Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1662

Chapter 1662

Somewhere in the manor where the contact point of the dragon people is located, the space is slightly twisted, and a figure is staggering out.


Liu long opened his mouth and spewed out black blood. His face was very upset, and the whole man looked particularly embarrassed.


The white shadow flashed, and the song inkstone in the white robe suddenly appeared several meters away. Seeing Liu Long's appearance, he said angrily, "don't you want to pay attention? How to make it look like this! "

Liu long said with a wry smile, "it's my carelessness! I shouldn't have listened to your advice. I'm poisoned by konjac and Guihua now. If I don't have half a month, I'm afraid it's hard to force out the toxins in my body. I'm afraid that I will fight later... "

Speaking of this, Liu long could not help showing his shame.

After scanning, song Yan found that there was a very aggressive toxin in Liu Long's body, which would not cause fatal damage to him, but would devour his energy every moment.

"No problem, it's just a small problem!"

Song Yan put a light of life into Liu Long's body. Suddenly, the toxin in his body began to eliminate at a visible speed.

But after ten breaths, the toxin in his body was completely eliminated, and even his waist was healed.

"It's worthy of being the eldest brother. It's a magic way!"

Liu long sighed, the dragon people also have healing powers, but healing powers also have shackles. The stronger the injured people are, the less effective the healing powers will be.

Even the most proficient healer of the dragon people can't cure him and get rid of the toxins in his body in just ten breaths.

Then, Liu Long's face showed an angry expression: "Jijia is really brave. He dare to use the outside tactics against me. In the future, I will surely take Jifeng's life!"

"Don't talk about it first. I'll surprise Ji family later!" Song inkstone.

Liu Long's eyes brightened: "yes, it should be a surprise for them!"

What happened in yuanyanglou didn't spread because of the suppression of a certain force, so Liu Long's assassination didn't spread either.

That night.

Suddenly there was a big wave in the temple.

Song Yan stepped into it and found that the poetry had fully integrated the two drops of real dragon blood essence, and his strength had also soared in quality, which was very close to human beings and immortals.


The poem pours directly into song Yan's arms, like a gentle cat rubbing his face against his chest.

"Well, if you have enough time, hurry up!"

Song Yan patted her on the hip.

"No, they haven't rubbed enough!" said the poem

"I can't help you." Song Yan has some helpless ways.

"Hee hee!"

Suddenly, the poem came to song Yan's ear and gently bit his earlobe: "master, I haven't done anything shameful with you for a long time, don't you want to?"

"Lust girl!"

Song Yan glared at her severely, then disappeared on the planet holding her.

In the afternoon, Emperor Longtai.

The big array around the challenge arena has been opened. Liu long and Ji Feng stand on the challenge arena for tens of meters.

Ji Feng's expression is quite calm and confident. Looking at Liu long, he looks pale, even his breath seems to be particularly weak.

"Three prince, what's the matter with you? Are there too many pampered women and too much consumption? "

All of a sudden, Ji Feng opened his mouth, full of ridicule.

"Ask clearly!"

Liu long replied in a cold voice.

Ji Feng smiled and said, "three princes, it's just the so-called guest, you should start first!"


Liu long asked, but there was a lot of drama in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it!"

Jifeng is very confident, because he knows that he will win today. If he is poisoned by konjac ghost flower, the opponent can keep 30% of his strength.

"That Prince is not polite!"

Liu long had two red halberds in his hands when he grasped them.


He gave a light drink, the hands of the long halberd suddenly turned into two red Jiaolong like lightning to kill Ji Feng.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing these two dragons, Ji Feng's eyes flashed a trace of disdain, because the strength displayed by the other side could reach the level of level 9 general. Even if he didn't wear the defense treasure, it was quite easy to defeat him.

But just then.

The smell of the two dragons that are about to rush to his front suddenly soars ten times. Under the impact of the energy breath of Berserker, the area where Ji Feng is located is distorted.


Ji Feng's face changed sharply, and his broad sword came out.

"Do it!"

He only blocked three strikes, and then two halberds hit him like a storm.

"Wow! WOW! WOW! "Ji Feng spits blood and flies backward. People spit blood one after another in mid air. Obviously, he has been hurt seriously.

In a box on the ninth floor, a middle-aged brocade man suddenly stood up, his face became very ugly, and his heart even shouted, "how could it be possible that he could get rid of the poison of konjac ghost flower in such a short time, and his strength has not declined!"

Looking at the flying Jifeng, Liu Longyan flashed a ferocity: dare to plot against me, today, I will let you Jijia steal chicken and not eat rice!


As soon as he stepped out, he caught up with Ji Feng. His whole body was infused with strength in the long halberd, and he split it with a bang.

The surging energy directly takes away all the forces in that space to form a weird vacuum, and then the halberd smashes Ji Feng's body.


Ji Feng uttered a desperate roar, and the defense treasure on his body cracked. Then, a powerful force hit his body, smashed his internal organs in an instant, and destroyed 90% of his functions.


Next moment, Ji Feng's broken body fell to the ground heavily, and a lot of black blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

But Liu long did not intend to let go of his meaning, the hands of the long halberd into a cold light stabbed at his eyebrow.

"The three princes are merciful!"

With this sound, a figure suddenly appeared outside the challenge arena. When he raised his hand and pressed it, the support array was smashed. Then, he pointed out from nowhere and pointed to Liu Long's halberd.


Liu long stabbed Ji Feng's long halberd and was directly spotted.


Liu long is furious. Another long halberd turns into a shadow and smashes into the shadow. josei

In the other side's eyes, there was a flash of contempt, and a light blow, which made Liu long fly tens of meters.

"It was Ji Yan, Ji Bing's father, who had occupied the first place in the list of young dragons for ten years before he quit!"

Someone recognized Ji Yan's identity and shouted.

Liu long didn't plan to stop after being knocked out by a fist. He waved his halberd again to kill Ji Yan.

"Why are you, Prince three? You are not my match! " Ji Yan shakes his head, but a disdainful smile flashes from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Liu long was greatly stimulated, and the long halberd in his hand was a little heavier.

"He's not your opponent, what about me?"

A sudden voice sounded, then, white shadow flashed, a handsome young man suddenly appeared in front of Ji Yan, and then hit him with a fist.

"Hum, ignorant young man!"

Ji Yan snorts coldly, and throws the same punch.


Next moment, two fists collide in the air.

[author's aside]: after the update of the third watch, thank you for the great rewards from the three people of [little ghost], [hurricane] and [stealth waiting]

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