Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1615

Chapter 1615

Soon after Song Yan returned to his temporary residence.

The members of the pest team came to congratulate each other, but when Zhang and Ji came back, they talked about what happened at the banquet vividly. They listened to them and their eyes were shining.

"Mighty, captain is so mighty!" Someone shouted.

The leader of his family is so powerful, they also feel proud of him. So, people meet one after another to congratulate song Yan.

In fact, for this matter Song Yandao did not feel how much satisfaction.

In other people's eyes, Princess Vientiane is unattainable. In his eyes, she is just a powerful woman.

For the arrival of the pest team, he can only accept it and let them make noise.

A lot of noise, until three or four o'clock in the morning, these guys left in succession. Fortunately, before leaving, the women's team members worked together to clean up the mess yard.

"Young man."

Wei Le is ready to talk.

"Come on, what's up?"

Song Yan waved to Wei Le, called her to his side, and sat on his leg with his eyes.

Since his marriage, he has neglected Weile's close servant girl.

"Young master, I think you should promise Princess Vientiane." Wei Le said with some trepidation.

Wei Le is an ambitious woman. Even after she followed song Yan, she never relaxed. In addition to her cultivation, she has always been very concerned about the collection of information. Therefore, she understands what kind of existence Princess Vientiane is. If her son becomes the bodyguard of Princess Vientiane, the benefits will be unimaginable. As a bodyguard, she will naturally follow the water The height of the boat.

As for Wei Le's persuasion, song Yan was not surprised. He also knew what she had in mind, but he could not say something to her. In fact, in addition to her, even all the members of the pest team thought that he should promise Princess Vientiane.

It's not enough strength to stoop to others.

Now that he has strength and resources, why do he want to be someone else's subordinate?

Since he couldn't explain, he didn't want to explain. One hand slipped into Wei Le's dress and went all the way up. Then he grasped a plump and greasy place and kneaded it wantonly.

"Young man!"

Wei Le let out a low voice, a pair of eyes suddenly more a layer of misty water, and took the initiative to raise the head to kiss.

In this regard, song Yan is naturally not polite. As soon as his head is low, he kisses the attractive little mouth and tastes it carefully.

After a cloud and rain, Wei Le fell into a deep sleep.

Song Yan is a flash into the temple.

He has left the first snow girl in the temple for a while and has been handed over to Tianlao to instruct her to practice.

Next moment, song Yan came to a wooden house beside a lake on a beautiful planet.

In front of the wooden house.

A young girl is practicing sword.

The light of the sword is like water, sometimes it's soft, sometimes it's like lightning. This girl has her own understanding of the sword technique.

The time of song inkstone on this planet is controlled at three times.

Therefore, the first snow has been cultivated here for more than two years.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the first snow stood up, and suddenly saw a figure not far away, and the exquisite little face could not help showing a very surprised expression.


Just like a swallow throwing its nest, Chu Xue pours directly into song Yan's arms. Her little face rubs against his chest. After a while, there is a whimper.

"What's the matter, girl?"

Song Yan touched her hair and asked softly.

"No, I just miss my brother." The first snow gently. josei

After two years of practice here, the first snow has changed a lot.

First of all, in the case of no lack of famous teachers' guidance and no lack of resources and skills, Yuanying has been condensed.

Secondly, the original little girl also came out in a graceful way.

"It's all my brother!"

Song Yan can feel chuxue's attachment to him, and can't help but feel a little guilty. He blames himself for not taking the time to see him.

"Don't blame yourself, brother. They just miss him too much."

For a while, song Yan was more self reproachful.

But soon, song Yan laughed at Chu Xue's tears with his three inch tongue. He took her to the lake and sat down. He took off his shoes, socks and bare feet and put them into the cold water.

Two brothers and sisters talk, unconsciously, it has been two hours.

Song Yan decides to leave here with chuxue, but she is rejected by chuxue. The reason is simple. She is not strong enough to help her brother when she goes out. Instead, she becomes a burden to him.

Wen Yan, song Yan once again painstakingly put her in her arms.

In fact, he would like to tell her that his strength is very strong, even in the face of the gods, he is not afraid, but when he thinks about it, he is worried about hitting the confidence of the first snow, so he promised her to continue to practice here.

Before leaving, he met with Tianlao and asked about the cultivation of the first snow.Once again, song Yan came to another planet.

has been digesting a blood dragon in ten times of time. The strength of one has already far exceeded the later period of the crossing. If it is to be made, the mosquito will still have to make complaints about it: you too have humorous cells.

thanks [Zou for victory] [td93180325] [Dunhuang to play a chess game] [Three Kingdoms fans] [glittering stars] [night Star soul] [Bao Yuyang] [Zou Dilong] these big reward

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