Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1715

Chapter 1715

In the canyon.

Looking at the nearly 100 masked thieves who rushed to song Yanchong, Tong Wang hurriedly shouted: "hurry up, everyone help song brother!"

In Tong Wang's view, even if song Yan is no more powerful, he can't be the opponent of nearly 100 masked robbers. You know, there are still five people in his later stage.

"Brother Tong, just help me to protect my family. I'll take care of the waste!"

Seeing this, song Yan yelled at them and rushed to the masked robber on impulse. Seeing this, Cui Yinger, the king of Tong, was stunned. Secretly, brother song was very brave.

But at once, their faces froze again.

There is a word called "tiger in the flock". Now Song Yan is a fierce tiger. The green Jiao sword in his hand turns into a lethal sword light. When he breathes, he chisels a pair of masked robbers. Eighteen masked robbers become the soul of his sword.

"Come again!"

A light drink, song Yan and counter kill.

Like chopping vegetables and cutting melons, no masked robber is his enemy. In breathing, more than ten masked robbers died under his sword.

The leader of the masked robber who has been waiting for the moment saw this scene. For a while, he was sweating. He knew that he could not wait any longer. If he waited for the other side to kill all his men, he would have no chance at all.

So, he swung his long sword fiercely, and the sword of man combined into one, which turned into a long Sen Han sword, and then cut it towards the back of song inkstone.

"I've been waiting for you!"


In the meantime, a cruel voice sounded in the ears of the masked robber leader. For a while, almost all of his dead souls appeared, and he took the knife back to cut.

Unfortunately, song Yan's sword is faster.


In the twinkling light of the sword, a good head flew out of the sky.

Tong Wang and others saw it, and their eyes were round.

Tong Wang said in silence: "heaven, one sword cut off a person who has condensed the immortal body. Brother song's strength..."


Seeing that the leader was killed, dozens of masked thieves were scared to split, and turned around and fled.

In a flash, song Yan caught up with more than ten masked thieves and killed them, but he still escaped a lot. In fact, with his strength, let alone a group of people and immortals, even if the immortals in front of him are not qualified to escape.

He deliberately let these masked thieves go, that is, he wanted them to publicize for him, or to bewitch more thieves to revenge, so that he could earn more reputation value.

After the war, tens of thousands of fairy stones were found from the masked robbers after cleaning the battlefield. Among them, the leader of the masked robbers has the most wealth, which is more than 6000 fairy stones.

In addition, there are also some items, which are worth about two thousand immortal stones.

"Brother Tong, take these fairy stones and divide them!"

Song Yan takes out half of the immortal stones and puts them into the storage ring and gives it to Tong Wang.

"No, brother song. You killed all these masked robbers. We are not qualified to enjoy the spoils!" Tong Wang refused.

"What? Don't think of me as your own! " Song Yan deliberately pulled his face.

"Don't get me wrong, brother song. I'll take you as my own man!" Tong Wang quickly explained.

"Take me as your own! After all, there's a part to see! "

"Well then!"

For this reason, Tong Wang put away the storage ring, but there was no distribution for the time being, and then he went back to the village.

Knowing that they can get a fortune, the members of the hunting team all have a strong liking for song Yan, of course, more of it is worship and respect.

After two hours of running, song Yan and his party finally returned to Juye village.

Back to the courtyard where he lived, song Yan called out the system interface and found that the reputation had changed to 231 points.

Just as he was about to turn off the system interface, the number jumped to 237.

At a moment's thought, he understood what was going on. The members of the hunting team who had returned to the village publicized the brilliant story of killing masked robbers for him.

Sure enough, by evening, his reputation had risen to more than 1300.

"It seems that we need to continue to pretend to be forced!"

Song Yan thought it was the way.

Several days passed in a flash. After several days of growth, song Yan's reputation has reached more than 3000 points, which means that more than 3000 people in the village have identified with him or adored him.

On this day, Tong Wang came to the house himself.

"Brother song, we are going to hunt today. Do you want to go together?"

Song Yan said with a smile, "of course, this is my first action to join the hunting team. Naturally, I can't miss it!"

After a little readjustment, the hunting team set out for the mountain forest hundreds of miles away.

There is a special place in that mountain forest, where there is a natural array. The strange thing is that animals can enter at will, but humans can't.

And that place has an inexplicable attraction to the immortal beast, so there are a large number of immortal beasts in it.Last time, the black armored cattle were introduced by the hunting team through special means.

However, there are many dangers, because it is said that there are prefecture level immortal animals in that natural array.

Once the ground level immortal beast is caused, most of the hunting team members will be destroyed.

Half an hour later, the hunting team came to the location of the natural array. Tong Wang pointed to it and said, "brother song, we will use the incense made by tianhuncao to lead out the black armored cattle later, and then drive them out of this area. If you are strong, how about preventing the black armored cattle from returning to the array?"

Tong Wang dare not treat song Yan as an ordinary player, so we have to discuss the task.

"Do you believe me, brother Tong?"

Song Yan suddenly said.

"Of course!" Tong Wang said without hesitation.

"In that case, we'll do a big job today!" Song Yan smiles mysteriously. josei

For a while, Tong Wang looked at him doubtfully.

Song Yan said again, "I can decipher the array here. Instead of leading out the black armour cattle, we should directly enter the array to hunt!"

"Brother song knows array?"

Tong Wang was very surprised.

"I know a little. I can break this array!" Song Yan is modest.

"But there are too many immortals in it, and it's said that there are immortals at the earth level. If we enter it, in case of siege," worried Tong Wang

"It doesn't matter. I can arrange a magic array..."

Then, song Yan told his plan all the time, and Tong Wang couldn't help but hear it.

However, he can't decide on his own. He can bring Cui Yinger and the other two vice captains together to discuss it.

"Brother song, are you sure?"

Cui Yinger asked.

"Ten percent is sure, but nine percent is sure!" Song Yan said calmly.

"Well, I agree!" Cui Yinger nods.

"I agree, too!"

The other vice captain nodded, and it didn't matter if the last vice captain didn't make a statement, because Tong Wang also supported him.

So, after some deliberation, under the leadership of song Yan, he began to approach the array.

Song Yan's hands were beating out dozens of tricks. Suddenly, the array in front of him was a ripple. Then, a door appeared. Song Yan walked in first and everyone followed him.

"God, there are many armored cattle!"

After entering the array, people came to a small hillside, below which was a wilderness. The wilderness was covered with a kind of spiritual grass that iron armored cattle liked most. Therefore, the mountains and fields were full of black armored cattle, with a number of no less than 10000.

[author's digression]: second, thank you [little sister won't flirt] and [more than every year] for your great reward

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