Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1742

Chapter 1742

It's night.

In the box of a restaurant in the wild city, the shopkeepers of 18 Dan pharmacies gather here.

The table was full of delicacies and fine wine, but people didn't mean to move chopsticks.

"Brother Bian, what are you calling us together for?" A shopkeeper said.

Bian Cheng didn't answer the shopkeeper's question. Instead, he said to all the people, "do you know about that pill shop?"

A shopkeeper nodded: "not bad! This shop hasn't been opened. The best xianyuandan in our shop has thousands of sales every day, and the supply exceeds the demand. But today, the best xianyuandan in our shop can hardly be sold! "

Then, a dry shopkeeper one after another speaks to complain bitterly.

"Gentlemen, are you going to let his shop continue?" Bian Cheng said again: "before his shop was opened, we had tens of thousands of Xianshi's profits every day. Now, danyao is in slow-moving market, and there is no profit at all. So we will lose millions of Xianshi's profits in January, and the loss in a year will be more than ten million!"

Hearing Bian Cheng's analysis, the shopkeeper's face became extremely ugly.

Tens of millions of fairy stones are not small numbers.

Then a shopkeeper said again, "since brother Bian has called everyone here, there should be a way to deal with that guy!"

"Not bad!"

Bian Cheng smiled and nodded: "my plan is to jointly sweep the goods and store a large number of top-grade Xianyuan pills. You know, top-grade Xianyuan pills are the best pills in fairyland, and you will never worry about selling them!"

Listen to Bian Cheng. Everyone's eyes are bright.

Bian Cheng said again, "in order to sweep the goods this time, I plan to take out 100 million immortal stones!"

"Well, I'll take out 100 million sweeps here!"

Another shopkeeper followed.

Then, all the other shopkeepers made a statement, raising a total of 2 billion immortal stones to jointly clean up the goods.

Two billion immortal stones are enough to buy tens of millions of top-grade immortal yuan pills. I believe that no matter how many top-grade immortal yuan pills the song inkstone has, it can't bring so many tens of millions of top-grade immortal yuan pills.

As long as the best xianyuandan in his hand is empty, the sales volume of their Dan drugstore will return to normal. Then, they will work together to raise the price.

Eighteen Dan pharmacies have great influence in the wild city.

Therefore, the next day when song Yan's shop opened, a large number of immortals swarmed in.

In one day, the sales volume of the best xianyuandan reached 300000. josei

But this also let song Yan find a trace of abnormality.

On the fourth day, song Yan found a large number of faces that appeared yesterday in his shop.

With a little help, he learned that eighteen Dan pharmacies in the wild city had jointly swept the goods.

"Haha! Want to clean up? I'm afraid you don't have enough money! "

Song Yan sneers and cancels the order on the fifth day.

As a result, today's turnover reached a terrifying 1.2 million.

On the sixth day, 1.5 million pieces were sold.

The seventh day

On the eighth day

the tenth day, the volume reached 3 million.

And the total turnover of the best xianyuandan has exceeded ten million.

The other side.

The shopkeepers of 18 Dan drugstores gathered again.

"Brother Bian, now two billion immortal stones are almost gone, but there seems to be a lot of excellent immortal yuan Dan on Song Yan's hands. We can't hold on for long!" A shopkeeper worried.

Bian Cheng also has no bottom in his heart. He never dreamed that there would be so many top grade immortal yuan Dan on Song inkstone.

"I will take out another 50 million yuan to continue to sweep the goods. I believe that there are not many top-grade Xianyuan pills on that boy!" Bian Cheng clenched his teeth.

It's too late for the shopkeeper to quit, so he has to bite his teeth to raise Xianshi to continue to buy.

Trading volume remained at 3 million on the 11th.

On the 12th, trading volume dropped slightly to 2.8 million.

The 13th.

Song Yan's wooden sign outside the shop changed: "in order to give back to the residents of the wild city, in the next three days, anyone who comes here to buy the best xianyuandan will enjoy a 10% discount!"

Twenty fairy stones have come down.

Before that, the immortal who was still waiting and hesitating began to fight.

As a result, today's sales have rebounded to 3.5 million.

As for the shopkeepers of the eighteen Dan drugstores, they had to get together again.

A shopkeeper stared at Bian Cheng with a bad face and asked, "Bian Cheng, don't you say that there are not many pills in his hand? Since not many, why does he dare to sell at a reduced price? "

Another shopkeeper also said in an unpleasant voice: "yes! The newly raised fairy stone will soon be used up! Once the stone is used up, the other party still has xianyuandan in his hand. The xianyuandan we bought can only be smashed in his hand! "As a result, all the shopkeepers questioned Bian Cheng one after another.

At that time, Bian Cheng's face became the bottom of the pot, and his heart was angry and resentful, and he was very oppressive, and he wished to kill song Yan.

"Well, let's stop the sweep!" After a long time, Bian Cheng said that there was no way. There is no objection to this.

The next two days, song Yan's shop sold nearly seven million top grade xianyuandan.

Then on the next day, there was a change in the wooden plate outside the shop. The shop opened the fairy medicine exchange service. The fairy medicine worth 170 Pieces of fairy stone can be exchanged for a top-grade fairy yuan pill.

Upon hearing this news, Bian Cheng expressed a desperate expression directly, which was quite a disguised price reduction. We should know that they had more than 13 million superb Xianyuan pills in their hands.

More than eight Chengdu are bought at the price of 200 pieces of Xianshi.

Now Song Yan is selling 170 immortal stones. Who will buy them?

And they also put a large number of immortal stones on top of the best immortal yuan pill. Other pills need immortal stones for purchase. Therefore, in the absence of working capital, their other pills have started to be out of stock. Before long, there will be no medicine to buy in their pill shop.

The situation of the other 17 shopkeepers was almost the same, so he angrily found Bian Cheng and almost started.

In a few days.

The danyao shop in the wild city almost fell into the situation of no medicine to sell, but song Yan's exchange of danyao was in full swing.

This day.

He came to longhudan drugstore. Different from the past, today's longhudan drugstore has become gloomy.

"It's you!"

At the sight of song Yan, Bian Cheng's face showed a very angry color: "you dare to come here, someone, drive this bastard out!"

"Bian, that's how you treat your guests?"

Song Yan said with a smile.

"Bah! What kind of guest are you? I wish I could kill you! " Bian Cheng swears.

"Ah! Forget it, I was going to help you solve the crisis. Since you don't appreciate it, I'll go! " As soon as the voice fell, song Yan walked outside.

Wen Yan, Bian Cheng's face changed rapidly, and then stopped song Yan in two steps: "son song, I'm sorry, I was wrong just now!"

In half a quarter of an hour.

In the tea room of longhudan drugstore, Bian Cheng stared at Song Yan angrily and shouted, "no way, we bought those top grade xianyuandan at the price of 200 Xianshi. How can we sell 150 Xianshi to you?"

"If I don't sell it, I'll change the exchange price to 140 Xianshi!"

Song Yan disdained a smile and left.

"Don't go! I sold it to you! "

Bian Cheng shouted. After shouting, he collapsed on the chair. This time, he lost a lot of money. A Xianyuan pill lost fifty Xianshi.

[author's extras]: second watch

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