Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405

For the voice of the bossy, Shangguan Gaofei very disgusted, take off his mouth: "no, who loves to go!"

"Pa" sound, Shangguan Gao Fei directly hung up the phone.

But shortly after she hung up, the phone rang again. This time, Gao Fei, the Shangguan, had no intention of connecting. She cut off the phone directly.

Shortly after cutting off, the phone rings again, and Gao Fei, the superior officer, cuts off again.

But the person at the other end of the line still wants to call.

For a while, Murong Xinyue couldn't help looking sideways, casting a curious look and joking: "aren't you gambling with your boyfriend?"

Gao Fei, the superior officer, forced out a smile and said, "I've got a beautiful girl like you. How can I see other smelly men?"

"Is it? Then we might as well make do with it! "


The bell continued to ring.

Murong Xinyue hesitated and said: "otherwise, you'd better take it. It's not a way to make it so loud!"

"All right!"

The superior officer Gao Fei answered the phone again. Just now the voice rang out: "Gao Fei, don't hang up until I make things clear!"

"Well, you say!"

The voice continued in a slightly eager tone: "tonight's party in Lvjing villa was initiated by the dragon family. All the other nine families were invited, so this opportunity is very rare!"

Listen to the other side so say, the officer Gao Fei can't help but show the color of astonishment: "dragon family? Other nine families, don't you say...? "

"Yes, as you think, in order to be able to attend the dinner party tonight, our Shangguan family has paid a lot, so you must seize this opportunity, and, as long as you go there tonight, how about I promise not to interfere in your private affairs?"



"Well, I can promise you, but I have to take someone!"

"Who do you want to take?"

"You can't care about it. If you promise, you'll go, or you won't call me again!" The superior officer Gao Fei is about to hang up the phone again. The voice can't help but hurry up and say: "the man you brought is male or female?"

"Girl, my best friend!"

"Well, you can take her, but I'd like to warn you that those who can attend dinner at that level are all big people. You must be astringent in your fiery temper and never make trouble!"

"Don't call me if you're afraid I'm in trouble!"

"No, I won the chance with difficulty!"

After hanging up the phone, Gao Fei went to the sofa and said to Murong Xinyue, "how about going to a dinner party with me tonight?"

"Don't want to go out." Murong's eyes dodged.

"No, you have to go! Because if you go, you may change your present situation! "

Shangguan Gaofei is very serious. Although Shangguan family is only a third class family in Yandu, as a member of Shangguan family, Gaofei also knows the existence of ten families.

As long as someone from the top ten families is willing to help Murong Xinyue, her affairs are nothing at all.

That's why she insisted on taking Murong to Xinyue.

"You didn't lie to me?" Murong Xinyue's eyes were slightly bright, but then he looked at Gao Fei, the superior officer with suspicion: "what kind of banquet is that?"

After thinking about it, senior officer Gao Fei told Murong Xinyue about the existence of the ten families, and he was stunned to hear each other. Nah, he said, "are you sure you are not telling a story?"

It's mainly because the other side talks too much about fantasy. She has seen many martial arts films and TV plays, even filmed them. But it's hard to accept hearing about martial artists.

"I need to lie to you. Think about our experience in the U.S., song Yan's son should also come from a martial arts family. In fact, my Shangguan family is also a martial arts family, but compared with the ten families, it's a little small!"

"So you know martial arts?" Murong Xinyue's curiosity was aroused.

Smell speech, Shangguan Gaofei is very depressed: "my old ancestor of Shangguan family has a rule that martial arts are passed on to men but not to women. Although I come from the martial arts family, I only know some basic Kung Fu."

"Well, I'll go with you tonight!"


At six o'clock in the evening, song Yan, dressed in a casual suit, walked out of the office, all the way to the underground parking lot, then came to a black car, opened the door and sat on it.

Although he has a sports car, it's not his identity to drive a sports car now, so he has to choose a lower profile and introverted car. josei

The celebration of dragon sword begins at seven o'clock, and is held in Lvjing villa.

Green view villa is located in bajingshan, which is the gathering place of the powerful. Ordinary people are not qualified to live there at all, because any villa there will be hundreds of millions, and a villa is worth billions.And Lvjing villa is the property of the dragon family.

The Zhao family also has a manor in bajingshan, and the other eight families are no exception.

In half an hour.

Song Yan's car came to the foot of Bajing mountain. At a glance, you can see a wide asphalt road leading to the top of the mountain, and you can see the manors on the top of the mountain.

There are checkpoints on the way up the mountain, which are directly guarded by armed police with guns and live ammunition.

Song Yan shows the invitation of the dragon family, and the armed police directly release it.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a big S-shaped curve. Song Yan's car just turned out of the curve. A red Ferrari car appeared in his sight. Beside the car, there are two beautiful women in purple and black evening dresses standing there. When he saw his car, one of the girls quickly waved to him. As she waved, the two groups in front of her chest vibrated It is particularly attractive.

However, when song Yan saw each other's looks clearly, he could not help showing a strange color on his face. He said that he could not be so clever. He actually met them.

Stepping on the brake, song Yan rolled down the window and said thoughtfully: "this big chest sister, is the car broken or is there no oil?"

Yes, these two beauties are Gao Fei and Murong Xinyue.

"How are you?"

"Song inkstone!"

When they saw song Yan's face clearly, they were surprised and delighted.

"Ha ha, two beauties have been missing for a long time. How are you these days!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"No, we're not good at all. Stop talking nonsense and open the door for us to go up!" Shangguan Gao Fei is discontented and stares at Song Yanyi.

"All right!"

Song Yan unlocked the car and let the two girls go to the back seat.

"Are you going to the dinner party of Lvjing villa?" When the car came out, song Yan asked casually.

"Yes, where are you going, too?"


Song Yan nodded.

Shangguan Gaofei looks at Murong Xinyue and blinks at her, as if to say, look, I'll say this kid belongs to the martial arts family, right?

Ten minutes later, song Yan's car finally arrived in front of Lvjing villa, then drove all the way in and arrived at the parking lot according to the sign.

Just as the three got off, a black Rolls Royce and a Bentley arrived one after another, and then walked down the two groups.

One of the young men glanced casually over the three song inkstones. When he saw Murong Xinyue, he could not help thinking a little. When he saw the face of song inkstone, his eyes could not help shooting two angry lights.

The next moment, he strided up and cut off the way of the three, sneering at Murong Xinyue and saying, "Yo, is it our big star instead of us?"

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