Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1771

Chapter 1771

Yan Peng is a flying immortal.

From flying up to now, it's more than 20000 years. Two years ago, his cultivation reached the early stage of Jinxian.

Before flying, he was full of yearning for fairyland.

But after flying to the fairyland, he knew how cruel the fairyland was. In the eyes of local fairies, such flying fairies are inferior people.

Because of his bad luck, he was robbed as soon as he flew to fairyland.

Therefore, he didn't even have the qualification to join the village, so he had to go to the mine to dig.

This excavation has lasted for hundreds of years, during which almost all his friends who entered the mine with him died, but he was supported by his patience far beyond ordinary people.

And in these hundreds of years, the cultivation reached the later stage of the immortals.

Later, he joined a village. After many years of accumulation, he finally got enough immortal stones to gather the immortal body. As a result, the village suffered a great catastrophe. josei

The whole village was almost dead. He survived, but his family was taken away by thieves. Then he began to wander.

I don't know how many dangers I've been through.

He nearly died many times, but he bit his teeth to support him.

Later, he once again gathered enough fairy stones to remove the immortal pool and agglomerate the immortal body.

Later, he reached the immortals.

After reaching the immortals, he needs more cultivation resources. He can only hunt and kill immortals everywhere without income source. Even so, he will be exploited by local immortals.

Unconsciously, he soared to the fairyland for more than 20000 years. At the same time, he also reached the level of golden immortal, but his life was very hard.

After he reached the golden immortal, some members of the Holy League invited him to join them.

But he refused. The longer he lived, the more timid he was. He really knew how crazy the local fairies were to suppress the Holy League. Because dozens of friends he made were wanted and assassinated by the local fairies after joining the Holy League, and finally all died.

Because of his timidity, even if he became a golden immortal, he would not dare to do anything out of the ordinary, and his life was still very tight.

But two years ago.

A short acquaintance of Jinxian suddenly came to invite him to join the dikui hall under the saint League.

His first reaction was to refuse.

But he hesitated after hearing about the benefits of joining dikuitan.

Different from other Tangkou, as long as you join dikuitang, you can get a salary of one million Xianshi every year, and this is only the basic salary. If you can get a new Jinxian to join dikuitang, you can also get a reward of ten million Xianshi. If you can get a new Jinxian to join dikuitang, you can also get a reward of one million Xianshi.

In the ten years when he became a golden immortal, he earned only a million stone.

And the pill used by Jinxian, the cheapest one is tens of thousands of Xianshi.

So, what can a million immortal stones do?

In the face of such a huge doubt, Yan Peng, who was dubious, followed the golden immortal to dikui hall.

The three vice hall leaders are very rich. When they came together, they paid him a year's salary directly. After receiving the million immortal stones, he felt hot and full of eyes.

Later, he began to pull people around to join the gang according to the call of the vice hall leader.

Maybe it is because of his timidity and caution that even he dare to join dikuitang. Why can't we join.

So, in just one month, he took three golden immortals to join the gang, and more than 20 immortals to join the gang, and he also received more than 50 million immortal stone rewards.

More than 50 million fairy stones!

Yan Peng vowed that he didn't earn more than 50 million Xianshi after flying to the fairyland for so many years, but after joining dikuitang for one month, he made it, so he was full of gratitude to dikuitang and three vice hall leaders.

Later, the vice hall leader of Nangong arranged him to go to a certain city to deliver pills.

Each time you send it, you can get a reward of 100000 immortal stones.

Although the reward is not as large as the number of people, it is a very easy task to send pills after all.

Later, the branch sent Zhou Yuxian to be the new leader of the hall, stirring up the Dan medicine business.

In the next six months, a lot of jinxiandixian left, but Yan Peng still stayed in dikuitang.

Half a year has passed.

The business of danyao began again. Nangong Mingyue, who has become the Lord of the hall, directly raised the salary of the old people they left behind by three times.

To this, Yan Peng is very grateful, because later those who come back to Jinxian, the salary is still only one million.

Now more than a year has passed.

Now Yan Peng has become one of the ten team leaders who deliver pills. He is responsible for the delivery of pills in dozens of cities. There are more than 30 Jinxian who work under him.

And his salary has gone up to five million cents a year.

Now he doesn't send pills himself, but every time his people send them, he can draw ten thousand immortal stones.

Therefore, his monthly stable income is no less than 3 million.

He is very satisfied with this.

With a large number of immortal stones, he can also buy the elixir to improve his cultivation, which is the treasure of genius.Recently, he sensed that he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

You know, it took him more than 20000 years to break through Jinxian, but now it's only more than ten years. He's going to break through to the mid-term, which he didn't dare to imagine before. Before, he estimated that it would take thousands of years of accumulation to break through to the mid-term.

However, before breaking through the closed door, he must first arrange the tasks under his hand.

So he called in his deputy.

However, when he understood the situation of Jinxian, he frowned.

"Qu Ying, Huang Xiao and Yin Zhengfeng have been gone for 23 days. They should have come back. How can they not?"

The deputy said: "I've sent someone to contact you, but I haven't replied yet!"

All of a sudden, Yan Peng realized something was wrong.

It's normal if only one person delays the return date, but now there are three.

After a little hesitation, Yan Peng said to himself, "immediately send the golden immortals who are staying in the hall to investigate the situation. Remember, they are in a group!"


Deputy left in a hurry, but Yan Peng was a little more upset.

In the next few days, his unease became more and more serious, because the golden fairy who should have sent the pills before returning these two days did not return.

As a result, he quickly contacted the other team leaders.

Find out if all the people under them have any golden immortals back.

Now, they all realized that they were afraid something would happen, so they went to visit Ji Qingqing, the vice hall leader.

Ji Qingqing was also surprised to hear the news. He dared not neglect it. He immediately reported it to Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue immediately made a thorough statistical investigation of the golden immortals who sent the pills, and found that all the 38 golden immortals who returned within seven days had not returned.

In an instant, Nangong Mingyue's face became particularly gloomy. He realized that it was mostly the local fairies who had dealt with them.

For more than a year, they have been making immortals crazily, developing and expanding, but they have ignored the existence of the local immortals. Only when the gold immortals under their control disappeared, did they realize that the threat of the local immortals has always been there.

[author's aside]: first, thank you very much for the great rewards of [three lives and three lives 00] and [thousand nights of grief]

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