Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1723

Chapter 1723

Song Yan roughly looked at the storage ring from the green wood wolf. In addition to the more than 110 million fairy stones from Juye village, there were another 200 million fairy stones.

Xianshi is also divided into inferior, intermediate, superior and best.

The exchange rate is one hundred. A hundred inferior immortals are only equal to one middle grade immortals.

That is to say, a piece of top-grade fairy stone is comparable to a million bottom-grade fairy stones. The ten thousand top-grade fairy stones that song Yan once won the system task reward before were converted into bottom-grade fairy stones, which are ten billion bottom-grade fairy stones.

Ten billion immortal stones are absolutely rich in Baidi city.

Put away these storage rings. Song Yan directly controls the array to kill duanmufeixiao and beimingtianye.

Then they got several storage rings from them, and the number of fairy stones reached more than 200 million.

"Son of song, please accept the old man's worship. You saved Juye village!"

Seeing song Yan coming, changsun Tianya quickly fell to his knees and saluted.

Song Yan glanced at him lightly and said, "get up, village head. I'm only killing the Green Wood Wolf to save myself!"

Listen to song Yan, the whole heart of changsun Tianya is sinking.

What else do you want to say? But song Yan didn't give him a chance at all. He flashed directly into the village and went back to the yard where he was. Then he said to the girls, "you are going to leave Juye village tomorrow!"

Baidi City, the Lord's residence.

Jiuyang sword immortal originally ordered to kill Yang, because his sword technique is called "true understanding of Jiuyang", and he used this set of sword formula to kill the golden immortal at the same level, all of which are called Jiuyang sword immortal.

In fact, what outsiders don't know is that the five city leaders of the five emperors alliance were all swordsmen of some great man. Only because they couldn't keep up with that great man's footsteps, they were not qualified to continue to be his swordsmen, so they were sent to be the city leaders of the five cities.

The slanting moon is like a hook, and the Nine Yang sword immortal with silver hair drinks alone under the moon.

Suddenly a steward came in a hurry and bowed his head to report: "my Lord, the Green Wood Wolf is dead!"

Tu Yang wants to go back to the big man all the time, so after he became the Lord of the city of white Emperor, he has been searching desperately, and then he will transport the immortal stone and medicine to the big man.

It is hoped that one day, the great man will look at him differently and recall him to his side.

And the Green Wood Wolf is a chess piece for him.

Otherwise, he would have been wiped out by the immortal of the city of white Emperor. He could not be allowed to make trouble everywhere.

Tu Yang frowned a little: "it's useless!" "My subordinates have sent people to investigate. I believe there will be news soon!"

"I'll leave it to you. Don't let me down!"


The steward bow down.

The next day, Juye village.

"Brother song, don't you really think about it?"

The way of Tong Wang's face.

Song Yan smiled at him and didn't speak. Not long after he returned last night, Tong Wang came to visit him and hoped that he would stay in Juye village. As long as he stayed, changsuntianya would give up the position of village head.

Song Yan refused directly.

First of all, he can not see the position of the village head. The main reason is that the villagers are not worthy of his protection. Except for a few people, almost all of them are selfish and greedy for life and death.

After being rejected, Tong Wang went away with a face full of loss. Today, he sent song Yan away with a fluke, hoping to let song Yan stay.

After Tongwang and others sent out more than ten li, song Yan stopped and said to Tongwang, "to send you thousands of Li, you have to say goodbye, brother Tong, go back! As a friend, remind brother Tong that it's best to leave Juye village as soon as possible! "

Last night, before killing the Green Wood Wolf, he once said that he was the person of Jiuyang sword immortal. It is believed that before long, those of Jiuyang sword immortal will find Juye village. No matter for revenge of the green wood wolf or for keeping the news from spreading, people in Juye village will be killed.

As a friend, he reminded Tong Wang that it was his business whether he could escape or not.

Tong Wang is not stupid either. When he heard song Yan's warning, he looked very cold. Last night's event also chilled his heart. So, after returning to Juye village, he gathered all the people of the hunting team.

Then in the afternoon of that day, taking hunting as the people, he took all the people out of Juye village.

As the real ruler of Baidi City, it's very easy to investigate. In the evening, Tu Yang learned the truth about the killing of the green wood wolf.

"No one from Juye village will stay!"

Tu Yang said such a sentence very calmly: "and in three days, I want to see the head of the song inkstone!"

That night, a group of immortals entered Juye village.

It took only one hour for the whole village to die.

At the same time, another pair of people and horses traced back to Chongshi town.

Yes, song Yan and the girls are under the control of Chongshi tonight.

At midnight, the moon is as cold as water.

Song Yan's Inn is surrounded by dozens of immortals wrapped in black clothes."Do it!"

Not far away, a Qingyi standing on the roof, light mouth, then, dozens of people in black, one after another pull out two moon blade into the inn.

Soon, the brow of the man in blue suddenly creased.

Because it's so quiet, those people in black have no voice after they enter the inn.

After a while, there was still no sound coming from the inn. The brow of the man in blue was deeper: "is it array? It's impossible. Even if the array of song inkstone is more powerful, it's impossible to trap so many immortals

Yes, these people in black are all experts in fairyland.

Half a quarter of an hour passed in a flash.

The man in Qingyi couldn't help it. He decided to go to the inn to investigate himself. He had the later accomplishments of the immortals, and he also carried a forbidden device to release the early full blow of the golden immortals.

As soon as his figure moved, he went through the window of the inn. josei

"Are you here? How can I wait? "

A voice came. The man in blue looked up and found that there was a young man in white drinking alone in the lobby of the inn.

"Are you song Yan?"

Asked the man in blue.

"Yes, I don't know if you would like to come over and have a drink?" Song Yan smiled.

"And my men?"

Asked the man in blue.

"I sent them to a place!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Let them go, and go to Baidi city with me to ask for a pardon. Maybe you can survive!" The man in blue said.

"I really don't want to have two drinks?"

Song Yan asked again.

"Don't change the subject. Will you go to Baidi city and ask for a pardon?"


Song Yan shakes his head.

"In that case, you should die!"

At this time, the man in blue showed a ferocious smile. The reason why he talked with song Yan was to attract his attention so that he had time to activate the forbidden device.

A milky beam of light came straight to song inkstone like lightning.

"It's so uninteresting!"

Song Yan shook his head slightly, then raised his hand and pointed out.


The beam is centered and then broken up.

"How could it be?"

The man in blue was shocked. The beam was more powerful than that of Jinxian at the beginning. How could it be smashed by the other side?

Thinking of it, he turned around and left.

Unfortunately, some people are faster than him. He feels a flower in front of his eyes, a finger in his brow, and then he faints.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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