Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1755

Chapter 1755

"Why are you here?"

Looking at Ji Qingqing, Liu Pingping and Nangong Mingyue, song Yan flashed an unexpected color on his face: "come in and sit down!"

After both sides were seated, song Yan sent tea.

I took a drink of tea and glanced at the three people, and found that they were all seriously injured.

"What's the matter with your injuries?"


Nangong Mingyue sighed softly: "the dikui hall is gone!"


Smell speech, the eye of song Yan can't help but flash a trace of unexpected color: "you should have Xuanxian sitting in your dikui hall, how can you say that there is no such thing as no!"

Ji Qingqing's eyes flashed a thick color of pain: "we fell into the plan of the spirit family, and they found out where our hall is. At last, the ghost old man died to save us!"

"Then how did you find me?" Song Yan asked again.

Nangong Mingyue said: "after the entrance of the hall was destroyed, we went all the way to the north, intending to join Disha hall. As a result, we found that someone in lvluo city sold and exchanged the best xianyuandan at a low price. So we came to lvluo city. Unexpectedly, it was you!"

Song Yan nodded, "what are you going to do in the future?"

"We don't know. First, we'll join dishatang. When it's stable, we'll make other plans."

Nangong Mingyue sighed.

All three of them were in a low mood. Dikuitan was destroyed by Lingjia, which hit them a lot.

"Don't you want to rebuild dikuitung?" Song Yan said again.

Nangong Mingyue looked at Song Yan in surprise and said thoughtfully: "we have thought about it, but there must be some Lingjia people watching over dikui hall, so we can't rebuild dikui hall in that area. In other places, we don't have a foundation, and we still lack the elixir of immortals, so we have no heart!"

"I can help you with that!" Song inkstone.

Smell speech, Ji Qingqing takes off a mouth way: "you have so good intention?"

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled and didn't care about each other. The girl's brain was short of strings. But Ji Qingqing regretted her words. After all, song Yan helped them and sold them many pills at a low price.

However, Nangong Mingyue's eyes brightened: "if the son of song can help us naturally, it's excellent, but I don't know what conditions the son of song has."

"Let her be my servant girl, and I will help you!"

Song inkstone points to Ji Qingqing.

At first, song Yan thought that Ji Qingqing would be furious. Unexpectedly, the other party hesitated a little and said, "as long as you help us rebuild dikuitang, what if I am your servant girl?"

For a while, song Yandao was a little confused, so he had to chat up: "make a joke, don't get me wrong! In fact, I only help you out of the fact that everyone is immortal Fei Sheng. There is no other requirement. By the way, how many immortals and elixirs do you need to reorganize dikui hall? "

Nangong Mingyue estimated in his heart: "at least ten million immortal stones, as well as tens of thousands of all kinds of pills!"

Song Yan asked again, "what are you going to do after rebuilding dikuitang?"

"It's also necessary to ask. Naturally, more flying immortals have joined us!" Ji Qingqing said with her mouth curled.

"Have you ever thought about how to earn Xianshi?"

Song Yan asked again.


For a while, Nangong Mingyue and Ji Qingqing all showed their confusion on their faces.

"What did you use to maintain dikuitang?"

Song Yan continued to ask.

"Every immortal who joins us will hand in a batch of fairy stones every year!" Nangong Mingyue said.

"Is that what you do in every hall?" Song Yan looks at them in surprise.

"The same as the same!"

"No wonder!" Song Yan stroked his head: "no wonder you are getting weaker and weaker after so many years!" josei

"What do you mean?" Hearing song Yan's disparaging words, Ji Qingqing was very unconvinced: "our saint League is so hard pressed by local fairies, it's very good to keep it up!"

Song Yan turned his lips and said, "it's just the so-called idea that all the people in the world come for the benefit of joining your Holy League. Instead of getting benefits, they have to hand in the fairy stones they earned. Do you think such rules can make everyone work for you?"

"But our goal is to overthrow the local fairies and restore the glory of flying fairies!" Ji Qingqing refuses to accept the airway.

Song Yan sneered and said, "not everyone can see that far. Besides, you are shouting to restore the glory of the rising immortal. But over the years, the more you mix with the holy alliance, the more miserable it is. If you go on like this, it is only possible to be destroyed, and it is impossible to restore the glory of the rising immortal!"

"I don't know what's the opinion of Prince song?" After listening to song Yan's words, Nangong Mingyue seems to understand.

Song Yan thought for a moment and said, "first of all, you have to let the people who join you understand that with your holy alliance, you have to drink wine, eat meat and earn more money. Second, you have to let them know that it is very promising to mix with you and earn more money in the future. Finally, you tell them that your goal is to restore the glory of the rising immortals in the past and become the leader of the evil immortals.""But we have no source of income at all!" Ji Qingqing said.

"No income, don't you know how to find income?" Song Yan has no good way.

"Please give me some advice!" Nangong Mingyue stood up and bowed to song Yanyi.

"Well, I have a way to send Buddha to the West. You can earn a lot of fairy stones!" Song inkstone.

Hearing the words, the three men put up their ears.

Song Yandao: "I can wholesale the best xianyuandan to you at the price of 90 Xianshi, and then you send someone to sell it! As for how many fairy stones to sell, it's up to you! "

"Ninety fairy stones!"

Hearing this price, all three people were shocked. Even if they sold only one hundred and fifty immortal stones, they could earn 60 yuan each.

Song Yan continued to bluff: "and I can teach you a way, you go to every city not to sell pills, but directly to contact those pill merchants in the city.

Then you are selling your pills to them, and the demand for the best Xianyuan pills is huge. There are many cities in the fairyland. If you can become a pill provider for 100 cities or 200 cities, how much money will you make? "

Hearing this, the eyes of the three people were full of brilliance and stars. It seemed that they saw a lot of fairy stones waving to them.

Such tempting suggestions, of course, can't be rejected by the three.

He agreed on the spot, and song Yan was not mean, so he directly assigned them one million top-grade Xianyuan pills, and gave them Xianshi or the equivalent after they sold all these pills.

After they got the pills, the three wanted to start on the spot. Song Yan persuaded them to keep their wounds well before they left, but they couldn't wait to hear.

After seeing off these three people, song Yan's mouth was full of a thoughtful smile.

"I don't know if these three big fools have been fooled!"

Although he also meant to help them, he was more selfish. It was too slow and wasted energy for him to open up the market of the best xianyuandan.

Therefore, he can entrust these three people with the task of market development. Moreover, after they set up dikuitang, more people will run the market for him.

Although the pills he wholesale to them are only 90 Xianshi, when the market is big and tens of millions of pills are shipped every day, he will only earn more.

[author's extraneous remarks]: the third update is completed

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