Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581

"General Wu, what can you say now?"

Song Yan looks at Wu Qi lightly and asks in a tone that is not urgent or slow.

“…… You You! "

Wu Qi raised his finger and pointed to song Yan. He was very angry. He didn't expect that song Yan was so bold that he killed thousands of soldiers under him.

"Chu fan you wait, the military will not give up!"

Left a word, Wu Qi wanted to leave. He was really afraid of song Yan and he was afraid that he would kill him together. So, he had better leave the right and wrong place first.


The figure flashed, and Zhang Chu Cheng stopped Wu Qi's way. His face was very bad. Looking at him, his eyes were even colder: "Captain, do you want to kill him together?"

Although Zhang is usually silent, he is quite silent, but there are also violent factors in his body. He kills people faster than anyone else. There are at least 100 soldiers who died under his sword just now.

"You You dare! "

Wuqi drinks heavily. At the moment, his heart is very restless. Only when he drinks heavily can he suppress his fear.

Zhang Chu Cheng's eyes flashed: "dare not! Kill you like a dog! "

"Chu fan, do you want a complete confrontation with the military?" Wuqi was completely flustered and shouted at Song Yan, his eyes seeming with entreaties. , he's really scared.

Although the military is the absolute ruler in this city, but the name of the military can not deter song Yan, he counseled.

"Let him go!"

Song Yan said lightly that he came to help the army attack the goblin. If Wu Qi was killed, he would be completely opposed to the military.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he's afraid of the military. If the other side wants to pursue him, he will definitely fight head-on and leave. If the other side calms down, he can do nothing.

"Go away!"

Zhang chucheng glared at Wu Qi and let him go.

But Wu Qi was completely relieved, in the heart unexpectedly gave birth to the song inkstone's gratitude.

Kilometers away, there is an attic.

Standing in the attic is a handsome young man. It's kylin'er Wang Teng. Behind him are a number of Tianjiao people who are on the list of Qianlong.

"What do you think of this Chu fan?"

After a while, Wang Teng opened his mouth.

"More ferocity, less wisdom!"

Tianjiao sneers. It's obviously stupid to oppose the military. There are not only a large number of people in the military, but also many experts in the military. If they annoy the military, Chu fan will surely die.


Wang Teng shook his head gently, his eyes flashed with disappointment. At first, he regarded Chu fan as a character. Now, it seems that there is a body of force, but there is no wisdom.

If his idea is known by song Yan, song Yan will tell him, "have you ever heard of a great effort to break the law?"

After the strength reaches a certain level, all the intrigues are floating clouds.

"Yan'er, Leng Mo, Tian Yun, you three go to save Cheng Hao!" Wang Teng talks again.

"Without them, I'm all alone!" Zhou Yan'er is full of confidence. Her realm has reached the peak of Yang God. What she practices is xuanbing Tianyin Jue, which has not been cultivated by anyone in the Zhou family for three hundred years.

The energy that this skill cultivates can be described as devastating. Therefore, her strength is extremely amazing, and the general martial artists are not her opponents.

Lengmo and Tianyun are also on the list of potential dragons. One is ranked 40, the cultivation is also in the later stage of Yangshen, the other is ranked 42, and the cultivation is the peak of Yangshen in the middle stage. One foot has entered the later stage of Yangshen.

Wang Teng squinted: "don't be careless! Although Chu fan's wisdom is worrying, his strength is not bad. Although their strength is not as good as yours, they can also provide you with a hand! " josei


Zhou Yan'er snorted coldly. Her figure disappeared in a flash. Although she didn't agree, she didn't refuse.

In a flash, a beautiful young woman suddenly appeared and stopped song Yan and others.

"What do you want to do, girl, to stand in my way?"

Zhang Bicheng asked as soon as his eyes brightened.

But the woman's eyes passed him directly and fell on Song Yan: "Chu fan, let go of Cheng Hao and them."

Originally dizzy Cheng Hao suddenly woke up at this time. Seeing the figure of the woman in front of him, he couldn't help but rejoice: "Yan'er, are you here to save me?"

Zhou Yan'er gave Cheng Hao a bad look and scolded: "waste! I have said that Chu fan's buns are my prey. You have to fight. If Wang Teng didn't ask me to come, I wouldn't have to save you! "

Hearing Zhou Yan'er's words, Cheng Hao was furious and worried, and fainted again.

"Didn't you hear what Miss Ben said? Let go of that trash! "

Zhou Yan'er once again went to song inkstone, and her tone became more and more impolite.

Each other's mouth is full of buns. Song Yan is not angry, but a group of people behind him are angry.A female team member glared at her and said, "demon girl, who are you talking about

"You are all buns!"

Zhou Yan'er started the group gun function.

It makes people itch.

At this time, song Yan stepped forward and stared at Zhou Yan'er and said, "shall we make a bet?"

"I don't want to bet with the local baozi, so I won't lose my identity!" Zhou Yan'er disdains to pounce.

"You dare not?" Song Yan looked at her and asked.

"Dare not? I dare not to do anything else. How would you like to bet? " Zhou Yan'er is angry.

"We fight alone. If you can catch me, I'll let you handle it. If you fail, you'll come to me as a maid!" Song Yan slowly said the gambling content.

"What? You say that Miss Ben is not the enemy of your three moves! " Zhou Yan'er is almost mad!

"You dare not bet!" Song inkstone.

Zhou Yan'er blurted out, "OK, I promise you, if you lose, you will change your name to earth bun!"

"Yes!" Song Yan nodded, then hooked his fingers to each other: "let's do it!"


Zhou Yan'er is not polite. She directly releases the shadow of Yang spirit and emptiness. Then she steps out step by step and slaps song Yan with one hand.

She is proficient in many martial arts, but she is the best at palm and sword techniques.

She planned to defeat the other side with one stroke, so that the hateful guy could bring shame on himself. Therefore, this palm, seemingly ordinary, was her full effort.

One shot from the other side.

Song Yan felt a slight threat. This week Yan'er's strength is not weak, and she has been called the peak master in the later stage of Shangyang God. The power of this palm can be compared with that in the middle stage.

However, his Yang God is agglomerated by the five huangpin skills, gathering the advantages of the five huangpin skills.

When he raised his hand, he put out a palm to meet Zhou Yan'er. There was a faint color flickering in his palm.


Two palms attacked each other in the void, which caused a surprise explosion. Then, Zhou Yan'er snorted and flew back, while song Yan walked in the void, chasing and killing in an instant, and quickly pointed out his finger.

The finger force smashes into each other's body, directly defeats her gathered energy, and then turns into a big energy net, which seals her Yang spirit tightly. Zhou Yan'er falls into song Yan's hands as soon as he grabs it.

And now it's just two moves!

[author's digression]: three changes and four changes, thank you [td85127683], [secret war], [blocking a corner and kicking], [nothing, arrogance], [time is really like a song], [light and light]_ Heart] [quiet start] these great rewards are

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