Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1579

Chapter 1579

Song Yan in the temple and poetry Yueyue some nonsense, just reluctantly returned to the outside world.

As soon as they appear in the outside world, the two girls feel abnormal. They know that most of them are not in the main world, so the poem asks, "master, where is this?"


Song Yan briefly introduced the world to the two women, both of whom showed their excited expressions, mainly because of the restless factors in their bodies. The main world is too leisurely.

At this time, Wei Le looks a little scared and rushes in. She sees the two girls nestling beside song Yan, but she says, "I'm sorry, Zhuge Jiancheng and Wenren Junjie are in trouble!"

"Oh, what happened?"

Song Yan didn't care too much. In his opinion, it's impossible for those six guys to meet ordinary Yang Shenwu people with their strength. What's more, they have burning Ice Armor, and ordinary Yang Shenwu people will only suffer when they meet them.

"Their situation is very bad, young man, you can see it." Wei Le is ready to talk.

All of a sudden, song Yan realized that what he imagined was even more serious.

"Lead the way!"


Soon, song Yan came to a small courtyard in the mansion. The courtyard was full of people. They were all members of the pest team who came from the inquiry. At the moment, their faces were full of sadness and indignation.

"Captain, here you are!"

"Captain, you should take revenge for Zhuge, Wenren and yanru!"

The vermin team members were excited one by one.

"I'll talk about revenge later. I'll see them first!"

Song Yan raised his hand and strode towards the room.

Soon, he saw three people who were dizzy one after another. Their eyes were all broken, leaving only dark eyes. At the same time, their heads were damaged by energy. It was very serious. Even when they woke up, they would become fools and idiots.

Song Yan walked out of the room with a gloomy face.

"What's the matter?" he asked in a deep voice

"Captain, this is what happened..."

Zhang chucheng stands out and tells the news he inquires about. After Cheng Hao deprives the six people of their armor, he orders them to throw the six people out of the moon tower.

Finally, it was the military patrol who sent people back.

After saying the story, Zhang couldn't help but say: "Captain, it's too much for Cheng Hao's gang to set up the next game to let them jump inside!"

Smell Yan, song Yan's eyes are bright and cold. He knows Tianjiao people in Tianyang area intend to target them, but he didn't expect to come so fast and the means are so vicious.

"Revenge! Captain, we've fought with them. These animals are too deceiving! " Cried Zhang Bicheng. josei

"Leave a few people to take care of them. Others will follow me to the moon watchtower!"

Finally, I opened my mouth.

In a box of the moon tower, Cheng Hao and his party are having a good drink. They are very happy.

"Brother Cheng, do you think Chu fan will come to us for revenge?" Yingyang, who had been drunk, suddenly turned and said.


Cheng Hao sneered disapprovingly: "if he doesn't come, it's all right. If he dares to come, how about I ask him to kneel down and kowtow to everyone?"

"Ha ha, brother Cheng is domineering. I respect you!"

Everyone laughed and raised their glasses.

At this time, Cheng Hao and others suddenly made a strange cry and rushed to the sky.

At the next moment, a moon watchtower in Nuo University collapsed. Except for a few people, the diners who escaped from it were quite embarrassed.

"Grass! Which bastard did it? Get out for grandpa and see him instead of smashing your head! "

A big man covered with dust jumped to scold.

"That's right. Which rabbit moved his hand? Get out for me!"

"Shut them up!"

Song Yan said something lightly. Suddenly, the two figures burst out. With a sound of slap and slap, the two people who shouted abuse stopped abruptly, but their cheeks were swollen like pig heads.

They came all the way from xuanyang to fight in Tianyang. As a result, their companions were hurt so badly by Tianjiao. Therefore, everyone in the pest team has a bad feeling about Tianyang's life.

Seeing this scene, the diners who wanted to follow the curse shut up one after another.

At this time, Cheng Hao led a group of people to walk down from the sky and looked at Song Yan's taste carefully: "are you Chu fan?"

Song Yan nodded: "yes, I am! Are you Cheng Hao

"Did you collapse the moon tower?" Cheng Hao asked again.

"It's me!"

Cheng Hao's face sank abruptly and his eyes were cold: "you are so brave. Don't you know that my son is eating in there, disturbing my son's meal, do you know the sin?"

"You are paralyzed!"

Song Yan scolded and then waved."Pa!"

Cheng Hao felt only the darkness in front of him, then he was fanned out.


Cheng Hao's body fell heavily into the ruins, dust flying.

Seeing this scene, the diners around looked stupid. It was Cheng Hao, the peerless Tianjiao ranked 46 in the Qianlong list, who was slapped by someone.

Yingyang, Chen Yu and others are also stupid. How could Cheng Hao be slapped by others.

"Tu baozi, you dare to sneak on me. I will kill you!"

At the next moment, a voice full of anger and killing opportunities came from the ruins. Then, Cheng Haohua was seen shooting towards song inkstone as a streamer.


Song Yan waves his hand again, slapping, and gives Cheng Hao to fan Fei again.

"Here How is this possible? "

Yingyang, Chen Yu and others are all sluggish. It can be said that Cheng Hao was accidentally fanned just now, but this time he was fanned again, which only shows that the buns from xuanyang region are powerful as they imagined.


At the next moment, a strong breath rises from the ruins, a strong energy radiates, directly shattering everything around into powder. Then, a huge shadow of Yang God appears in the void.

"Earth baozi, don't let you break your bones, I swear not to be human!"

Then, seeing Cheng Hao holding two guns and killing from the ruins again, the momentum was extraordinary. Under his momentum, the heaven and earth seemed to collapse, making the surrounding diners flee in panic.


But as they turned around and fled, a clear slap sounded.

Then, Cheng Hao fell back again, falling back to his original position.

"Ah ah!"

The crazy roar came from Cheng Hao. Then, he rushed again.

But song Yan slapped him mercilessly back.

"What terrible power!"

Yingyang Chen Yu and others saw Cheng Hao who had been fan flying again and again. They all felt powerless. At the same time, they were afraid of song inkstone.

At this time, song Yan's eyes fell on them and said lightly, "take them down, dare to resist, and there is no pardon for killing them!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At the next moment, the members of the pest team who can't bear to kill Yingyang and others are wearing the burning Ice Armor.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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