Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1671

Chapter 1671

Later, Tianjiao from other ethnic groups came to meet with song Yan, and all of them were very polite. Even some of them showed their fawning and flattering.

Only the Tianjiao of the people ignored the inkstone of Song Dynasty.

Especially Xue ling'er, who has been staring at Song Yan with hatred.

In this regard, song Yangen didn't care about it. He was the only one who could die with a slap.

Time passed slowly, and finally came to the opening time of the party.

At this time, a sharp voice sounded: "the emperor arrived, the empress arrived, and Princess Yun, Ming, Xie and Xian arrived."

With this sound, a middle-aged man wearing a royal cannon led a beautiful woman into the Putian hall, followed by four fat, thin and young women behind them.

Needless to say, these six people are Ling Shu, the emperor of the central Empire, his Empress and four concubines.

At one time, the crowd got up to salute.

"You don't have to be polite, please take a seat!"

Ling raised his hand with a smile, then went down the stairs to the highest floor and sat down.

"When! When! When! When...! "

At this time, nine loud bells sounded in the hall, making everyone a spiritual shock.

Then Zuoxian Jibo stood up, unfolded a bright yellow scroll and read an article similar to the sacrificial words in a cadenced tone.

It took a quarter of an hour to finish.

Then, it was the emperor's turn to speak, which was full of idioms, such as praising the achievements of the emperor and remembering.

The process lasted another quarter of an hour.

Then, there were three bells. Then, a group of soldiers with swords, shields and armor rushed into the hall, and began to dance with a loud music.

Dance is not beautiful, but it gives people a feeling of blood.

At the end of the war dance, the emperor raised his glass to all of them.

Then, it's time for the show.

This is not a dance, but a song and dance.

It has to be said that this ancient song and dance, even if you get the entertainment super developed main world, can also be regarded as the top works.

Then there are Guqin solo, solo dance and other programs.

Unconsciously, time passed by for more than an hour.

Then the emperor took the empress and several concubines to leave. When he passed the song inkstone layer, the emperor stopped slightly. Then he nodded gently to song inkstone.

Seeing this scene, Jibo's face suddenly became cold. As for Tianjiao, he was angry.

After the emperor left, the atmosphere seemed warm.

Xinwang went down from the third floor to propose a toast to song Yan. At last, he simply stayed in this floor and didn't leave.

What's more, song Yan was surprised. Then a group of princes and princesses came to song Yan to propose a toast. Their tone was close and close, and their attitude was surprisingly polite.

Seeing this scene, King Xin's mouth flashed a smile of satisfaction, because he made a bet ahead of time and first harvested Chu fan's friendship. As for other princes, they only came to toast when they felt the emperor's attitude. He believed that Chu fan's wisdom should be able to see their purpose.

"Chu fan, I respect you for this wine. I was abrupt before. I hope you can forgive me."

Finally, Princess Vientiane also came, and her posture was very low, which gave song Yan enough face.

"Ha ha, you are welcome, princess. I forgot all the previous things!" Song Yan smiled and raised his glass in response.

Suddenly, Princess Vientiane's face showed a bright smile: "if you have time to come to my house to be a guest!"


Song Yan nodded. It was said outside that Princess Vientiane changed men's clothes, but he saw that Princess Vientiane was still a virgin. As for being a bride at night, most of her weaknesses were deliberately exposed.

After all, she is too dazzling to be in charge of her daughter alone.

Another hour later, the party was over.

When song Yan was about to take the people away, a eunuch came up and said, "Prince Chu, your majesty, please!"

"Lead the way!"

Song Yan seemed to have expected that the emperor would summon him alone, which was not surprising at all.

Coincidentally, giber happened to see this scene, and his face was gloomy again.

About half a quarter of an hour after walking in the palace, Chu Xue suddenly catches up with song Yan and gently pulls his corner of clothing. Then she says, "brother, my jade pendant is hot again!"

Hearing this, song Yan immediately spread his divine sense and found a place guarded by soldiers.

There seems to be a treasure house, shrouded by many arrays and prohibitions. The divine sense can't be explored, and when the divine sense approaches, the array will produce a response. Song Yan quietly opens the perspective Shentong to look at the treasure house.

As expected, it's a treasure house with a large number of treasures. Unfortunately, it's too large. It will take some time to find out the key with naked eyes."Don't say anything, just think nothing happened!"

Song Yan gives Chu Xue a voice, and then takes back her eyes as if nothing happened.

It's not the time for exploration. Wait until you leave the palace and then sneak into the exploration. Although the big array of the treasure house is severely forbidden, it can't stop the master of his array.

He walked for more than a quarter of an hour.

Song Yan and his party came to a palace called Chaotian Palace.

The main hall is divided into front hall and back hall.

The emperor is in the back hall.

The eunuch who led the way said to song Yan, "Master Chu, they are all waiting here. Go to see your majesty alone."

Song Yan nodded, then said something to the people, and strode back to the hall.

As soon as he stepped into the back hall, song Yan saw Ling Shu, the emperor, sitting at the top of the hall.

"I have seen your majesty!"

Song Yan reluctantly embraces boxing.

Ling Shu didn't speak, but looked at him with a meaningful eyes. After a while, he began slowly: "you are cultivating the Lei prison heavenly elephant Sutra of the former royal family, right?" josei

"Your Majesty has a good eye!" Song Yan did not show a little surprise, quietly nodded.

Ling Shu showed a smile: "no wonder you have such accomplishments at a young age. You can't be compared with those Tianjiao on the list of young dragons just because you can't deal with changes!"

"Thank you for your praise!" Song Yan is still calm.

"You are not afraid that I will kill you!" All of a sudden, Lingshu's face was cold and his eyes were full of murders.

"Not afraid!"

Song Yan shook his head: "you have no reason to kill me!"

In fact, there is a saying in his heart that even if you want to kill me, you don't have that ability. If the other side really wants to kill him at such a close distance, he can take advantage of the other side to mobilize the ancient super array and use the power of all the people in the world to kill him.

Hearing this, Ling Shu smiled a little more: "I really don't have a reason to kill you. Then guess again, why did I summon you?"

Song Yan's disdainful pounce: "my knife is still sharp!"


Emperor Ling Shu laughed: "yes, you are very sharp indeed. Unfortunately, this Dao doesn't belong to me!"

"If your majesty is sincere enough, we can cooperate!" Song inkstone's meaningful way.

"What do you want?" Asked the emperor.

"I took a fancy to one of your treasures!" Song Yan's outspoken way.

Ling Shu's eyes narrowed slightly: "there is only one treasure house for me, and there is another one in Jijia!"

"At Jijia?" Song Yan is slightly stunned, and then says thoughtfully, "you won't give it to the Ji family, will you?"

"Yes!" The emperor nodded.

Song Yan said with a smile, "haha, it seems you want to move the stone of Ji family for a long time. Emperor, it's really the most cunning animal in the world!"

"Don't you see through the cunning?"

The emperor's face was a little more cruel.

[author's extras]: after the update, thank you for your great

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