Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1708

Chapter 1708

In fact, I was shocked by the Jade Emperor and a group of tycoons who peeped in the dark. Erlang God's strength is recognized as Tianting first, and Tianting first war god is not called in vain.

Now, as soon as the battle broke out, Erlang was defeated, which made many people start to worry.

As soon as I started fighting, I suffered a great loss. Erlang was shocked, but at the same time, he was a little happy. Maybe this is a good opponent worthy of my full strength!

"Be careful!"

With a light drink, the three pointed and two edged sword in Erlang's magic hand attacked and killed song Yan from a tricky angle. For a while, song Yan was surrounded by the shadow of the three pointed and two edged sword. As for the real three pointed and two edged sword hidden there, even the Tianting gods watching the war could hardly see it.

"It seems that Zhenjun is angry. He needs to use his real strength!" The Antarctic fairy touched the snow-white beard and said with a smile.

Hearing this, all the immortals, who had some worries at first, immediately felt that Yang Jian had been defeated, but only by the general idea.

In the face of the three pointed and two edged sabre, song Yan's expression was very calm. He flicked with his hand, and the sound of it disappeared. Yang Jian was shocked. He could hardly hold enough weapons. Then he staggered back again!


"How could it be?"

"It seems that the strength of the devil has suddenly increased a lot. Does Li Jing's exquisite pagoda have the effect of Laojun's gossip stove?"

At that time, monkey king made a big noise in the sky, and was finally captured and thrown into the eight trigrams furnace for refining. As a result, not only did he not refine Monkey King, but he greatly increased his strength and even awakened a powerful magic power -- the eye of fire!

After being defeated twice in a row, Yang can't help but stir up the real anger, urge * * Xuangong crazily, and kill song Yan again.


Song Yan waves and plays, defusing Yang Jian's attack easily. Then he hits Yang Jian's chest with all his strength and flies him.

Now, the mouths of the four princesses are wider and cannot be closed.

All the immortals in the heaven were too shocked to speak. As for the Jade Emperor, his face became extremely gloomy and almost dripped out of the water.

"Still fighting?"

Song Yan looks at Yang Jian and asks with a smile.

His smile fell into Yang Jian's eyes, but it was extremely dazzling, as if he was ridiculing him: "don't be arrogant, and then take a hit from me!"

In the blast, Yang Jian suddenly turned into a giant ten feet tall. Then he swung his three pointed and two edged sword heavily and smashed it down like a stick.

Seeing this, song Yan shook his head and clapped his hands.


The next moment, his hand hit a huge three pointed two edged knife, and then the three pointed two edged knife flew directly from Yang Jian's hand.

Just then, a dark shadow came from behind the inkstone of Song Dynasty.

"Be careful!"

Cried the six princesses subconsciously.


Song Yan slapped the shadow of the sneak attack on him, and then he directly slapped it, and it fell heavily into a piece of flowers and plants, revealing a real shape, but it was a huge black dog.

Needless to say, this black dog is the one raised by Erlang God.

"Wheeze the sky!"

When he saw the dog that had been thrown all over the world, Erlang could not help making a cry of worry.

"Don't worry, it won't die!"

Song Yan opened his mouth and then turned abruptly to see where the Jade Emperor and Tianting immortals were. He said lightly, "what's your last move? Let's make it together!"

In the face of song Yan's provocation, the Jade Emperor's face became more and more ugly. He said in a deep voice, "how about fighting against Buddha and Li Jing?"

"My grandson is here!"

As soon as the Jade Emperor's words fell, a golden figure came from the sky and fell nearby into a monkey wearing a golden lock and a Lei Gong face.

"Why, Erlang God, how did your weapon run to one side?"

Monkey King joked.

At once, the face of the Erlang God Yang Jian turned black.

"Fight against Buddha, you come at the right time. Hurry up and join hands with Erlang Zhenjun to take this devil who is making trouble in the heaven!" The voice of the Jade Emperor sounded, grand and majestic.

For a while, monkey king turned his eyes to song Yan.

Song Yan said, "I've seen the great sage, but I grew up listening to your story!"

Hearing the name of "the great sage", Sun Wukong's face flashed the color of remembrance, then his eyes dimmed and he said: "the great sage of heaven is dead. Now I am fighting to defeat the Buddha!"

There is an indescribable loneliness in monkey king's tone.

Hearing this, song Yan looks at the gold hoop on the top of Monkey King's head. He secretly says that at the moment when monkey king takes the gold hoop, the former Monkey King has already died, and now he is only a poor man who has lost his nature.

"What are you still doing when fighting against Buddha? Hurry up!"

The Jade Emperor was discontented and urged.

At the urging of the Jade Emperor, Sun Wukong quickly flashed a fierce light in his eyes. Then he swung his golden cudgel and hit song Yan with it.Yang Jian also waves back his three sharp points and two blades and kills them.

In the face of the attack, song Yan shakes his head and smiles gently. In the middle of the wave, several Qi forces pop up. josei


"Bang bang!"

At the next moment, all the weapons of Monkey King and Yang Jian are shot, even their bodies.

Seeing this scene, the Jade Emperor's heart sank completely.

The faces of all the immortals in the heaven also followed with more panic.


The Jade Emperor looked at the emperor deeply.

In the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the prince nodded, and then when Monkey King and Yang Jian attacked song Yan again, he had a diamond ring in his hand and threw it out.

King Kong circle directly into the void, and then appeared on the top of song Yan's head, flashing golden light towards him.

"Hum! I've been guarding against you for a long time! "

Song Yan sneers and waves at will to blow Yang Jian and monkey king away again. At the same time, he waves on the diamond ring to make it hum.

When the emperor saw that it was not good, he was ready to take back the diamond ring. But just then, he reached out with one hand and caught the diamond ring. No matter how he urged, he could not take back the diamond ring.

Then, song Yan stepped out step by step, disappeared in place, appeared again, and had come to the Jade Emperor and Tianting immortals.


Too white Venus hurriedly shouted, for a while, all the fairies in the heaven protected the Jade Emperor heavily.

"Don't be so nervous. In fact, I just came to discuss something with the Jade Emperor!" Song Yan looks at the Jade Emperor.

"Get out of your way!"

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and walked out from the crowd. Facing song Yan, he said, "what do you want?"

"Every country has its own development route. I don't want heaven to intervene!" Song Yan said slowly.


The Jade Emperor refused without hesitation!

"So there's no discussion?" Song Yan's face suddenly turned cold: "really think I won't kill?"

"Bold devil, isn't this the place where you can be presumptuous!"

A big fairy started to drink.

Song Yan turned away and said to the Jade Emperor, "you can think about it again and inform you in advance. If you can't change your mind, then I can only kill the whole heaven!"

Speaking of this, song Yan has an unprecedented strong evil spirit. When the evil spirit rushes, the Jade Emperor can't help but step back for several times, and his face is full of horror.

[author's aside]: first, thank you [waiting is also a habit], [plain question] and [autumn leaves] for your great reward

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