Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1757

Chapter 1757

During the reconstruction of dikuitang, Nangong Mingyue reported this news to his "dafengdao", which didn't pay much attention to.

Because in the view of the high-level of dafengduo, it is impossible to rebuild dikuitang with three golden immortals. Even if it is set up, there are only three or five big and small cats.

Therefore, it is very generous to appoint three people as the deputy hall leader of dikui hall.

But what didn't occur to the high-level of dafengduo was that in a few months, dikui hall was not only rebuilt, but also had a frightening momentum, especially the number and speed of making Xianshi in dikui hall.

It is said that in just a few months, dikui has earned more than 10 billion Xianshi.

This time, the high-level of Dafeng rudder can't sit down. At the same time, I'm glad that Nangong Mingyue was not appointed as the hall leader, but as the deputy hall leader.

Therefore, only one hall leader needs to be appointed to take over the dikui hall.

As for Nangong Mingyue, do you have any opinion?

The hall leader sent is Xuanxian. They dare to have any opinion.

Therefore, the high-level of dafengduo quickly gathered together to discuss the candidates for the leader of dikuitang hall.

The helmsman of Dafeng rudder is Sima Zhen. His strength has reached the peak of Xuanxian in the later stage, and he is expected to break through Zuxian. He is very favored by the only three Zuxian in shengmeng. josei

In addition, two dharmapalas of dafengdao and thirty-six elders attended the meeting.

Both Dharma protectors have the strength of Xuanxian in the middle period.

Seventeen of the thirty-six elders are in the early stage of Xuanxian, and the rest are in the late peak of Jinxian.

At the beginning of the meeting, they fell into a quarrel. Even if the two Dharma protectors wanted to be placed in dikui hall as the hall leader, after all, the meat of dikui hall was too fat.

If they make any profit, they can surpass all their wealth.

At last, an elder in the early stage of Xuanxian succeeded in winning and became the new leader of dikui hall. His name is Zhou Yuxian, who is the absolute confidant of Sima Zhen.

After a detailed discussion with Sima Zhen, Zhou Yuxian set out in a hurry to the new dikuitang.

When Zhou Yuxian set out.

Nangong Mingyue, Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping, who are vice hall leaders, all know the news of the new hall leader's coming. They all know the reason why the chief helm can't wait to send him to the hall leader.

After all, they have earned too many fairy stones in recent months.

Although they all know that the headquarters won't recognize one of them as the hall leader, they still feel uncomfortable when they think that the hard-earned rivers and mountains will be handed over to others.

"Brother Mingyue, you are the most experienced. What do you think we should do?" Ji Qingqing is not willing to ask.

"What else can I do?"

Nangong Mingyue's face flashed helplessly: "Zhou Yuxian is the chief helmsman himself, and he is the heart of the helmsman. He has the cultivation of Xuanxian himself. We can't fight him at all. We just hope that when he comes, we won't send all the immortal stones we earn to the chief helm!"

Speaking of this, Nangong Mingyue sighed for a long time. In fact, what he worried about most was not this, because now dikuitang is rapidly opening up the market and recruiting talents at a high price according to song Yan's opinions.

So the expense is very large. If the new hall leader comes and overthrows their practice, they will certainly annoy song Yan. At first, they may not see song Yan's plan, but after a few months, they all know that song Yan is using them.

But although they knew that they had been used, they didn't blame him, but they were extremely grateful to him, because they also made a lot of immortal stones, and even used them to rebuild dikuitang.

Song Yan's biggest demand for them is to try their best to open up a new market. To open up a new market, they must need more people. In order to attract people, they accept song Yan's advice, and let their people pull their own people. If they pull a golden immortal, they will get 10 million immortal stones.

For this reason, the cost of Larkin and Dixian alone has reached billions.

They are very worried. When the new hall leader arrives, they will cancel the reward regulations.

Once it affects the opening of new markets, song Yan may turn his face.

Zhou Yuxian came quickly, dressed in light clothes and simplified. He took only two Jinxian's men and rushed to take office.

"I've seen the Lord!"

"I met Lord Zhou!"

Nangong Mingyue and others led a team of Jinxian to welcome them.

"Nangong, Ji and Liu are working hard!"

Zhou Yuxian said polite words, but his posture was very high.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Mingyue of Nangong put forward that a banquet was prepared in the tavern of lvluo city for Zhou Yuxian.

However, he was rejected by the other side with a big wave of his hand, and said coldly: "this hall was ordered to come, not to eat, drink and play!"

For a while, the faces of Yueji Qingqing and liupingping in Nangong Ming were not very good-looking. This is xiamawei. But other Jinxian's face is a little more strange. Secretly, dikuitang is going to change.

Later, Zhou Yuxian summoned Mingyue of Nangong alone to one side and asked in a deep voice, "three vice hall leaders, where are the accounts of these months? Can you show them to our hall?""Master, the account books are here!"

Speaking, Nangong Mingyue presented an account book.

When he saw that it was only a few months ago, dikuitang had made more than 13 billion immortal stones. His heart was shocked and his heart was filled with greed. Then when he saw the expense column, his face became extremely ugly.

The cost of months actually reached more than five billion.


Even without looking at the details, Zhou Yuxian immediately clapped his hands on the table and stared at the three people coldly: "what's the matter? Why does it cost so much? "

Nangong Mingyue's eyes flashed a helpless color, and he replied, "in order to recruit people quickly, we stipulated that if we didn't bring a golden immortal to join us, we would reward ten million immortal stones, one earth immortal for one million, and one human immortal later for ten thousand immortal stones!"

"Nonsense! It's nonsense! Who made this rule? " Zhou Yuxian's anger is even stronger. It's more than five billion immortal stones. It's so painful that he spent it like this.

"Lord Huitang, this rule is made by the three of us!" Ji Qingqing said directly.


Zhou Yuxian snorted coldly: "the chief trusted you so that you didn't send the hall leader. Unexpectedly, you treated the chief trusted like this. Fortunately, this hall came. Otherwise, in a few months, all the immortal stones on this account will be defeated by you!"

Wen Yan, the three people are extremely unconvinced. If they don't do this, how can they invite so many Jinxian and Dixian to join us? They don't have enough manpower. How can they open up more than 70 cities.

They can't make so much money without opening up so many markets.

Therefore, Nangong Mingyue explained it patiently!

After listening, Zhou Yuxian not only didn't praise them, but accused the three of them of being eager for benefits.

"Now, I'm announcing that we will cancel the reward for pulling people into the group. In addition, the price of the pills you sold is too low. From the next time, the price of all the pills will rise by 30 cents. Finally, the salary of all the people in the hall will be halved!"

Hearing Zhou Yuxian's three decisions, Nangong Mingyue's faces changed a lot.

[author's extras]: second watch

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