Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1443

Chapter 1443

In half an hour.

Venus, who has changed into a modern dress, is standing under an advertising screen in the small town pedestrian street, staring at the advertising screen without blinking. His expression is indecent to the extreme, because a section of underwear show is playing in the advertising screen.

All the women passing by him deliberately pulled a long distance from him, with contempt in their eyes.

But Venus, too white, seems to be unconscious. Her eyes are reluctant to leave the screen, and her mouth is full of words.

If you listen carefully, you will hear some words such as "big chest", "long legs" and "cocky butt".

Secretly watching his song inkstone to see this scene, some can not help crying and laughing.

But I'm relieved to think about it. In Tianting, which fairy doesn't wrap herself tightly, and it's forbidden to fall in love between the gods. Otherwise, there won't be the myth and legend of Erlang's power to split Huashan Mountain and save his mother, Niulang and Zhinv across the river. josei

All of a sudden, song Yan felt a move in his heart, pinched a formula and played it out, which made the passers-by turn a blind eye to the advertising screen. At the same time, he adjusted the content of the broadcast, and turned the underwear show into a small movie in fusangguo.


Seeing the screen suddenly black down, Taibai Venus can't help but show the expression of extreme disappointment. Just as he was about to leave, the screen lit up again.

At once, his eyes stared, and his breathing became rapid. His eyes almost protruded.

"Here What about the mortal So shameless! "

Although Taibai Jinxing mutters in his mouth like this, his eyes are reluctant to leave. At the same time, his body becomes hot and dry.


At this time, song Yan quietly came to Taibai Jinxing and patted him on the shoulder.

"Who are you?"

Too white Venus a surprise, hurriedly jump away, vigilantly stare at Song Yan, but the eyes can not live to the advertising screen Piao.

"I am song Yan, a man of practice in the world." Song inkstone is a way of smiling.

"Then what do you want to do?" Venus was shocked because he found that he could not see through the man's accomplishments.

"Please be at ease, I have no malice!"

"You know I'm Venus too white?" Smell words, too white Venus's vigilance is stronger.

"When Taibai goes to heaven, I'm just in Kunlun mountain!"

"I see!"

Too white Venus showed a sudden color, then slightly raised his head and said: "then why do you find me?"

"I guess it's a task for the immortal to go down to earth, so I came to ask if there's any place to help the immortal!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"How do you know that I have a mission?"

"Shangxian is a close official of the Jade Emperor, who is deeply trusted by the Jade Emperor. However, Tianting immortals can't go to the world at will. So I guess Shangxian comes with the task of the Jade Emperor!"

Hearing the flattery in Song Yan's words, Taibai Jinxing proudly nodded: "it seems that you still have some insight!"

An hour later.

In the box of the most luxurious restaurant in this small city.

Song Yan raised his glass: "brother Taibai, come on, I'll give you another toast!"

"No, I can't. I can't drink any more. If I drink again, I will be drunk!" Venus, too white, tongue wide.

"Ah, how can a man say no, or too white elder brother despises younger brother!" Song Yan deliberately pulls his face.

The so-called short eaters, soft hands, see song Yan face change, too white Venus can not help some panic, even busy way: "brother, don't get me wrong, I have a jade emperor edict in the body, drink again will be a mistake, otherwise, we will drink next time!"

Song Yan waved disapprovingly: "I was worried about this. You can rest assured that my younger brother has some influence in the world. If I have something to do, I will send someone to help you. We can continue drinking. After drinking, I will take him to a wonderful place!" When

spoke, Song Ying secretly mobilized the power of yuan God, which would make people subconsciously realize their identity.

As expected, Taibai Jinxing laughs: "since that's the case, I'm not polite. Come on, I'm respectful!"

So the two sides had another binge.

More than half an hour later, there were dozens of empty wine bottles in the box, and Venus was completely drunk.

Seeing that the time has come, song Yan asked, "brother, what's the matter with you? You can say it. I sent someone to help you deal with it!"

If he is not drunk, Taibai Venus will not say his task casually. This time, he is drunk, so he said with a big tongue, "the Jade Emperor gave me two tasks. The first one is to check the changes in the mortal world. The second one is to contact the mountain god apprentice Hebo and other small gods in the mortal world!"

"It's easy for me to do something important. I'll send someone to prepare a historical information for my brother about hundreds of years of mortal life. As for those little gods, I'll send someone to contact them and ask them to visit my brother on their own initiative!""Haha, brother, you are so intimate! Come on, I'll give you another respect! "

"Hey, let's stop drinking. Now, I'll take my brother to a wonderful place!" Song Yan is funny.

Ten minutes later, song Yan came to a clubhouse in this small town, holding the waning Taibai Jinxing, and asked for a luxurious box. Then he threw a pile of money to the manager and gave him a command.

"Brother, where is this? Is that what you call a wonderful place? "

Taibai Jinxing sat on the sofa and asked song inkstone with wine.

"Yes, here it is!"

At this time, the knock sounded, and then the box door opened, more than ten girls in cool clothes came in.

All of a sudden, the eyes of Venus are a burst of straightening.

"Brother Taibai, it's really boring for us two big men to drink, so I specially arranged some girls to drink with us!" Then, song Yan beckoned to these women, and then pointed to Taibai Jinxing: "serve this gentleman well, there is a reward!"

While talking, song Yan directly took out a pile of banknotes and put them on the table. There are millions of them: "you take them to share!"

All of a sudden, the women's eyes were straight, and then they rushed to the white Venus.

For a while, Venus was surrounded by the warbler, the warbler, the swallow and the swallow.

Song inkstone secretly played a formula to Taibai Venus, and then he quit the box directly.

"You don't need two, sir?"

The manager standing outside the door saw song Yan and hurriedly welcomed him to the door.

"I don't need it!" Song Yan waved.

Although it's just a small city here, there's a lot of eyesight to be a manager in this club. Although song Yan conceals his true face, he can't be underestimated.

Soon, there were all kinds of inaudible voices in the box. Song Yan smiled and asked the manager to arrange a tea room. He went to the tea room for tea.

[author's aside]: one change! Thank you for the great reward of "last ruoyi" and "Deng waiting for a purple chess track". Please visit our website to read the latest novels!

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