Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476

On this day, song Yan walked out of the library of the Chu family, and Chu Sen, the new general manager, sent a post.

The person who wrote the post is Qin Yingxiong. He is invited to Qin's house for dinner tomorrow.

Since that day at the banquet of his succession ceremony, when Qin, Li, Wang and Thursday's families brought their excellent girls to toast each other, song Yan guessed their thoughts.

It's just that there are more than ten wives in his Lord's world. I really don't want to add new members.

Therefore, he can only pretend to be stupid, pretending not to understand their intention. josei

Now it seems that they would not give up.

"Then, will you go to the party tomorrow night or not?"

When song Yan was thinking about whether to go to the Qin family for dinner, the invitations from the other three families were sent successively, and they all invited him to the dinner tomorrow.


Song Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw the invitations from the other three families. It seems that the four families took him as the reason to compete with each other. However, the invitations from the other three families made song Yan have more choices.

So he asked the housekeeper to write back to the four families, saying that he was going to be closed for the time being and had no time to go to the banquet.

An hour later.

Qin Fu.

Knowing that song Yan refused his invitation, Qin hero's face was ugly, and he thought that song Yan's face was uncomfortable.

At this time, Qin's housekeeper came in a hurry and reported a message to Qin Yingxiong. After hearing this, Qin Yingxiong slapped his hands angrily on the tea table and said coldly, "bastard! No wonder Chu fan didn't come to the banquet. It turned out that the three bastards were making trouble in secret! "

But he knew that the other three also sent invitations to invite song Yan to their house for dinner tomorrow night.

If we say that only one family sends invitations and song Yan doesn't go, he will offend people.

But if the four families send out invitations together and go to any of them, they will offend the other three, so the best way is not to go to any of them, so no one will offend.

Several days passed in a hurry. He had read thousands of books in the Chu family library, which made him know more about the world.

And the Chu family has returned to normal under the care of the four elders.

Chu family is safe and sound. Song Yan has decided to leave Fenghua town in two days and go to investigate Chu Tianxing.

Just then, an elder came in a hurry with a look of panic.

"Master, no, our mine in heita mountain has been taken away by the people of Changyang town!"

Heitashan produces refined iron ore, which has a large amount of ore and is easy to mine. It doesn't worry about sales. There are too many martial artists in the world. As long as the martial practitioners need weapons, refined iron is the basic material for refining weapons.

Therefore, heita mine accounts for 60% of the income of Chu family.

At the same time, heita ore is not exclusive to the Chu family. The Chu family holds 40% of the shares, while the Qin family, Wang family, Zhou family and Li family respectively hold 1.5% of the shares.

While Changyang town is governed by Fenghua town across the river, but it is not as rich as Fenghua town. They have long coveted the mine of heita mountain. When Chu Tianxing was walking, the Wudao aristocratic family of Changyang town also had the idea of heita mine.

However, in the struggle, Chu Tianxing defeated the two Shenhai in Changyang town with one enemy and two, which made them abandon the idea of fighting for the black tower mine.

Now, Chu Tianxing is dead. They have come up with the idea of heita mine again. They plotted for several months. Last night, they won heita mine with one stroke.

But a quarter of an hour.

The owners of the Qin, Li, Zhou and Wang families came one after another, needless to say, all for heita mine.

"Nephew Chu, take a rule. What should we do this time?"

Qin hero's face is gloomy.

"What else can we do, naturally, is to take the mine back!" Li Shiyuan said angrily.

"Yes, mine is one of our five important industries. We can't fall into the hands of such a bastard as Changyang town in any case!"

Zhou and Wang said the same thing one after the other, to take back heita mine.

Song Yan said to himself, "the mine must be recaptured, but before recapturing the mine, we will send someone to negotiate. If they are willing to return the mine to us, we will say, if not, we are recapturing it by force!"

"Wise nephew, according to me, our five families have joined forces to attack directly. Why bother?" Li Shiyuan didn't think so.

"Yes, there's no reason to spit out the fat in your mouth, so it's superfluous to send someone to negotiate!" Qin Yingxiong nodded in deep thought.

Song Yan smiled: "I should have killed Chu Tianlong in Changyang Town, right?"

Four people don't know why song Yan asked this question, but they all nodded and should pass it on.

"Since the people of Changyang town know my strength, why dare they continue to seize heita mine? So I guess they must rely on it. We sent someone to negotiate, that is to test their attitude. It is the so-called" know yourself, know your enemy, win every battle... "

After listening to song Yan's explanation, the four heads of the family were convinced and agreed to send someone to negotiate.Heita mine is more than sixty miles away from Fenghua Town, and it takes more than one hour to return.

It was a steward of the Chu family who was sent to negotiate with the Wudao family in Changyang town.

But after two hours.

The steward did not come back. He was sent back by the guard of the famous Chu family, and he also brought back one of the steward's ears.

"Arrogant, people in Changyang town are so arrogant!"

Qin hero clapped the table and shouted.

"Yes, they dare to cut off the ears of the wise nephew. It's a naked provocation!" Li Shiyuan also shouted angrily.

Song Yan raised his hand and said in a deep voice, "although there are battles between our two towns, we have kept our due restraint. Last time, my father killed the two late warriors of Shenhai, but he didn't kill them. But this time, they took the mine first, then humiliated us. Obviously, they intend to fight with us. This shows that they really rely on it, and they don't rely on it. That's all Then we will send someone to Changyang town to investigate and see what their dependence is! "

"OK, just do as the wise nephew said!"

All four agreed with song Yan.

Changyang Town, Wei family.

There are three martial arts families in Changyang Town, among which Wei family is the strongest.

The head of the Wei family is called Wei Mingshan. His cultivation has reached the late stage of Shenhai. A few years ago, Changyang town tried to seize the heita mine. Finally, Chu Tianxing awed them with absolute strength.

Wei Mingshan was one of the two late gods defeated by Chu Tianxing.

He had thought that he had no chance to take the heita mine in his life, but he got the news that Chu Tianxing had passed away before March.

Then he began to think and conspire with the other two families.

But when they started, Fenghua town came the news that Chu Tianxing's son killed Chu Tianlong in the later stage of Shenhai to regain the power of Chu family.

In the later period of being able to kill Shenhai with one sword, the strength of that body must have reached the peak of Shenhai.

So they had to cancel the plan that they had been preparing for several months, which was very depressing.

But just three days ago.

Her daughter, Wei Le, came back with a man, Feng Kai, the second son of Feng family leader of Wudao family in Yunfeng city.

It is said that the Feng family has more than three yuan Dan strongmen.

Therefore, with the arrival of Fengjia, Wei Mingshan began to think about heita mine.

[author's extras]: second, thank you for the great rewards of [lonely peak], [lanxiaofeng] and [xiaoash]

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