Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

At this time, Shangguan Haitang appeared quietly beside the princess Yinhu, and some helplessly said: "in order to song Yan, Huang Mai didn't hesitate to send out four immortals. It can be seen how much Huang Mai attached importance to him. You can calculate him like this. Once the elders of Huang Mai know that, even the female emperor can't protect you."

"It's OK. The more the old diehards of Yumai attach importance to him, the more likely the plan will succeed!" The princess Yinhu smiled disapprovingly, but her eyes were burning with unspeakable wild brilliance.

As long as her plan is successful, it is a great credit, and her talent will be fully revealed in front of the female emperor, then there is the possibility of inheriting the throne.

"You are dancing on the tip of a knife. It's too dangerous."

Shangguan Haitang sighs and shakes his head: "in fact, as long as song Yan is trapped in the land of demons, those fairies of Yumai will surely help each other, and your plan still has the possibility of success!"


The silver fox Princess shook her head stubbornly: "I don't allow any possibility of failure in this plan. Song Yan must die, and Fenghuang Tianjiao doesn't lack immortals, but they need a immortals who can kill enemies by leaps and bounds. Song Yan's qualification is too against the sky, and they can sweep across the robberies when they fit in. Once he becomes an immortals, his strength will go straight to the immortals. Otherwise, Huang Mai won't pay so much attention to him, even Fang Tianyue of fengmai wants to marry her apprentice. Frankly, he doesn't want to be sheltered by song Yan in the fairyland! "

Shangguan Haitang said: "since you know the importance of song inkstone, if he dies, Fenghuang Tianjiao will be crazy about it, and all people involved will be washed. What's more, genius usually has great fortune. Once song inkstone does not die, he will not let you go if you know that you are calculating him!"

"No!" Silver fox Princess corner of the mouth showed a strange smile: "he won't revenge me, because he already knew I was calculating him, but he still went!"

"Why is that?" "Shangguan Begonia Leng Ran:" since he knows you are calculating him, why to enter the land of demons

"Because he owes me!"

The land of Tiannan and the land of TIANYAO face each other across the sea.

This sea is called the black devil sea, which is also a sea full of death. Because there are a lot of time-space cracks in this sea, even the master of combination can't easily step in. Once it falls into a time-space crack, it's hard to walk out, and it's likely to be transmitted to unknown places or trapped in a small world.

At the same time, the black magic sea will send out a kind of magic spirit that corrodes the spirit. The monks below the body will enter it, and the possibility of being corrupted by the magic spirit to die is more than 99%.

However, there is a sea passage between the two continents, which connects the two continents. It is said that the passage was built by ancient gods, and even immortals could not be destroyed.

Therefore, a large number of Terran and demon troops are stationed on both sides of the passage.

In only half an hour, song Yan arrived near the passage.

He has the token prepared by the silver fox princess for him, and can enter the channel directly to the land of the demons.

After years of scuffle in the land of demons, there are only two forces left: the red dragon Kingdom and the Ming Feng kingdom. Some time ago, the red dragon Kingdom defeated the army of the Ming Feng kingdom. Therefore, the present Ming Feng kingdom is in a state of survival.

Once the Ming Feng kingdom is destroyed, the red dragon kingdom can unify the heaven demon continent and establish the red dragon empire.

The environment of the land of demons is bad, and the vitality of the land is far less than that of the south of heaven. Therefore, the biggest wish of the demons is to turn the south of heaven into the land of demons.

Therefore, once the land of TIANYAO is unified, a large army will be assembled to attack the land of Tiannan.

The great Zhou Dynasty rose again after the collapse of the great Chu Dynasty.

Although the current great Zhou Dynasty is peaceful, in fact, there are many forces in private waiting for the demon clan to attack and destroy the great Zhou Dynasty, and then they can take advantage of the situation to rise and replace it.

According to the princess Yinhu, during this period, the remaining evils of the previous dynasty were very active. Therefore, the empress wanted to promote Xiuxian college to strengthen its national strength and not give the former dynasty the opportunity to fight back.


Song Yan landed in front of the passage from the sky.


There are millions of troops stationed near the passage, among which there is no lack of the existence of combined crossing.

Several cultivators in armor came at a gallop, looking at Song inkstone with fierce eyes. josei

"This is my token. I want to enter the passage!"

Song Yan throws the token given to him by the princess Yinhu directly.

At the sight of the token thrown by song Yan, the several combined friars all looked awe inspiring. One of them said: "wait a moment, young master, let's go to ask the general for instructions!"

Song Yan nodded.

One of them took the token and turned it into a streamer and left, then came to the Shuai account in a huge military stronghold.

"General, someone is coming with the token of tianwu dark guard. You need to enter the passage!"

Known as the general, he is a dignified old man with bronze complexion and fierce eyes. When he reaches for the token, it falls into his hand. After checking it, he throws it back: "let's go!"


After the other party left, the handsome account suddenly had a light virtual shadow.Bao Tianwei glanced at the virtual shadow lightly and said in a deep voice: "you can quickly pass the news that song Yan is about to pass through the channel, so that the army of the demon clan is ready to kill!"

At the next moment, the shadow disappears directly in the handsome account.


Under the guidance of two combined practitioners, song Yan came to a huge channel. In his opinion, this channel is like the blood pot of an ancient giant beast, which chooses people to eat.

One of them reminds the friar: "son of song, this is the channel connecting the land of demons. This channel is very strange. There is a mysterious power in it, which will suppress the spirit of our human friars and make our perception greatly weakened. Therefore, you should be careful not to be attacked by the monsters in the channel. Besides, although the land of demons is in a state of civil disorder, the channel There are still hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers stationed here. You'd better leave as soon as you get to the other end, so as not to be entangled by those demon troops! "

"Thank you for reminding me. I'm leaving!"

Song Yan hugged them and rushed into the passage in a flash.

As soon as he entered the channel, song Yan felt a kind of strange power to suppress his spirit. However, his spirit power was far beyond the same level. Therefore, although the perception of the spirit declined, it was still much stronger than the general combination.

The light in the passage is dim, the environment is humid, and there is a stink.

According to the introduction of the two people who took him to the front of the passage, the passage is 100 thousand miles long, because of the influence of the mysterious power, we can't use blink.

Even if you don't use blink, the speed of song inkstone is very fast, and it can pass through this passage in half an hour at most.

Through 1/3, all of a sudden there are three black shadows to him.


Song Yan bends his fingers and pops up three fingers. The black shadow just falls down halfway.

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