Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659

"Who is he with you?"

Song Yan looked at the old man in the black robe and asked the young man again.

Hearing this, Zheng Yucheng's face was full of bitterness: "he is the enemy of my family. I wish I could eat his flesh and drink his blood!"

Song Yan thought again.

Then he smiled and said, "I can help you catch him and leave it to you!"


Zheng Yucheng's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly said, "as long as you can let him kill him, let me do anything!"

"Very simply, you just need to give me the jade pendant on your neck, and I will help you to catch him!" Song Yan said again.

Zheng Yucheng was stunned, and his eyes flashed with hesitation, but he quickly made a decision. He directly pulled the jade pendant off his neck and handed it to song Yan: "my Lord, it's yours!"

"You're crisp!"

Song Yan smiled and looked up at the old man in black.


At this time, the old man in black robe suddenly turned into a black light and shot at the inkstone of Song Dynasty.

"Praying for arms to stop cars!"

Song Yan dismissively shakes his head, slaps it with a slap, and the black light breaks away, showing the figure of the old man in black again. At the same time, song Yan probes out his hand, and the other party can't help flying to him, and then one hand prints it on his chest, it shakes the energy in his body, and throws it at Zheng Yucheng's feet: "OK, he's yours, and you can do what you want!"

"Old man, you have killed my whole family. Today, I want you to die!"

Zheng Yucheng can't wait to pounce on the old man in black robe. He punches and kicks him for a while. For a while, he feels puzzled and hates, but he pours on the old man in black robe and starts to bite him.

Song Yan saw this, shook his head secretly, and quietly left the room. Then he withdrew the array and left with the first snow.

As soon as he returned to the manor of the dragon people, he took the first snow to enter the temple, and motioned for the first snow to take out his fusion key.

Sure enough, the two keys start to fuse with each other as soon as they meet.

This time, the ghost of Emperor Ming didn't fly out. Instead, he tried to restrain the breath, as if sensing the danger.

"Come out!"

As soon as song Yan got hold of it, he pulled out the ghost of the Ming emperor.

"Bastard, what do you want to do to me?"

The ghost of Emperor Ming roared.


Song Yan made a strange smile and a magic light. Suddenly, a flame was lit on the ghost of Emperor Ming. After a while, when the flame went out, the ghost of Emperor Ming turned into a pure spiritual energy.

"Swallow it!" josei

Song Yan gives this group of spiritual energy to Chu Xue.

The next day, half an hour before noon, song Yan and his party set out for dilongtai.

Dilongtai is a special place. If you pay a certain fee, you can fight here. Dilongtai is supported by a large array. Even if the Ninth level war generals try their best, they can't break it. It's the best place for duels.

One side is Tianjiao of Tianling nationality, the other is Tianjiao of renzu.

Therefore, there are many people coming to watch the war, and almost all the seats on the Dragon platform are full.

The Emperor Dragon arena is divided into nine levels. The first level is the arena for fighting.

From the second floor to the fifth floor, there are ordinary seats. You only need to pay a hundred liang of gold to get a seat and enjoy free tea.

From the sixth floor to the ninth floor are boxes.

The cost of each box is at least 12000 yuan. Of course, the treatment is different. The free tea is more advanced. There are also lingguo snacks. The main thing is that there is a maid here.

Liu long booked a box on the ninth floor yesterday.

The vision of the ninth floor is better, and there are only nine boxes on the ninth floor. The box that can be booked to the ninth floor has a lot to do with his identity as the Third Prince of the dragon people.

"By the way, eldest brother, you can make a bet later. Are you interested in it?"

After entering the box and taking a seat, Liu long said excitedly.

"How do you bet?" Song Yan asked.

"One for one." Liu Longdao.

"Who do you think will win?" Song Yan asked again.

Liu Longdao: "I think the victory of Baihan is bigger, and the skill of Tianling clan is very strange. Moreover, although this Baihan is not the strongest, his strength ranks the top three in the coming Tianjiao. As for Jifeng, I've also inquired that his strength is good in the Ninth level war general, but it's just good, and there's a certain gap compared with Baihan!"

"How much pressure do you have?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

Liu Longdao: "big gambles hurt the body, small gambles happy feeling, I press ten thousand Lingjing is!"

Song inkstone: "then I also press 10000 Lingjing, but I press Ji Feng!"

"Why?" Liu long was puzzled.

Song Yan said meaningfully, "because he is a member of Ji family. If they meet each other directly, Ji Feng will lose, but after a day's preparation, maybe..." Hearing that, Liu long suddenly woke up. Although Ji Jia would not directly participate in this fight, he would certainly provide him with a lot of help in secret. If Ji Jia fully supported him, Ji Feng would win more than Bai Han.So it's time for him to beat Jifeng.

About a quarter of an hour before noon, the two peaks appeared on the first floor of the arena.

All the men of the Tianling nationality like to keep their hair bare, because the hair of the Tianling nationality is green.

The name of Bai Han is very beautiful, but Bai Han is very strong, at least 2.5 meters. In addition, his face, head and even bare arms are covered with light purple spiritual lines.

The holy lines of the Tianling people are born, and there are many things to pay attention to. It is said that the holy lines of the Tianling people also have different levels.

It can be divided into mottled and monochromatic patterns.

The potential of two-color and five-color holy lines is the biggest among the miscellaneous holy lines.

Among the monochromatic holy lines, purple holy lines, black holy lines and white holy lines are the most precious.

The holy stripe of Baihan is purple, which means that his potential and aptitude belong to the top of the spirit clan, and he is likely to become a God in the future.

On the other hand, Jifeng is also very tall. It looks like one meter nine, but it's a little smaller than the two meter five Baihan.

Behind him is a huge black sword, and he is wearing a black robe. This black robe is not simple. It is absolutely the top-level spiritual weapon, which should be a defensive treasure.

And the boots under his feet, and even the hair ties are not ordinary things.

What makes song Yan feel the most powerful is the huge sword on his back, a top-level divine soldier who chases immortals directly. It seems that Ji Jia has made a lot of money for this battle.

"You're wise, boss!"

Liu long obviously also saw Ji Feng's extraordinary equipment.


The big array opened, separating the first layer from the other eight layers.

But the other eight people can clearly see the situation in the big array.

There is no superfluous words.

The two will fight soon.

Bai Han didn't use weapons, because his fists were comparable to the top level soldiers.

In the beginning, Bai Han had a bit of the upper hand. His offensive was fierce, forcing Ji Feng to retreat, while Ji Feng, who was in the lower hand, had a calm taste.

[author's extraneous remarks]: the third update is completed

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