Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481

Yunfengcheng, fengjiapianting.

After hearing Feng Jia's accusation against song Yan, Feng Taixu asked lightly, "what are you going to do?"

Feng Kai subconsciously said, "naturally, he took people to Ping Chu's house."

Smell speech, a glimmer of disappointment flashed in Feng Taixu's eyes: "it's very easy for my Feng family to kill a Chu family, but have you ever thought about it? What excuse do you use to kill the Chu family?"

"Naturally, he doesn't pay attention to my rich family!" Fengjia's way of course.

"Why does he look at you?" Feng Taixu sneered.

"Because I am the second young master of the Feng family!"

Hearing Feng Jia's answer, Feng Taixu was more and more disappointed. His second son was a typical brainless man, and he was far from his elder brother.

Feng Taixu went on: "robbing people's money is like killing their parents. You have to take people's pillar industries. Do people want to give you face?"

Feng Kai was stunned and even more stupid. He didn't think his father didn't come to him. He quibbled, "but he shouldn't have killed Uncle Yu!"

"Then I ask you, what did you send them to do?" Feng Taixu asked again.

"Take the head of Chu fan!"

"Hum!" Feng Taixu snorted coldly: "you are going to kill people. Why don't they fight back and give you face? Or, if you want to kill him, he should straighten his neck and wait for you to kill?"

Suddenly, Feng Jia's face turned red, but he was not willing to say: "is that how to let him go?"


Feng Taixu slaps his hands on the table and stares at Feng Jia with poor color: "you are such a fool. How could my reputation give birth to such a stupid son as you?"

“…… I...! " Feng Kai opens his mouth without a word.

As you can see, there is a sense of powerlessness in the bottom of Feng Taixu's heart. He hates iron but does not become steel. "My Feng family has been able to stand in Yunfeng city for hundreds of years, not only by force, but also by means.

Take this as an example. Your biggest mistake is to personally send someone to kill that Chu fan. Who are you? You are the second youngest member of the Feng family. To deal with the Wudao family in a town is a matter of great loss of status. Besides, you were killed by the other side and forced to flee back to Yunfeng. You have almost ruined my Feng family's face! josei

Family history is indeed your dependence, but it's not your dependence. The sword is always hidden in the scabbard. Once it's out of the scabbard, it can kill the enemy. Otherwise, it can't frighten the enemy any more. Do you understand? "

"I seem to understand!" Feng Kai nodded thoughtfully.

"I don't think you're stupid enough!" Feng Taixu finally showed a smile: "then tell me, if you come across such a thing again, what should you do?"

"I I haven't thought about it yet. Please give me some advice! " Feng Jia's embarrassed way.


Feng Taixu sighed heavily and stared at Feng Jia silently for a long time, then said: "if I am in that situation, I should let out the wind. As a member of your Feng family, there is absolutely no lack of people who flatter you. Without your help, there will be others to deal with him. Now you understand?"

"I see!" Feng Kai nodded suddenly.

Feng Taixu said again: "but there is no regret medicine in the world, so tell me, how do you do it now?"

"Let others deal with Chu fan!"

"Pa!" Feng Taixu was so angry that he slapped Feng Jia on the back of his head and said, "I told you nothing just now!"

"I...!" Feng Jia's face is full of grievances, but he dare not speak at will.

"Now that things have happened, and that Chu fan has shown his strength far beyond the peak of the sea of gods, who dares to deal with him? Therefore, the best way is to suppress him by thunder, so as to recover your reputation. Otherwise, you will be reduced to a joke in Yunfeng city! "

"Father is wise!"

"Roll, in the next six months, you are not allowed to leave Yunfeng city for half a step!"


When Feng Jia left, Feng Taixu couldn't help rubbing the dull and painful brain kernel. His second son just didn't have a brain.

All of a sudden, his face suddenly became cold. Just now, he didn't make clear what he said. That's this time, Fengjia was used by the father and daughter of the Wei family.

"My Feng family is not a small Wei family you can use!"

With a sneer, Feng Taixu asked people to summon Xu Yongshan, who was worshiped by the Feng family.

"I met brother Feng."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xu Yongshan arrived and politely hugged Feng Taixu. He was the sacrifice of the Feng family, but he was not the descendant of the Feng family. Therefore, he and Feng Taixu had a discussion on each other.

After a simple exchange of greetings, Feng Taixu said, "brother Xu has two things to trouble you!"

"Oh, brother Feng, please tell me."

Feng Tai Xu said with a deep voice: "the eyelid of the big families quickly passed the news back.

Qin family.

When he got the news, Qin Yingxiong sighed: "the Chu family is over!"

Li family.Li Shiyuan got the news but was very happy. Then he ordered his men to be in place. Once Chu fan died, he immediately seized the Chu family's property.

After receiving the news, the Zhou family and the Wang family hesitated slightly and ordered people to start layout and prepare to seize the Chu family's industry.

At the same time, the warriors of Fenghua town gathered in the direction of Chu mansion.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the carriage came to the front door of the Chu family, and the driver wuselang said: "the Fengjia family in Yunfeng city offered Mr. Xu Yongshan a ride, and Chu fan came out to meet him!"


When I heard the name of Xu Yongshan, all the martial artists around me had their heads blown up. Who is Xu Yongshan? He is a great master of Yuandan.

"The Chu family is over!"

"I have said for a long time that there is no good end to offending the Feng family! The Yuandan master of xiafeng family is here! "

"Hum, Chu fan died by himself. Now, not only he is going to die, but even the whole Chu family is afraid to die!"

Just at the time when people were talking about it and no one was optimistic about song inkstone, the tightly closed door of Chu family opened.

[author's extraneous remarks]: Fourth, thank you [dadanyuyi] and [liangbo children's funeral empty city] for your great reward

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