yuan God in the later period of the crossing robbery has gone through a lot of trials. Even the most powerful enchantment spells in the world are difficult to confuse them. But now, from Zhu rongkong's state, he is obviously in a state of unconsciousness.

For a while, they had some deep taboos against that bloody rain.

As the world slowly passed, Zhu rongkong became more and more depressed and consumed his own real yuan. However, the real yuan in the later stage of the disaster was so powerful that even if he fought for several months, he would not exhaust the real yuan.

All of a sudden, song Yan's figure appeared in zhurongkong's side.

Prick God! josei


With a flash of sword light, Zhu rongkong's belly was pierced by a sword. Meanwhile, strong and violent sword Qi broke out in his body, destroying his body.

Zhu rongkong, who had fallen down, suddenly woke up a little bit because of his injury.

But his eyes were still crazy, and the red sword in his hand suddenly burst out with brilliant light, swept out, and all the bloody figures around his body were defeated.

Stab God!!

Song Yan again, but another Sword Pierced Zhu rongkong's right arm.

The other side's reaction is slow now, even in the middle of the disaster, it can't resist the sword technique of stabbing God.

Then, song Yan repeatedly stabbed God several times, and fell several terrible wounds on Zhu rongkong's body.

And the other side roared, but he just couldn't help song inkstone.

"The situation is not good. Elder martial brother Kong is in danger!"

One of those who watched the war was gloomy in his face in the late period of the crossing.

"Shall we help?" Another question was asked in the later period of the ferry robbery.

"Not for the moment, the young man has not been killed! But in the present situation, elder martial brother Kong's defeat is doomed! " The other side shook his head regretfully. Under the influence of his mind, Zhu rongkong had many miracles and secret methods that could not be used at all. Mainly, he fell into the calculation of song Yan at the beginning.

"What a shame!"

At this time, a fiery red figure appeared in the air without any sign. He raised his hand and pressed it down, and the blood rain world reflected by song Yanying burst out.

At the same time, the figure raised his hand and pointed out a finger. A little golden light fell into Zhu rongkong's body. Immediately, his bewildered mind recovered, and even his injuries healed at an extremely fast speed.

"I've met the elder martial brother!" Zhu rongkong bends down to worship, with a very respectful look.

"See you elder martial brother!"

"Senior brother!"

The other two robbers followed the salute.

"See you, master!" Zhu Rongchen's face flashed a happy color, and he also followed in the worship. Unexpectedly, he shocked the immortal of Zhenjiao.

"See the immortal of Zhenjiao!" In addition, several robbers also bow to salute.Hearing their names, tuobafeng and tuobaxian'er were shocked, and some of them followed in panic.

Song Yan was the only one who kept standing.

"Get up!"

The immortal of Zhenjiao cult said lightly, and then his eyes fell on Song Yan: "young generation, you are brave enough to come to my Huoshen cult to make trouble. You really think that my Huoshen cult is nobody!"

Although song Yan is calm on his face, he is very surprised at the fact that he has defeated the bloody world reflected by him by raising his hand. It can be seen that the immortal is even stronger than he imagined.

The next moment, song Yan bows his hand to the other side: "don't misunderstand me, elder generation. I just came to your church to discuss things, but your church's Zhu Rong leader is too strong, and it's only to this extent!"

At this time, a momentum like the power of heaven and earth shrouded song inkstone, making him unable to move half a cent.

The cactus immortal's voice continued to ring: "no matter what you talk about or how provocative you are, in a word, you should pay for their lives if you kill several of our Huoshen sect's dukes. However, we lack a boy who carries tea and water. If you want to be our fairy's boy, we can spare your life!"


All of a sudden, a circle of stars burst out from the surface of song inkstone, which blocked the momentum back, but he urged the third weight of the stars. Song inkstone looked up slightly at the fiery figure in the sky, and said lightly: "I want to be your boy, hehe, you are really brave, do you match?"


Red figure bent to a bullet, a Qi strength on the impact of song Yan chest.

All of a sudden, his body seems to have been hit by a speeding train, crashing down on the ground thousands of kilometers away.

"Song inkstone!"

Seeing this, Tuoba xian'er rushed to him with a cry, but Zhu Rong Chen had a deep pleasure on his face.

"I'm ok, cough!"

At this time, song Yan suddenly stood up, but coughed up blood. Unexpectedly, the immortal was so powerful that he could not even block the third level of the celestial body. Even he expected that even if he urged the ninth change of the nine changes of the stars, he could not resist the immortal.

Tuoba xian'er holds song inkstone, his face is full of worry.

The cactus's voice rang again: "I'm a fortune teller even though I've been hit by this immortal. I'll ask you again if I can be a boy of this immortal!"

"Haha, I'm afraid you dare not accept it!"

Song Yan smiled scornfully and threw an identity token at each other. He said lightly, "I'm a disciple of nine heaven immortal, Phoenix heaven sect, Huang Mai, long Laojun, but you want to accept me as a child. This is contempt for my master and scornful of the Phoenix heaven sect immortals?"

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