Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Looking at Qi Tianhai's big, ugly face, song Yan's eyes turned to Zhang Mingyu, who had never spoken, like an outsider, and asked, "Master Zhang, do you think so?"

"I believe elder martial brother Qi!" Zhang Mingyu said faintly, in a tone of indifference.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled and glanced at all the people in the hall with sneering eyes: "if you want to swallow my skill, you have to see if you have a good mouth, so as not to find teeth all over the place at last!"


"Dead or alive!"


As soon as song Yan's words fell, several elders came together to fight.

But song Yan smiled coldly.

For some reason, Luo Changlao, who was always wary of song inkstone, saw his smile and suddenly became extremely upset.

"All right!" Qi Tianhai said again, "please don't talk nonsense with the thief, take him down!"

"Thief, I will meet you when I come!"

An old man in green robe came out. His surname was Tang, and he was in charge of the law enforcement Hall of the sword clan of Tianhai. His prestige was only second to that of Luo Changlao, who was in charge of the punishment. His accomplishments had reached the peak of Yang God, and he was only one step away from entering the Dharma phase.

"You can't!" Song Yan shook his head seriously: "it's better for all of you to go together!"

"The thief is arrogant!"

Elder Tang was so angry that a long blue sword appeared in his hand.

This is a top-level divine soldier, called Qingyan. It contains some strange power. Once it is exerted, it will generate a special attack against other gods and spirits. Thus, its combat power will be greatly affected.


Tang Chang held his sword with one hand, and it was as fast as lightning. At the same time, there was a green light on the sword, which made song Yan's expression dull for a moment.

Elder Tang saw this and knew that the other side had been hit by the secret plot of his power. He had to speed up his sword speed and planned to kill the other side with one sword.


Seeing that song Yan is about to be split into two parts by green nightmare sword, a crystal like jade finger appears without any sign and points on the body of the sword.

With a crisp sound, elder Tang's arm was numb by the shock, and then a huge force rushed in, which made him quit for several steps in succession, and then stabilized his body.

He stared at Song Yan strangely and exclaimed, "you How could you... "

"How can I not be affected by the special energy on your sword?" Song Yan helped him to say his doubts: "don't you know that Wei Yuan was also defeated by me? No matter how he says it, he is a Dharma warrior, but you are just a Yang God. Do you think you can be better than him? Even he and I can easily defeat, you want to kill me, it's beyond your control! "

Hearing song Yan's words, Tang Changlao could not help blushing with shame, but he was more annoyed.


At the next moment, the shadow of the sun behind him is dashed, and the air in the whole hall vibrates.


In the middle of the explosion and drinking, elder Tang made another move. This time, he used the secret sword move of Tianhai sword clan.

For a while, the whole hall was filled with horrible sword Qi. Fortunately, the hall was made by the sword clan of Tianhai with great efforts. Its defense was extremely amazing, which was enough to let the martial artists of the Dharma phase fight with all their strength.

"I dare to make a fool of myself!"

Song Yan's voice sounded, then, PA's voice, the sword light disappeared all over the sky, and elder Tang was slapped by him.

Although Tang Changlao cultivates the huangpin skill, his strength is at best equal to that of the early stage of the combination, and song Yan's strength in martial arts is more terrible than that of the early stage of the crossing of robberies. Therefore, it's easy to defeat him if you want to.

Seeing that Tang Changlao was fanned, everyone looked very awe struck. The strength of Chu fan is indeed worthy of reputation, but Luo Changlao felt more and more uneasy. josei

"Let's fight with the elders and use the sword array to deal with him!" Qi Tianhai opened his mouth again, his face was rather gloomy, his eyes were flickering, and he did not know what he was thinking.

"Wheezing! Wheeze

The sound of the sword coming out of its sheath became one and the other four elders offered their own soldiers.

As the elder of Tianhai sword clan, their rights are only weaker than those of the two patriarchs, so they are all qualified to hold the top level divine soldiers.


Elder Tang swept away the negative emotions, formed a sword formation with four other elders, and killed song Yan again.

"You are so stupid. Don't you know that I am proficient in array?"

Song Yan's disdainful voice came from the array. Then, it was the sound of Pa Pa Pa. then, he saw all the five elders flying back and falling on the ground, unable to climb for a long time.

Song Yan clapped his hands and stared at Qi Tianhai thoughtfully: "Lord Qi said that you are stupid and don't believe it. If I don't have absolute assurance, how can I carry three huangpin skills to do business with you? Even the emperor dare not swallow my things, but you dare, do not know you are stupid and bold? Or was greedy blindfold the brain, do not know how to think! "Speaking of this, song Yan's eyes turned to Zhang Mingyu: "and you, it's very dignified not to talk with a tight face, isn't it? In fact, in my eyes, you are a stupid woman with big chest and no brain. Qi Tianhai doesn't have brain and you don't have brain. It's just stupid to be together. No wonder you will become martial brothers and sisters! "

In the face of song Yan's venomous tongue, Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu's faces were all gloomy to the extreme. At last, Qi Tianhai did not hold back and shouted: "little thief, stop talking to me. Do you think you can defeat five elders and be invincible in the world? Now, let you see the real sword technique of our Tianhai sword clan!"

While talking, Qi Tianhai grabbed the void, and he had a huge golden sword in his hand, while Zhang Mingyu waved a move, and he had a short sword in his hand.

The sun sword and the moon sword rank sixth and seventh in the imperial list respectively.

The power of double swords is doubled.

"Younger martial sister, first you fight for brother, I will meet the thief!" Qi Tianhai slowly raised the golden giant sword in his hand and spoke in a deep voice. His strength has reached the later stage of the Dharma phase. With the increase of the Japanese sword, he is not afraid even to face the saint Hai warrior.

Therefore, although song Yan's performance was beyond his expectation, he was not afraid of this life. Instead, he had a strong killing chance in his heart. Because he knew that if he didn't kill this spiteful kid today, he would be the heart of the sword clan of Tianhai in the future.

"You'd better go together! This saves time! "

Song Yan once again, it seems very arrogant.


When Qi Tianhai's eyes were cold, the Japanese sword in his hand suddenly blossomed. At the next moment, it turned into a golden light and chopped towards song Yanfei.


Song Yan takes a clap of his hand and directly beats the golden light to fly. Then he steps up and takes three claps in succession.

"Bang bang!"

Super strong impact, just like Mars hitting the earth, the whole sword house is shaking violently, as if it can't bear the huge force.

As for Qi Tianhai, he only blocked song Yan's two palms and was patted in the chest by the third palm, spitting blood and flying backwards.

Song Yan didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He stood in the same place and said with disdain: "I told you to go up together, but I didn't listen. Now I know!"


Hearing song Yan's words, Qi Tianhai's face, who was trying his best to suppress the physical injury, changed rapidly for a while, and finally he was so angry that he spit out old blood again.

[author's extras]: after the third update, thanks for the reward of [none, false]

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