Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1683

Chapter 1683

The strength of the living creature will not be improved after it becomes a God.

But these new gods haven't completed the transformation of their powers, so they can't be regarded as real gods. At the same time, their strength can't reach the peak before they create their own gods.

Besides, the fighting experience of the fighting gods is even worse than those of the old gods.

The God that song Yan killed just became a God, and was only a low-level God. Even so, it was enough to frighten others. Didn't you see that there were some taboos on the faces of the four gods.

"Do you four want to try the sharpness of my sword?"

Song Yan's eyes slowly swept over the other four gods, with a hidden killing machine.

Smell speech, the face of four gods all appeared the color of exasperation. When so many people threatened them, what was their divine majesty?

But they also taboo the strength of song inkstone, for a time into indecision.

"I'll give you ten breaths too. If you don't get rid of more than ten breaths, you'll have to bet if I can cut you off!" Song Yan said again, more and more aggressive. josei

One of the gods said, "you can kill the evil spirit front by sneaking attack. Now we have the guard. It's impossible for you to sneak attack again!"

"Is it?"

Song Yan chuckled, and then he waved the green Jiao sword in his hand again.


Four gods are surprised, and launched a counterattack, four energy Changhong with the cold divine power swept towards song inkstone.


The green dragon sword is like a dragon flying out of the sea. It kills the four energy Changhong directly. Then, he comes to the God.


The God could only make a short, unwilling roar, and was cut in half by song Yan's sword.

For a while, heaven and earth again floating blood rain, heaven and earth with sorrow.

The three gods opened the distance with song Yan in horror, and their eyes were full of fear and taboo.

Seeing this scene, both the people on Song Yan's side and the people on the enemy's side took a breath of cold air secretly. The look in Song Yan's eyes was even more astonishing, awed, worshipped and feared.

"Will you retire or die?"

Song Yan looks at the other three gods again.

"Let's go!"

The three gods look at Song Yan with extremely unwilling eyes and take them away at full speed. "Boss, you are so awesome. Killing gods is like killing dogs!"

Liu long couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Brother Chu, I'm afraid your name will affect the whole mang ancient land. If you are not a God, you will kill two gods in succession. Even if Aotian is not as good as Fengjiu!"

"If it is too late, it will change!" Song Yanbai waved his hand: "hurry to pick the fruit of the God shell."

Hearing this, they were all in awe of their hearts. They quickly picked 108 sacred fruits.

"I'll take twelve of them, don't you mind?"

Song Yan asked everyone.

"No problem. If it's not brother Chu, we're afraid it's hard to keep these nuts. I think brother Chu should take 18 of them!" Believe in the king.

"I agree, too!" Princess Vientiane said.

"I agree, too!"

The way of the foreign gods.

Song Yan also did not refuse to take away 18 of them.

Princess Vientiane and King Xin each got five younger sisters. Liu long got six on behalf of the dragon people, and Tianjiao, the blood demon family, got five. The rest was split up by others.

After the division, the temporary alliance should be dissolved.

When song Yan and other people were ready to leave, the foreign deity expressed his willingness to go with them, and the other two ethnic groups also expressed their desire to form an alliance with them.

After asking for everyone's opinions, song Yan agreed to their request. After all, the closer it is to the stele, the more dangerous it is.

Because the death of the elite soldiers of the red scale army and the Vientiane army should have been reduced, the army has become more powerful.

The God of the foreign race, Kato, comes from a small clan. It's lucky that he can become a God. That's a special fruit in the forest of creation.

As for the two leaders of the human race, they all have the strength close to the gods. After taking the shenkeguo, their strength should be improved a lot.

That night.

People inhabit in the array arranged by song inkstone.

It's a fluke for Cato and others.

There are many crises in the forest of nature. Once entering the night, all the monsters will fall into the unexplained rampage. Therefore, everyone should be on double alert before the night. Now with the support of the array, you can rest at ease.

Song Yan took out the shengua fruit and gave it to Wang Ying, Chu Xue, Shi Shi, Wei Le, Xiao Bai, Zhou Yan'er, Hua Nu, Ning Qiang, Wei Suo, Gao Hongying and Wu Yuntong. There were seven left.

The effect of the divine shell fruit is very domineering. They only took it for one hour. In the pain, they all created their own divine bodies. With the divine bodies, even the Ninth level generals could not really kill them.However, in addition to poetry, their strength is still weak.

Song Yan also took a Magic Shell fruit and put it into his mouth. He chewed it up and swallowed it. Suddenly, a strong force of transformation frantically transformed his body.

But song Yan did not want to be transformed into a divine body, because with the divine body, his body can no longer be promoted, so he hurriedly urged the celestial body to integrate this transformation into it.

A quarter of an hour later, the power of transformation was all digested, and his celestial body had a slight improvement.

So he simply threw the remaining six nuts into his mouth.

Half an hour later, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the bottom of seven shell fruits pushed his star body to the middle of the fourth double.

For a while, he sighed that the stele is really mysterious. In a short time, it can generate so many miraculous miraculous medicines and miraculous fruits. I don't know what kind of benefits it will get to get 49 miraculous lights.

With the improvement of the realm of the divine body, the nine changes of stars and the magic Sabre of time have also been greatly improved.

However, both of them were prepared by him for those high-level gods. When he captured the divine light of creation, he exerted them with miraculous effect.

The next morning.

Song Yan put away the array, and the team started again in the direction of creating the Tianbei.

In the past ten days, this place is only 500 li away from the stele of the heaven. During this period, the number of gods in the forest of the heaven reached more than 200.

In Song Yan's side, these days, he has also harvested a lot of miraculous fruits. Tianjiao, a male of the blood demon family, and muse and Winnie become gods directly. On the other hand, there are two Tianjiao become gods.

Liu long has not become a God because of his strong cultivation skills, but his strength has also increased greatly, at least comparable to the intermediate gods.

The king of faith and the princess of Vientiane also had one man under their hand.

Among the other three groups, one of Kato's people became gods, and the two old people became gods successively.

Now, there are 12 Gods in the team, which is very deterrent to other teams.

As for song Yan himself

[author's digression]: after the update of sanguine, thank you [not mosquito character] for your great reward.

Why does it feel strange to see this name?

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