Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447

Later, after some thinking, he decided to give Yueyue the ancestral blood. This was not that he preferred Yueyue, but Yueyue had swallowed the vampire blood. The blood in his body was stronger than poetry.

The blood of the ancestor of the blood family is quite advanced. The stronger the blood, the shorter the absorption time, and the better the effect. If the ancestor's blood is handed over to Hilde for absorption, there will be only one blood in the end, and he will die!

"Take it!" josei

Song Yan directly threw the ancestral lineage to Yueyue. Suddenly, her face showed great joy. The poems beside her were envious. Although she didn't know what the blood was, her instinct told her that if she could swallow the blood, her strength would greatly increase.

"Master, let's give it to poems."

Yueyue suddenly opens her mouth.

"No, since it was given to you by your master, take it at ease!" The poem is light and slightly sour.

Seeing this, song Yan smiled and explained the reason. Then he said: "the power contained in the ancestral lineage is too strong, and there may be accidents when poetry is engulfed. However, after Yueyue completely digests the ancestral lineage, she can give a few drops of blood essence to poetry, which can also greatly improve her blood lineage!"

Hearing song Yan's saying, the little mustard in the poem's heart also disappeared.

Under the attention of song Yan and poems, Yue Yuefu subdues the drop of blood.

Although the ancestor of the blood clan is not as good as Pangu, it is one of the three thousand demons anyway. Therefore, Yueyue takes less than ten breaths after swallowing that drop of blood, and her momentum bursts out and starts to climb.

Middle emperor!

Late emperor!

He broke through two realms one after another, but his breath only stayed in this realm for two breaths, and broke through to a new realm - blood emperor realm!

Stepping into this realm, it means that Yueyue's strength is comparable to that of a master.

But her promotion still hasn't stopped, still climbing!

Early days of the blood emperor!

The middle of the blood emperor!

Queen of blood!

Blood King peak!


Another breakthrough, Yueyue's another breakthrough to a new realm, the strength can be compared to the ferry robber.

As for how to call this realm, song Yan did not know.

Finally, Yueyue broke through to the peak of this new realm before it stopped promotion.

Realm ascension is just the energy attached to the lineage.

The benefits of bloodline are not only the improvement of realm, but also the change of blood.

Blood determines the future.

It's like an ordinary rabbit. When it grows up, it's hard for it to continue to grow even if you feed more.

It's also like human physical fitness, when it reaches the peak, it will decline after a period of time, even if you eat more supplements, it's difficult to improve.

Better than the quality of the cultivator.

Qualification determines achievement, and can become immortal if it goes against the sky. Poor qualification makes it difficult for even golden elixirs to agglomerate.

Of course, there are all kinds of things to change the qualification, which can improve the qualification of the cultivator.

But the so-called promotion is also limited.

It's like the cold Lingdan refined by song inkstone. After taking a certain amount of it, even if you take it again, it has no effect.

Therefore, after Yueyue reached the strength of the later period of comparable crossing, there was a layer of blood light saying that her body was shrouded and changed into a blood cocoon silently.

It will take a long time.

As for the exact time, song Yan can't be sure. So, after he adjusted the time around Yueyue's body to a thousand times of the proportion, and left the poems here to look after her, song Yan grabbed the ten winged angel who was only sucked to the skin and bones and went to the other side.

"Kill me, and the Lord will not forgive you!" The angel of ten wings stared at Song Yan bitterly and said weakly.

Song Yan is too lazy to talk with him. He points directly at his eyebrow and puts a puppet supernatural power into it.

Soon, he received the message that the ten winged angel was completely enslaved by him.

"Tell me all about heaven!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

The place where the God of light lives is called heaven, which is just one word away from the heaven. But in a word, it is a small world attached to the main world.

"Yes, master!"

Without hesitation, the angel nodded and began to tell what he knew.

He did not know the strength of the God of light, but under his command there were twelve angels with sixteen wings.

The twelve winged angels can be compared with each other, and the fourteen winged angels can be compared with each other. Then, the sixteen winged angels can be compared with the Mahayana, and as for the God of light, it should be the existence of comparable immortals.

Moreover, the twelve sixteen winged angels are different from ordinary angels. They all have gender. There are nine men and three women. The sixteen winged angels of men are salaph, cherubim, Metatron, Ariel, sadokir, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and rajer.The remaining three female 16 wing angels are: sharia, Carmel, and Almighty.

Besides, there are about fifty angels on the fourteenth wing.

There are about 200 angels with twelve wings.

There are about five hundred angels.

Under the ten winged angels, there are about five thousand.

Although the strength of heaven is not as good as that of heaven, it is also very strong.

Originally, song Yan wanted to break into heaven to kill. Now it seems that if he did, he would not be able to get well, so he can only put out the idea temporarily.

There will be a long time to come. One day, let the God of light know the end of his sin.

In a flash, song Yan came out of the temple and returned to the villa of Yandu.

But in his mind, he thought about "there is no emperor in the world". If the Jade Emperor must stick to this rule, how can he face the people in the heaven?

Song Yan felt that it was necessary to enhance the strength of his women.

The strength of Li Tianluo and Tuoba xian'er is not bad.

But her cultivation is a little poor.

Thinking of this, he gathered all the women together and explained the situation to them.

In this regard, we all have no opinions and are willing to follow the arrangement of song Yan.

So, song Yan took them into the shrine.

First, they used the cold Lingdan to improve their qualifications, then they had the immortal yuan power to wash their bodies. Finally, they taught each other a fairyland skill that was consistent with their own attributes.

Then, they were given a large number of elite Lingjing.

After settling down the cultivation of his wives, song Yan decided to leave for Jiangzhou. After so long, Hansha's anger must have dissipated.

In fact, song Yan only needs one idea to come to Jiangzhou and appear directly near the community where Hansha's family is located.

I just saw Han Kang coming back with Han Sha.

Han Kang whispered, "sister, I've seen that the guy surnamed song is not a good thing. Look, you've been back so long. Don't mention to come to you, even if you haven't called me!"

Smell speech, Han Sha's face flashed a faint, then light way: "my business need not worry about you, you better take good care of yourself!"

Song Yan, on the other hand, is speechless. Han Kang, a young man, remembers whether to eat or not to fight. He taught him a lesson last time, but now he dare to stir up discord.

[author's extraneous remarks]: second watch

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