Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1686

Chapter 1686

Song Yan deliberately pretends to be dizzy for two purposes: one is to hide his own strength, which causes him to spend too much of his secret skills; the other is to test the hearts of Cato and the other two old people.

If they don't, they will continue to cooperate. If they do, they will take the opportunity to get rid of them, so as not to stab them in the back at the critical moment.

Fortunately, these three people did not let song Yan down, not only didn't show a crooked mind, but tried to protect him who fell into a coma.

Two hours later.

Song Yan wakes up, still appears some "weak".

"Brother Chu, are you healthy?"

Believe in Wang's concern.

"There's no big problem, but you can't use the secret method in a short time!" Song Yan said regretfully.

"It doesn't matter. We are still here. Just take a good rest!"

The princess of Vientiane said softly, but there were many inexplicable things in her eyes.

"Good boss, it's our turn to protect you!" Liu long also clapped his chest.

After a simple repair, everyone went on the road.

However, the crazy killing of 26 gods by song Yan spread among all the people who entered the forest.

In a valley.

Ao Tian, the son of the true dragon, cut a huge golden snake under the sword with a sword in one hand and calmly took out the animal Dan inside the giant golden snake.

At this time, the figure flashed, and a big man of the real dragon appeared, bowing and saying: "son, I have found out that the bloody rain of the day before was caused by the killing of 26 gods by the human Chu fan in succession!"

Aotian's face was slightly shocked, and he said unexpectedly, "he really is?"

"It's really him, but the other side should have used some secret method. After killing 26 newborn gods, he fell into a coma!" The strong man of Zhenlong nationality continued.

"It seems that the son of God has looked down on him a little bit," said Ao Tian

"Son of God, do you want to kill him? Now he's still weak, it's a good chance! "

There was a flash of murder in the eyes of a strong man.

Ao Tian waved his hand: "I don't need to do this. If he is in front of me, I won't have to do anything to those rubbish, but I will do harm to my son!"

"Wise son!" The strong man quickly gave a flattery.

"What's the matter with Fengjiu?"

Ao Tian asked again.

"She has also successfully obtained an animal pill of the god beast, and now it is close to the heaven stele of the god beast!" The strong man replied.

"Well, let's go too!"

Ao Tian nodded thoughtfully.

The height of the stele is more than 100000 Zhang. It is surrounded by the forces of yin and Yang and time and space. As long as it is close to 100 meters, it will be ground to pieces by those horrible energies.

There is a small mountain 500 meters away from the Tianbei of Zaohua. At this moment, it has been occupied by a woman in red. The woman in red looks very beautiful and has a flame mark on her forehead, but her expression is extremely cold.

There are eight women in black around her as guards. The breath from these women in black has reached the level of gods.

Just then.

A woman in black also flew in and fell a few meters away, prostrating herself in front of the woman in red: "goddess, the maidservant has made it clear that the bloodbath was caused by a man called Chu fan who killed 26 newborn gods by using secret techniques!"

"Is it him?"

Fengjiu was a little shocked in her heart, but her face was calm: "OK, I know!"

In a valley. josei

Sixty six of the seventy-one gods who had escaped before gathered here.

About half a quarter of an hour later, five figures suddenly appeared in the valley.

"How is it?"

A God can't wait to ask.

One of the five gnashed his teeth and said, "we were cheated by the hateful boy. After we escaped, he fell into a coma because of excessive consumption!"

Smell speech, the other faces flash shame and wrong color, but more is hatred, if they did not escape at that time, I am afraid that the hateful boy has been successfully killed.

In fact, they did not know that if they did not escape, they would only die completely, and there would never be the possibility of killing song inkstone.

"Is that the end of the matter?"

Some people do not want to say.

"That kid hasn't fully recovered yet. It's an opportunity!" One of the gods who went to investigate said viciously.

"What if that kid shows the enemy weakness on purpose?" Concerns were raised.

"Impossible! He's only half divine. He killed 26 gods across the border. He must have used the amazing secret method. The stronger the secret method is, the stronger the backfire will be. So, if I guess right, that kid can retain 30% of his strength at most! "

Another God said, "yes, and it's a shame for us all our lives that we are scared to run away. If we don't take this opportunity to kill him, we won't have a chance to wash away the shame after he becomes a God.""The so-called caution makes the Wannian ship, we can arrange a group of people to test it first!"


After another two hours, song Yan and his group moved on for nearly 200 Li, which was very close to the stele. Even though they were 200 li away, they could feel the great power emanating from the stele.

"Watch out, boss!"

All of a sudden, Liu long let out a exclamation, and a flash came to song Yan and smashed a sword light.

Then, the figure flashed, hundreds of people appeared around at the same time, without saying anything, they launched a crazy attack on Song Yan.


When people were angry, Bayan should fly out first. He would kill several level 9 generals with his fists.

Cato and others have also made moves, and they are merciless.

In an instant, more than 200 attackers lost their lives.

Liu long, Princess Vientiane, King Xin and their two gods did not move. Instead, they stayed beside song Yan to protect him.

Because they know that most of the targets attacked by these people are song Yan.

In the dark, 71 pairs of hateful eyes stare at this scene coldly, which is the 71 gods of the alliance of gods.

One of them said, "this kid looks really weak. He can make a further exploration!"

So, fifteen gods flew out, ten of them stopped ten gods on Song Yan's side, and the other five attacked song Yan at the same time.

"It turns out they're the scumbags!"

Liu long angrily drank, but his movements were not slow. He joined hands with the two gods under the hand of King Xin and Princess Vientiane to block their attack.

And King Xin and Princess Vientiane pull song Yanfei back.

The battle fell into a stalemate.

The remaining gods that could not be hidden rushed out and killed song inkstone.

As it turned out, the faces of King Shinawatra and Princess Vientiane were extremely ugly.

The king of letters called out at once, "no! Brother Chu, let's stop them! "

Speaking, he and the princess of Vientiane rushed to the sky with the elite soldiers of the red scale army and Vientiane army and met the ten gods.

[author's aside]: after the update of sanguine, thank you [Wenxing 45], [not mosquito characters], [mosquito hanging] for your great reward.

Alas, another fake product appeared

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