Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1678

Chapter 1678

In the desert forest, the vitality is soaring, and the magic power of the stele can be seen. In addition to the huge forest, Tianjiao and experts of all ethnic groups have been waiting for it. Only when the power that envelops the forest recedes, can they rush into it to find the stele.

It's true that the natural stele gave birth to this forest, and also made this forest have a special force. Anyone who wants to intrude ahead of time will be wiped out by that force to become the nutrient of the forest.

In a blink of an eye, in the past three days, that force still hasn't dissipated, but there is a growing trend. Therefore, some people who know that they can't do anything for martial artists try to break in and end up in a desperate situation.

"Brother Chu, when do you think this strange force will retreat?"

Standing on the edge of the forest, King Xin asked, looking at the forest in front of him.

Song Yan thought for a moment and said, "I think it will take some time."

Because he found that the power is still growing steadily. Now, even if the lower gods break into it, they will be wiped out by the power.


All of a sudden, a roar shaking the heaven and the earth came out of the forest. The timid, hearing this roar, felt fear in their hearts.

"I don't know what the roar is from. The power of the roar alone can determine the strength of the beast!" Princess Vientiane said in a deep voice.

Just then.

"Roar, roar..."

The sounds of strange animals came from the forest. Listen carefully. Song Yan found that these roars came from 108 different animals.

With this roar, many people were scared to retreat, and even some people were incontinent.

"Fierce and powerful!"

Song inkstone says in secret.

After a round of animal roar, the forest is quiet, but the power that envelops the forest is still not fading.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.


Ten days later, the power increased to the extreme. Song Yan dared to conclude that even if the high-level gods broke into it, they would be annihilated instantly. At the same time, it has been half a month since the stele of heaven created came to Tianyang.

The concentration of heaven and earth vitality in Tianyang region is no less than that in the central region, and even the rules of heaven and earth have changed a lot. Therefore, many creatures of all ethnic groups in this region have broken through the original realm and become stronger in this period.

At the same time, a large number of miraculous medicines of genius and land began to grow, more blessed, more lingchi Lingxue began to grow, more Mingshan and Dachuan suddenly rose, and there was a spirit fog and immortal atmosphere.

It can be predicted that in a short time, Tianyang area will become a real holy land of cultivation.

And in this half month, the central region mobilized the army to Tianyang region, and the idle army began to expel the foreigners who occupied Tianyang region.

It is impossible for the central Empire to turn a blind eye to Tianyang region.

The war broke out soon, but it couldn't affect song Yan and others' hearts. Because, on the 16th day of the arrival of the heaven tablet, the power that enveloped the forest finally subsided, which indicates that we can enter the forest to find the forest.

"Rush!" josei

A group of ten people, all of whom were gathered in Fuwu, rushed into the forest with excitement.

As soon as they entered, they felt that the forest was full of a special aura which was different from the vitality of heaven and earth. They were surprised to find that after inhaling this kind of heterogeneous vitality, their body had grown to a certain extent, and the whole person's mind had become more and more clear.

"God, this is seven star fruit!"

Jiang Yue was also one of the first people to rush into the forest of nature and chemistry. He was immersed in the miraculous effect of different vitality. However, he found a small tree growing on a big tree ten meters away that no one could hold.

The small tree is only three feet tall, and its branches and leaves are not luxuriant, but each leaf is crystal clear, just like the jade leaf growing on the tree, and there are seven thumb sized fruits hanging between the seven branches. These fruits have different colors, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Jiang Yue immediately recognized that this is the legendary seven star fruit, which is the top treasure medicine. It can be taken directly. After taking it, it can make the body stronger and the spirit stronger.

He can't buy a top treasure medicine like this even if he runs out of his family wealth, but when he enters the forest, he meets a plant, so he can't help but scream, and then it turns into a shadow missile.

He just confirmed that if he took the seven star fruit, his strength would at least double.

"That's seven star fruit!"

Jiang Yue's exclamation made other people return to their minds and look up to see that they were surprised and greedy. Then they rushed to seven star Tianguo, and even some people directly attacked Jiang Yue to force him to give up seven star Tianguo.


Jiang Yue fought back with fists, and managed to take several people's joint attack, but his body was shocked. He knew that his viscera had been injured by the shock, but he was not willing to give up the seven star fruit. He drove the energy in his body crazy, which made the speed soar, and he was close to the seven star fruit in an instant."Take it!"

His fingers overflowed with seven strands of vital energy twined with seven seven star heavenly fruits in an attempt to escape from the ring.

But at this time, a dark green snake suddenly burst out from the trunk of the Seven Star Tianguo tree. It burst through Jiangyue's eyebrow, and then came out from his back brain. It turned into a green light that followed the three warriors' heads.

"No, there are monsters!"

The rest of the people exclaimed and retreated one after another, but the green snake did not chase them. Before returning to the seven star fruit again, he wound his body around the tree trunk and integrated it with the seven star fruit.

Four people died in an instant. Now, let everyone understand that there is not only a danger of nature in the forest, but also the danger of taking people's lives at any time.

"Brother Chu, it seems that the forest is more dangerous than we think!"

Following song Yan's path into the forest.

"Not bad!"

Song Yan nodded his head, and his divine sense swept over him. He found hundreds of small monsters hidden within several kilometers. These monsters are very good at hiding, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find their traces.

However, there are many precious medicinal herbs. Just in the peripheral area, there are no less than 1000 precious medicinal herbs.

"Look, that's soul nourishing grass, which is the main material for refining soul nourishing pill!"

There was another exclamation.

However, after the sneak attack of green snake, a group of people approached carefully, and finally collected the valuable soul raising grass, but at this time, sudden changes occurred.

At the same time, they screamed, but suddenly a number of black mice the size of their thumbs came out of the ground. In an instant, they bit through the soles of their shoes and then their flesh and skin into their bodies.

After a while, the mice had penetrated into their chest and abdomen, and soon swallowed up their viscera, then drilled out of their mouths and fell to the ground and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, many people are cold hearted. It's really dangerous in the forest of nature and chemistry. It's impossible to guard against all kinds of strange animals.

[author's digression]: first, thank you [Xi's love war], [Andy] and [Suwen] for your great reward

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