Magic Love Ring

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Ten minutes later, crazy Li strides out of Li Mu's study and heads for the airport.

More than two hours later, Li appeared at Shuanghe airport.

After he arrived at Shuanghe airport, Zhao Changshan hurriedly rushed to the courtyard where Zhao Changsheng was, and said with a quick face: "the patriarch is not good. My subordinates heard that Li Frenchman went to Tianhe Prefecture. If I guessed right, he must have gone to song Yan."

Smell speech, Zhao Changsheng look slightly a change: "Li frenzy, Li family that murderous star?"

Li Frenchman, 25 years old, has achieved the four qualities of inborn cultivation. At present, he works in a special brigade in Yanhuang. In recent years, he has carried out hundreds of missions, and the number of special forces killed in his hands is said to be no less than 800.

Among them, there are 19 congenital experts, the strongest one, but also reached the top of the five congenital peaks.

To this end, the special forces of various countries have tried to encircle him for many times, killing him. However, this man is extremely powerful and lucky. He can turn a bad fortune into a good one and kill the enemy. Therefore, he has a very high reputation in the world and is called the killing star by the special forces of various countries.

At present, Li Manian has the rank of senior colonel. If he was not only 25 years old, he would have been a general on purpose. Of course, there are also reasons why Li Manian is irascible and likes to speak with his fist, offending too many people.

Almost all the young men of the ten families have been beaten by him.

"Patriarch, are we going to send someone to stop crazy Li?" Zhao Changshan said with worried face.

Zhao Changsheng said to himself, "if a jade is not hard to make a tool, if an iron is not knocked, it is hard to make a steel. Since crazy Li didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts, it shows that the Li family dare not kill song inkstone. If I guess correctly, the old fox of the Li family wants to use crazy Li's hand to attack song inkstone's confidence!"!

Those who practice martial arts pay attention to the essence of the dragon and the ferocity of the tiger. They should have an indomitable momentum. If this momentum is broken, the person will be destroyed! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Changsheng could not help showing a little worry in his eyes.

"Damn old fox, what shall we do now?" Zhao Changshan scolded.

"Watch it change!" Zhao Changsheng said slowly.

"You're not going to step in, patriarch?"

"No." Zhao Changsheng shook his head: "you don't want to look down on Song Yan, the kid who was born with the triple master of the blood god cult. It can be seen that he was extraordinary, talented and scheming. That's wisdom and bravery. Therefore, Li may not be able to defeat him.

Some people give him more pressure, the more violent the outbreak! Ha ha, maybe that old fox will make a fool of himself! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Changshan was surprised. Unexpectedly, the patriarch's evaluation of song inkstone was so high. If so, it would be Zhao's luck.

After Zhao Changshan left, Zhao Changsheng's smiling face suddenly disappeared, instead, there was a more dignified look: "Song Yan, song Yan, this is a test for you. If you hold on, my Zhao family will give you full support. The future of Zhao family may not be in your hands. If you do not hold on, I can only abandon you. I hope you don't let me down!"

Speaking of this, his eyes flashed a shred of fierce and indignant, and his eyes could not help looking at the reverse of the Li family: "Li Mu, sooner or later I will calculate the account with you for murdering Zhao Hao!"


Shuanghe airport.

Li Kuang Ren's figure of nearly two meters is extremely conspicuous. As soon as he left the airport, a young man strode up to invite him to a black louse.

The driver was the young man himself. There was a charming young woman in the back seat of the car. Li Kuang Ren had already got on the car, and the other side took the initiative to stick up the soft and fragrant body: "Li Shao, they are called Xueer."

Li Kuang Ren grinned, showing two rows of white teeth, and pointed to his crotch with his fingers.

The girl named Xueer gave him a white look, then took the initiative to untie his belt, buried her head in it, and then a sound of eating ice cream came out.

And Li Kuang's face does not change to ask the youth who drives: "what I told you to do?"

The young man in the car said: "don't worry, Li Shao. I've got the details of that boy. By the way, do you live in the state capital for one night or go to Xiangcheng now?"

Li Kuang Ren's eyes flashed a little wild and uninhibited: "that kid is born with two things. I can beat him to death with one slap. So, don't worry so much, just stay in the state capital for one night, and then leave for Xiangcheng tomorrow!"

"That's great," the young man said happily. "I've arranged for Shaoan Li. There are five, all under the age of 18, and all of them are original goods."

Li crazy people not only like to talk with their fists, but also extremely lecherous. He also has a quirk. He only likes to play with girls under the age of 18.

Hearing this, crazy Li's eyes brightened: "Su Hao, you know me best!"

"It's a small honor to serve Li Shao!" Su Hao hurriedly showed a dog leg look. Suddenly, Su Hao seemed to think of something and said, "by the way, Li Shao, our Su family has a support in Xiangcheng. When his family is called Su Xiaotian, his daughter is very beautiful and still in senior three. It seems that he is also sought after as a goddess of literature and art by those small fart children. When we get to Xiangcheng, I will let Su Xiaotian contribute his daughter.""Is it? It seems that this tour of Xiangcheng will not be lonely! " Madman Li laughed grimly.

In the dormitory.

Song Yan is standing at the head of the bed. She looks at the blood rose across her knee. Her accomplishments have been completed the day after tomorrow, but she is suffering from no innate skills, so she has not been able to break through.

Therefore, song Yan taught part of the book of Peiyuan to her.

Unexpectedly, the internal strength of her body has been polished to be extremely pure. After being transformed into Zhenyuan, it is still the day after tomorrow. Therefore, she plans to take a Yangyuan pill to break through to the congenital master.

All of a sudden, the body of the blood rose was shocked, and a strong momentum burst out from her body, rippling out a circle of air ripples.

For a while, song Yan's face relaxed, knowing that the blood rose had broken the shackles of the day after tomorrow, and formally stepped into the ranks of congenital experts.


Song Yan said with a smile.

The blood rose smiled and nodded: "I can break through to the inborn can be said to be your credit, in order to thank you, I can help you to do three things for free later."

"Well, that's the deal." Song Yan said with a smile.

"Well, it's not too early. I'll go first!" In the middle of the conversation, the blood rose jumped out of the bed, with a flash of body shape, and shot into the living room window, disappearing into the night.

Just then, his phone rang.

It's Zhao Changming.

"What's the matter with Uncle Four calling me so late?"

"A Yan, Li Kuang Ren of Li family has come to Tianhe Prefecture. That guy is a fierce man. He is likely to come to trouble you. You should be careful!" josei

Zhao Changming's voice was eager and concerned.

"Thank you, uncle. I'll be careful."

"A Yan, don't look down on that Li Kuang Ren. He is now a senior in congenitally fourfold and has killed a senior in congenitally fourfold. If you don't have to, you'd better leave Xiangcheng for a while to avoid, and then come back after that guy goes away."

"Good four uncles, I will consider!"

After finishing the call with Zhao Changming, song Yan dialed Li Longyang and got the details of Li Kuang Ren from him. For a while, his blood was boiling: "kill the stars It's interesting! "

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