Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1551

Chapter 1551

Yuhuangzong, in a loft.

Feeling the fast falling breath suddenly no longer falling, Zhang Taichu, who had only a glimmer of hope, could not help his confidence to increase greatly. He stared at Song Yan with burning eyes: "young master, how can I cooperate next?"

Song Yan said gently, "the main reason for your failure in attacking the holy sea is that your potential and accumulation are not enough. Take them and take them. These three cold elixirs can greatly increase your qualification and potential!"

During the conversation, the cold light flashed. Zhang Taiqian grabbed it, spread out his palm, looked at the crystal clear pill, faintly sending out the cold, and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

Not long after the pill entered the abdomen, Zhang Taichu sensed the magic power of the three pills.

When Zhang Taichu attracted the power of medicine, because of the suppression of the array, his breath never slipped again.

This makes the black-and-white Er Lao out of the house a mess.

Finally, an hour passed.

The three cold elixirs have been successfully absorbed by Zhang Taichu, but he became radiant when he was out of his wits, but his eyes on Song Yan were filled with deep gratitude. Now he has a feeling that if he impacts the holy sea, he will definitely succeed.

Although confident, he still asked song Yan, "childe, what should we do next?"

"You should have some feelings of your own. Let's attack the holy sea again!" Song Yan said.


Zhang Taichu nodded, abandoned his inner thoughts, and began to impact the holy sea again.

With his impact, his momentum rose rapidly again.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere from the attic, black and white two old people couldn't help but look at each other and saw the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes, of course, it was more joyful.

Because they know that Zhang Taichu has been in the re impact of the holy sea realm.

With the passing of time, Zhang Taichu's breath is becoming stronger and stronger, more and more vast. In a secluded way, the whole Goddess Peak is covered, which makes people have the feeling of head worship.

Finally, after half an hour.

Zhang Taichu's breath reached its peak.

Different from the last time, his breath is more than twice that of the previous peak.


Zhang Taichu's face was dignified, and his hands were quickly pinched and printed, which made the emptiness come out and hit again and again, just like the thunder in the dry sky.

At the same time, song Yan, who was present, found that dozens of black iron cables appeared in Zhang Taichu's body, one end of which extended to the void and the other end was deeply embedded in his body.

Song Yan concluded that in order to break through the holy sea, most of them had to break through these black cables.

"Break it for me!"

At the next moment, the speed of Zhang Taichu's printing was accelerated, and a series of printing secrets were played out. The momentum of the whole person became extremely fierce. Then, there were several sounds of gold and iron breaking.

"Good guy!"

As soon as song Yan saw it, he found that Zhang Taichu had broken three iron ropes directly.

With the breaking of the iron rope, his breath began to change, though not stronger, but more solid.

"This is transformation!"

Song Yan knew that, at the same time, with the change of breath, the vitality between heaven and earth rushed to his body like crazy. In an instant, Zhang Taichu seemed to be fat.

Looking at this scene, song yanruo thinks.

What is the iron rope that appears on Zhang Taichu? He faintly sensed that the iron ropes were the blockade and imprisonment of the warriors, which not only imprisoned the possibility of their further promotion, but also imprisoned their life span.

And counting carefully, there are sixty-three iron ropes on Zhang Taichu.

He didn't know what it meant.

But if there are martial artists in the holy sea realm here, they will know that the more chain of order they have, the stronger their strength will be if they break through the holy sea completely.

Even if a warrior whose order chain is less than ten breaks through the holy sea, it will be difficult to make a new breakthrough in the future.

The chain of order is between ten and thirty. After such fighters break through, they will have a chance to attack the middle of Shenghai.

The chain of order is between 30 and 100. After breaking through this kind of martial arts, they have the chance to achieve the later stage of Shenghai.

There are more than one hundred chains of order. After breaking through, these warriors are expected to become demigods.

Zhang Taichu was the patriarch of yuhuangzong, who used a lot of resources. Therefore, he had a deep foundation. Therefore, sixty-three order chains were condensed in his body.

It is the so-called fact that his background has surpassed his qualification and potential. Therefore, he has failed to make a breakthrough three times in a row.

"Collapse! Collapse! Collapse...! "

There were five sounds of breaking. This time, Zhang Taichu broke five chains of order directly.

For a while, his breath changed a lot. The vitality of heaven and earth within ten miles flowed to the attic and was inhaled into his body. In his knowledge of the sea, a prototype of the vitality ocean was formed.

Time goes by.

When four hours later, the sound of the avalanche broke the last chain of order in Zhang Taichu's body, and his breath changed substantially. Sensing this, the black-and-white elders outside the attic almost cried with joy, and the White elders kept muttering: "yes, yes!"As for the face of the elder, it is also full of joy. If the patriarch breaks through the holy sea, then the position of yuhuangzong will be raised several times.

And now.

Zhang Taichu's knowledge of the sea has become a golden ocean.

Then, the sea rolled, and a golden figure rose slowly from the sea, then suspended above the sea, nourished by the vitality of the sea.

"I have made the holy sea!"

Zhang Taichu felt inexplicable, followed by joy.

The next moment, he opened his eyes and saw song Yan standing there. He could not help but stand up and pay a deep homage to him: "thank you very much, Mr. Zhang. If you have any request, please come!"

"I want you to give me the yuhuangjing of yuhuangzong?" Song Yan looked at him and asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Taichu's face sank slightly. Then he took out a book from the storage ring and handed it to him with both hands: "young master, this is my yuhuangzong's yuhuangjing."

Song Yan didn't expect that Zhang Taichu could be so straightforward, so he said the Jade Emperor Sutra to him.

"Lord Zhang, I don't like to let people suffer losses. In order to compensate you, how about I give you two copies of imperial skill and one hundred cold Lingdan?"

Zhang Taichu wanted to refuse, but after hearing the cold Lingdan, he couldn't say no more.

Because he knew that the effect of hanlingdan was too powerful.

The next day, song Yan left yuhuangzong. The patriarch Zhang Taichu and the two old men, black and white, came to see him off.

After leaving yuhuangzong.

Song Yan directly locked in a direction. His goal this time is the sword clan of Tianhai. After he obtained the Jade Emperor Sutra yesterday, he entered the temple to practice. Therefore, a talisman in his body has become the Jade Emperor talisman, and the strength of martial arts has increased a lot, at least in the middle of the disaster.

As long as five huangpin talismans are condensed, he will directly impact the Yang God.

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