Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472

In front of the hut outside the cemetery.

Song Yan threw Chu Feng on the ground, then scooped a ladle of water from the kitchen and splashed it on his face.

Faint Chu Feng soon woke up, the cold wind hit, so that only wearing a pair of underpants he couldn't help shivering.

"Tell me, who is the man who attacked my father?"

A sudden voice sounded.

Hearing this sound, Chu Feng suddenly changed his color. He got up from the ground and ran to the bottom of the mountain.


A stone flew out, right in Chu Feng's calf, suddenly the other side screamed and fell to the ground.

"Don't try to run away, because you can't run away. Answer my question well. Maybe I will save your life!" Song Yan steps in and looks at him from a high position. He doesn't mind.

Chu Feng despair, and then he succumbed, towering trembling stand up, eyes twinkling at Song Yan, careful way: "Chu fan, see everyone is Chu family's sake don't kill me, OK?"

"Don't talk nonsense, my patience is limited!" Song Yan's tone was a little more impatient.

"I don't know, and I don't know who attacked uncle Er secretly?"

"Really don't know?"

Song Yan approaches Chu Feng.

"I can swear by our ancestors of Chu family. I don't know about it!"

Chu Feng's expression was not fake. For a while, song Yan was confused and asked, "what about Chu Tianlong? Is he involved in the matter? "

Chu Feng thought, "no, absolutely not!"

"I hope you didn't cheat me, or..." Song Yanyi points out a puppet magic in Chu Feng's heart.

Soon, the other side was enslaved by him. He asked the same question, but got the same answer.

This made him more confused. Of course, there was also a possibility that Chu Tianlong was involved in the affair, but he did a good job of confidentiality, even his son didn't tell him.

Chu Feng's puppet talisman in the sea was scattered. Song Yan let Chu Feng go. He had already abandoned Chu Feng's Dantian. After that, he was just a waste man. There was no big difference between killing him or not.

"It seems that the task released by the system is not as easy as expected!"

If Chu Tianlong takes part in the attack on Chu Tianxing, it's easy to do. If he doesn't take part in it, it's not easy to investigate the attacker.

Chu government martial law for more than half an hour can't find the whereabouts of song Yan, Chu Tianlong can't sit down, and starts to send people to search the town.

However, half an hour later, the guards met Chu Feng who had stumbled back.

When he knew that Chu Feng's Dantian had been abandoned, Chu Tianlong almost fainted on the spot, and his heart was filled with regret. If Chu fan had been killed directly at that time, today's event would not have happened. josei

At the same time, furious he sent Chu Jiufeng to let him go to the cemetery to catch song Yan himself.

But when Chu Jiufeng arrived, song Yan would have been gone for a long time.

After a search, Chu Jiufeng had to ask people to burn the hut before returning to the area.

The next day.

A pursuit order came from the Chu family. Anyone who can provide Chu fan's trace will be rewarded with 10000 silver coins. If he can catch Chu fan alive or dead, he will be rewarded with 150000 silver coins.

In this world, ordinary warriors use gold and silver as their main currency, while senior warriors need to use Lingshi for trading.

Therefore, 150000 silver is very attractive.

At that time, the martial artists in Fenghua Town, who had reached the nineties of quenching body, searched song Yan's whereabouts in succession, and even some of them, who were seven or eight of quenching body, formed a team of three or five people to search four times.

But after a few days, not to mention the capture of song Yan, even his trace has not been found.

It's only three or four days outside, but nearly ten years have passed in the temple.

After so many years of painstaking cultivation, and without lack of cultivation resources, song Yan's strength has officially entered the middle stage of Shenhai. With the reason that his foundation is extremely strong, even the latter stage of Shenhai is not his opponent.

The figure flashed.

Song inkstone appeared in the open space outside the small wooden house, but saw the small wooden house that had turned into ashes, and a cold light flashed in Song inkstone's eyes.

"It's time to get everything back!"

He said a sentence to himself, and song Yan strode down the mountain.

"Look, is that Chu fan?"

Just as he went down the mountain, he was hit by a pair of people and horses.

There are five people in the pair, one is nine, three is eight, and the other is seven. They are all Fenghua martial artists who can't stand the high price of the Chu family to search for song Yan.

"Haha, our luck is so good!"

The leader, Cui Ti Jiuchong, looked at Song Yan greedily, but he couldn't help laughing. That's enough 150000 liang of silver. With this silver, he can buy the elixir that has broken through the divine realm.

"Surround him first, and don't let him run!"

At the next moment, the five people fly and fall around Song inkstone at the same time, forming a simple surrounding circle.Song Yan glanced at five people calmly and asked in a deep voice, "I have no grievance or hatred with you. What do you mean?"

One of them said, "Chu fan, you don't know yet. Your eldest uncle will reward you with 150000 Liang silver. If I were you, I would be captured obediently, so that our five brothers wouldn't spend more time!"

"So it is!" Song Yan suddenly continued: "you go, I have no enemy with you, do not want to hurt you!"

As soon as this words, five people's faces all appear the color of the wrong Leng, then one by one looked up to the sky and laughed.

"To hurt us, you have to be able to do that!" The scoff of the hardened nine.

Just then!

The other four only listened to the sound of "bang". Then they saw their eldest brother, the nine heavy quenching body, flying backwards and falling more than ten meters away.

Song Yan, on the other hand, stood in the same place as if he had never moved before.


The other side struggled to get up, could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then again soft to the ground.


"How could it be?"

The smiles of the four people are stagnant. Their eldest brother is a martial artist with nine hardened bodies. How could he fail in Chu fan's hand? He was seriously injured.

"Do you still want me?" Song Yan looked at the four people and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Chu misunderstood. It was all a misunderstanding. We were all blinded by lard, so we could do such a thing. You can rest assured that as long as we meet you in the future, we will give up!" One of the quenched octagonal lines.

"Go away!"

Song Yan slowly spits out a word.

"Yes! Yes, let's go! "

Four people rushed forward to help the injured boss, and quickly went to the direction of Fenghua town.

Soon, the news of the emergence of "Chu fan" spread in Fenghua town. Countless martial artists who wanted to make money swarmed out to catch song Yan.

However, none of the fighters was defeated, some of them had their legs and feet broken, some of them were seriously injured, and some of them were killed by song Yange because their mouths were not clean.

What's more shocking to the martial artists in the town is that a powerful martial artist was also defeated by the Chu fan.

With the tragic defeat of the warrior in the realm of divine power, no one dared to step forward.

However, Chu Tianlong has led a group of warriors of the Chu family to wait at the entrance of the town, waiting for the arrival of song inkstone.

[author's digression]: first, thank you for the reward of perfume.

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