Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

"What are you doing? Didn't benxian warn you to stop investigating it? Do you take the words of this fairy as the wind in your ear? "

As soon as song Yan left Feng's house, he was stopped by the girl in white, and his eyes were not good at questioning him.

"Sister in white, we meet again."

It's the first snow. I'm very happy to see each other.

"Girl, you will be affected by him sooner or later after him. Why don't you go back to Wanhua valley with me?" The masked girl once again invited the first snow.

"Thank you, sister. I really don't need it. My brother will protect me!" The first snow is also stated again.

There was a trace of disappointment in the eyes of the masked girl: "well, you don't want me to force you, if you change your mind, please let me know at any time!"

Hearing this, song Yan said in his heart that this masked girl's eyesight is still good, and her original qualification is good. After using the marrow washing pill to cut the hair and wash the marrow, she will be more smart, and her whole body is full of spirit. It is obvious that the other party only wants to earn her income from the valley of flowers after seeing that the first snow is different.

However, although Wanhua Valley is mysterious and powerful, song Yan is not ready to let her into Wanhua valley. You need to know that with the skills and resources he has mastered, you can easily cultivate the first snow into a generation of goddess.

"First snow, let's go!"

Song Yan grabbed Chu Xue's arm and was ready to leave, but was stopped by the masked girl: "do you hear clearly? If you go after that again, I don't care about you. Besides, you'd better leave Yunfeng city and return to Fenghua town in three days and never come out! "

Song Yan's disdainful lips: "this fairy, I didn't ask you to protect me! If you don't want to, you can leave by yourself! "

“…… You You don't know what to do! "

He glared at Song Yan fiercely, and the masked girl disappeared.

After a while, the masked girl appeared in a mansion near the tavern where song Yan lived. She saw song Yan walking into the tavern. She couldn't help pinching Xiuquan and muttering to herself, "damn you, if it's not for the master to let this fairy protect you, the ghost will!"

Two days passed in a flash.

Just as song Yan was about to take Chu Xue to stroll in the street, the masked girl appeared again: "Hey, when are you going back to Fenghua town?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Song Yan leaned over her and replied in a tone of angry death.

"Elder brother, elder sister in white, don't quarrel as soon as you meet, OK?" While talking, the first snow came to hold the hand of the masked girl and said, "how about going shopping with us, sister in white?"

"When I see this guy, I feel uncomfortable. I'm not interested in shopping!" The masked girl did not stare at Song inkstone.

Song Yan shrugged at her indifferently: "if you don't love it, no one will force you!"

"So you don't want to go to this fairy?" Asked the masked girl, biting her silver teeth.

"I don't want to be watched!" The song inkstone plays sadism.

"What do you mean?" The girl's eyes were round again, and there was a faint sign of anger.

"I don't want to go with such a shameful fellow!" Song Yan continues to stimulate the other party. In fact, he who has a clairvoyance has seen the real face of the other party for a long time. It's very beautiful. It's full of Fairy Spirit, which is very consistent with the other party's self-identity of "the fairy".

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

"No, elder sister. Elder brother didn't mean to offend you!" The first snow hurriedly stopped the masked girl, eyes with a pleading way.

The masked girl saw this and the anger in her body gradually dissipated. She said coldly, "for the sake of the first snow, I will spare you this time. Next time, I dare to interrupt your dog legs!"

But song Yan shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's go shopping in the early snow!"

Looking at the masked girl pulling the first snow forward, song Yan's mouth could not help showing a smile of pondering.

Soon, in the next play, the masked girl will show her true shape, and it is difficult to keep a high cold attitude. From her performance, she is a girl who has never been involved in the world.

At the moment, the masked girl is eating happily with a bunch of ice sugar gourd, which looks like she is eating a unique delicacy.

"Ah, how pitiful this girl is! It seems that the life of Wanhua Valley is not easy!" Song inkstone sighed to himself, and felt wise for not sending the first snow to Wanhua valley.

Hongtiancheng, Zhufu.

Zhu Zhen Yue asked in a deep voice, "is that bastard still in Yunfeng city?"


The middle-aged man asked nodded: "the disciple of Wanhua Valley has never left, and we are not easy to start, but we have a negotiation with her. As long as Chu fan leaves Yunfeng city in three days and never steps out of Fenghua Town, we will spare him. Today is the last day. If Chu fan does not leave, we have an excuse to start!"

Zhu Zhenyue nodded: "well, good! Remember, it's better to kill the little bastard. If the disciples of Wanhua Valley don't know how to play, they should also kill them! "The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "don't worry, my Lord. This time I will send a master to gather Fu Jing. The disciple of Wanhua Valley is not in the later period of Yuandan!" josei

"There's nothing wrong with this mission!" Zhu Zhenyue stressed.



Yunfeng City, the restaurant where song Yan is located.

Just as he was going to have a rest, the masked girl directly shook the door bolt and burst in. She first pointed out the beginning of snow, which made her fall into a lethargy. Then she stared at Song Yandao and said, "tonight you must leave to return to Fenghua Town, otherwise you can't leave if you want to go!"

"What if I don't go?" Song inkstone curled his mouth.

"How can you be so stubborn? There is only one hour left, and they will come. If you don't leave, there is only one way to die!"

"Not necessarily!" Song Yan smiles confidently: "you go, I have my own way to protect myself!"

In this regard, the masked girl didn't believe it at all, and her eyes were full of some contempt: "you don't know what kind of enemy you are facing. If benxian didn't guess wrong, the other side might send experts to gather in Fujing. For your accomplishments, the other side's breath would kill you!"

All of a sudden, song Yan returned to the normal color and said seriously, "well, you don't have to say it again. In a word, I won't go!"

"You can't help it!"

Masked girl eyes light a cold, raise hand to point out a finger, intend to point faint song inkstone.

But song Yan had been ready for a long time. When he stepped out, he disappeared in the same place, making the other side empty, and said: "although my accomplishments are not as good as you, but on body method, you are not as good as me!"

"Is it?"

The masked girl sneered, raised her plain hands and pointed them out. Suddenly, dozens of fingers shot at Song Yan from different directions.

But song Yan is confident and laughs. He seems to walk in the wind. Sometimes he takes a step, sometimes he changes his body shape, sometimes he rises in the air. He even avoids dozens of finger strength.

For a while, even the masked girl could not help but show the unexpected color.

[author's extraneous remarks]: thanks for the reward of "one person"

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