Magic Love Ring

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Fu 's base camp is in Xingnan City, more than 200 kilometers away from Xiangcheng.

All the way, finally more than two hours later, Fu Qingfeng and song Yan rushed back to Fu's house.

On the way, Fu Qingfeng interrogated Fu Dianwen, but this guy's cultivation was abandoned, and he had a will to die. No matter how forced Fu Qingfeng asked, he would not spit out the current situation of the Fu family.

But song Yan had a way to let him talk and enslave this guy directly with the puppet supernatural power. He was afraid that the puppet supernatural power would be exposed, so he never interfered.

Fu Qingfeng's strongest experts are Li Shu and Yong Shu, but they were not cured, so they stayed in Xiangcheng.

"You are back, young master."

The guard at the gate saluted Fu Qingfeng. It seemed that everything was normal.

Heart read a move, song Yan opened a perspective, one by one look at Fu's mansion, but this look is startled, the whole mansion has been arranged under the vast net, waiting for them to jump inside.

"Ah Feng, wait."

Song Yan stops Fu Qingfeng, who is going to drive in.

Experienced before, Fu Qingfeng already to song Yan very trust, so hurriedly ask the driver to stop.

Unfortunately, the driver didn't seem to hear it, but accelerated to the old house.

"Hum% 2C to death!"

Song Yan's eyes are cold, and a palm knife is cut on the driver's neck. The other side groans and faints.

Then, song Yan grabbed the driver and threw him in the back seat. Then he jumped into the driver's seat and was about to back up, but the two gates were closed.

Then, a series of footsteps sounded, dozens of gunmen holding micro charge rushed out from all around to surround the car.

Seeing this, Fu Qingfeng's face suddenly turned pale. He said to song Yandao, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who's involved you!"

"Don't worry, it's just dozens of guns! Give it to me, bury your head! "

As soon as song Yan hung up, the car didn't back in and hit three people in front. At the same time, he shook his hands and five coins shot out from both sides.

"Poop poop!"

A series of screams rang out. Ten coins hit the target. Ten gunmen fell in response. Since he got the ring, he exchanged thousands of coins in the bank and put them into the ring as a concealed weapon.


At the same time, a gunman dodged and was hit by a car and flew seven or eight meters away.



A series of shots rang out, but other gunmen opened fire. The bullets hit the car body and made a dense crash.

However, Fu Qingfeng's car is a special bulletproof car, and it will not be broken down for a while. Taking advantage of the opportunity, song Yan quickly hits the steering wheel, and the car body shakes, and the tires rub against the ground making a sharp creak.

The car turned around and stepped hard. Like a roaring bull, it rushed to two gates. At the same time, ten coins flew out of the window and killed ten gunmen.

"No!" josei

All of a sudden, song Yan felt a huge crisis hit, but found a rocket shot at them.

He quickly jumped to the back seat, grabbed Fu Qingfeng and pushed open the door.


At the moment when he just jumped out of the car door, the rocket hit the car. The car exploded, and the strong waves directly hit song Yan's back.


They were shot straight into the air.


I don't know who called out a sentence, immediately dense bullets towards song Yan and Fu Qingfeng.

Even though he used the real yuan protector, there were too many bullets. Song Yan was still shot three times, and Fu Qingfeng was shot seven or eight times.

"The light of life!"

At this critical moment, song Yan can't control so much. He directly uses a life light to himself and Fu Qingfeng, and points his dizzy sleeping hole.

"Bang bang!"

Song Yan and Fu Qingfeng's "body" fell to the ground. The gunmen stopped shooting and quickly surrounded them.

At this time, song Yan launched the field of gravity.

"Is this...?"

More than 30 gunmen suddenly felt that their bodies had become extremely heavy, and the micro rushes on their hands fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, song inkstone turned up and countless coins flew out.

All the gunmen died in his hands with a "puff" sound.

At the same time, an old man in his fifties came here with a group of people. When he saw that all the rest of the gunmen died in Song Yan's hand, he could not help taking a breath of cold air.

"Who is this boy? Why are you so perverted! "

At this time, song Yan looked at them.

"Come on! Kill this kid for me! " Cried the old man in horror.


Song Yan kicks Fu Qingfeng to the flower bed, then launches Tenglong Jiubian to fly to the other side.In the middle of the journey, he made dozens of coins with the skill of a thousand Buddhists.

With a scream, more than 20 people died under his coins.

When the old man saw song Yan leaving, he sneaked back into the crowd and escaped.

However, the body shape of song inkstone has arrived, and coins are flying.

All but the old died under the coin.

"Don't kill me!"

Looking at Song Yan, who was like a murderous God, the old man knelt down in front of him with a scream and begged.

"You should be Fu Qingfeng's second uncle, right? Why kill Fu Qingfeng? " Song Yan stares at him coldly, forcing him to ask.

"On the surface, I support Fu Dianwen and know that he will go to Xiangcheng to kill Fu Qingfeng. So I will control the whole Fu family. No matter who comes back to the Fu family successfully, I will kill them. Then the whole Fu family is mine!" The old man dare not hide it, he said truthfully.

"For the position of head of a family, everyone seems to be crazy!" Wen Yan, song Yan can't help shaking his head.

He kicked the middle-aged man's belly and abandoned his cultivation. Then he went to the flower bed and untied Fu Qingfeng's sleeping hole.

"Eh, didn't I die? How could...? " Fu Qingfeng felt his body vaguely, but found that there was no wound where he was hit by the bullet. However, the clothes stained with blood showed that he was indeed hit by the bullet. For a while, he couldn't understand.

"You are dead, but I have saved you!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"How did you do it?" Fu Qingfeng stared at Song inkstone in surprise.

"Well, it's not this that you should be concerned about, but how to deal with your family?" Song Yan reminds me.

Fu Qingfeng nodded and stood up from the ground. Seeing the corpses all over the ground, he could not help taking a breath of cold air. However, when he saw the fainted uncle Er, his eyes couldn't help dimming. He was the only one who could launch such great energy to fight him.

In order to be the head of the family, two uncles and three uncles all started to fight against him. For a while, he was a little depressed.

Fu Qingfeng's prestige in the Fu family was still very high. He soon controlled the situation of the Fu family and retired. Fu Qingfeng suddenly knelt down in front of song Yan: "a Yan, can you help my father? Please. "

Fu Qingfeng was not stupid. He could not understand why he didn't die when he woke up, but soon he wanted to understand that song Yan must have saved him by mysterious means.

Although his father is not dead at the moment, he is not far from death. He has not only suffered serious internal injury, but also been poisoned.

But, he had no choice but to ask for song inkstone.

At this time, a girl with tears on her face rushed in and cried out in panic, "brother, dad is dying. Please find someone to help him."

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