Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1733

Chapter 1733

"Is it crazy for the city Lord's mansion to take out ten thousand elixirs in exchange for those lower elixirs?"

"What is the city Lord's mansion doing? Ten thousand superb immortal yuan pills. I feel pity for them!"

City Lord's mansion.

Butler MI is reporting to song Yan about the exchange of pills.

After listening, song Yan directly gave him 50000 top-grade Xianyuan pills to continue tomorrow.

Seeing that song Yan took out 50000 top-grade Xianyuan pills, steward Mi didn't know how to describe his mood. It was too luxurious.

In the afternoon of that day, Butler Mi asked people to let out the news again. Tomorrow, Dan Pavilion will continue to exchange the best xianyuandan, which makes those immortals who have not changed to xianyuandan very happy.

And the first thought of the major forces when they heard the news was how to keep it.

You should know that there is no shortage of Xianyuan pills among them, but the stock of the best Xianyuan pills will never exceed 500, and they are all for their gifted disciples to take.

"Go to visit the city Lord. Even if you take four or five kinds of elixirs, you will exchange them for a batch of top-grade immortal yuan pills!"

So, on that day, there were more than ten heads of families or clans running to the city Lord's mansion to ask for the city Lord.

"My Lord, can't you see them?"

Asked Butler MI.

"Let them come together!"

Song Yandao, these forces must have stored many four and five kinds of elixirs. He can't improve his accomplishments by taking the best Xianyuan pill now, so he needs more advanced elixirs to make more advanced elixirs.

Only when these people saw song Yan, their faces all showed an unexpected color.

And subconsciously looked at Butler MI.

"Everyone, this is song Yan and song adult, who is the new master of Baidi city!" Steward MI is busy.

Hearing this, everyone felt so incredible that some even shouted: "how could it be?"

"What about Lord Tu Yang?"

"How could he become the new master of the city of Baidi since he was only in the late days of Dixian!"

In the face of these people's doubts, song Yan said lightly: "these are not what you care about. You come to see me. Do you want to exchange for the best xianyuandan from me?"

"Not bad!"

Someone nodded.

Song Yan then said, "you can exchange up to ten thousand with four kinds of elixirs! You can exchange up to 50000 pieces of five immortals. How much are you going to exchange? "

Hearing the exchange terms of song Yan, everyone was happy.

But no one offered to exchange on the spot.

"Young master song, don't you think you can exchange three kinds of elixirs?" For a while, a man suddenly opened his mouth.

Another person followed and said, "yes, if we exchange three kinds of elixirs and do not limit the quantity, we can consider cooperation with Mr. Song!"

Wen Yan, song inkstone mouth more than a trace of ponder, light way: "agree to change, do not agree to roll!"


Hearing this, people almost exploded, especially the face of the two people who changed the terms of exchange became extremely ugly.


One of them clapped up and said, "son of song, what do you mean?"


In a flash of sword light, a head with wide eyes flew up.

And song Yan's voice sounded again: "forget to tell you that I am not very good tempered, and I hate people shouting at me!"

Smell speech, the expression of all people are some Lengran, eyes deep also a little more fear and fear.

You should know that the head of the Sishui family has been beheaded. All day long, Sishui has reached the peak of the immortals, and half of them have stepped into the level of the golden immortals. However, such an expert has not figured out how to deal with it before he is beheaded.

To do this, the strength of the other side must reach the level of Jinxian.

"By the way, everyone, I forgot to tell you that Tu Yang, the former city Lord, was also killed by adults!" Steward Mi also spoke at this time, and looked at the people with disdainful eyes. You didn't use your brain to think about how could lord song sit here if he wasn't strong enough.

When they heard steward Mi's words, they were shocked in their hearts. The color of fear in their eyes was even more powerful. Tu Yang, the sword immortal of Jiuyang, was in the middle stage of Jinxian. Even he died in the other side's hands. Doesn't it mean that the strength of the other side was comparable to that of Jinxian in the later stage.

For a while, they all stood up and saluted song Yan again.

Then, someone said immediately, "Lord song, my family is willing to exchange five kinds of elixir for the best xianyuandan!" josei

"The previous exchange terms are invalid. The price of each best Xianyuan pill is increased to 300 Xianshi!" Song inkstone is light.

Hearing this, everyone was annoyed, but they didn't dare to fear the strength of song Yan. At the same time, they hated Sishui all day long. If the other party didn't annoy song Yan, the price would not rise.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. What's more, they are the new masters of the city of white Emperor. They will rely on each other's breath in the future, even if they don't want it, they can only recognize it."In the end, the group exchanged 700000 top-grade immortal yuan pills from Song Yan with five kinds of immortal drugs!"

The price of any five product pill can exceed 100000 immortal stones, so it can't be seen that 700000 excellent immortal yuan pills have been exchanged, but not many five product pills have been obtained.

But it is also enough for song Yan to refine hundreds of Xiangyuan pills that are more advanced than Xianjing pills.

"Take a walk, you guys. I still have a lot of excellent immortal elixirs here. Do you have any interest?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

Xianjing pill is the second grade of Xiandan, which is more suitable for the cultivation of immortals.

The price of ordinary immortal essence pill is one of five hundred immortal stones, and the price of one of the best immortal essence pills can reach three thousand immortal stones each.

Smell speech, everybody is a body shape shock, the eye blooms the heart's brilliance.

The immortals are the mainstay of their influence.

If there are a large number of immortal elixir pills, they can quickly upgrade their local immortals.

"Lord song, how would you like to exchange?" Someone can't wait to ask.

"Five immortals can be exchanged for one hundred, six immortals for one thousand!" Song inkstone slowly said the exchange conditions.

One hundred elixir pills are enough to promote the middle stage of the immortals to the later stage of the immortals, which is absolutely cost-effective.

It's only six kinds of elixirs. They don't have many. Two or three of them are good. So they are hesitant.

So, these ten people all exchanged hundreds of elixir pills from Wupin elixir to Songyan. As for the exchange of six elixir pills, they had to go back to discuss with the people.

With the departure of these people, the change of Baidi city into a master soon spread.

It's amazing to many people.

The next day, dange opened the exchange again, and more immortals came to exchange. Only in the evening, 50000 pills were all exchanged. Then song Yan gave another 500000 excellent Xianyuan pills to manager MI, and the exchange continued at the rate of 50000 every day.

At the same time, today, three forces came to visit Song Yan again, and took out six kinds of elixir and exchanged thousands of elixir pills with him.

Half a month passed in a flash.

The fact that the city of white Emperor can exchange the elixir for the elixir xianyuandan has spread to the other four cities in the five emperors alliance, so many people and forces have gathered in the city of white Emperor to exchange for the elixir xianyuandan.

Therefore, every day, 50000 top-grade Xianyuan pills are not enough for exchange.

To this end, song Yan waved his hand and directly asked manager Mi to increase the daily exchange volume to 100000 pieces. In any case, the common elixirs used to refine Xianyuan pills are some first-class and second-class ones.

And there is a time cheat device like the temple. As long as there are enough elixirs, he can make the best Xianyuan pill continuously.

[author's extras]: second watch

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