Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1774

Chapter 1774

Looking at the five bloody heads, Yao Yi's eyes narrowed abruptly, with cold light and anger twinkling in them. You know, two of them are from his Yao family.

Xuanyuan Jiudao and bu Sanyang's face is also very ugly, especially when looking at Song inkstone, they don't hide their inner murders at all.

As for Yueji Qingqing and liupingping of Nangong Ming, they look at Song Yan with astonishing eyes, which are five Xuanxian.

Nangong Mingyue felt that his mouth was a little dry and asked, "son of song, they won't be killed by you, will they?"

"What do you say?"

Song Yan couldn't help but smile and suddenly look at the twenty-eight Xuanxian in the sky. If Yueyue takes all their blood essence as blood pills, it should be able to make Yueyue evolve into five generations of blood clan, right?

Just now, before he cut off the heads of the five immortals, he asked the poem to suck out their blood essence and refine it into a blood pill to take. The pedigree of the poem is far less than Yueyue. Therefore, after taking the blood pill refined by the five immortals' blood essence, she is on the verge of breaking through and closing up in the temple.

I don't know why, the eyes of song Yan sweep, there is a kind of inexplicable chill in the heart of Xuanxian of the three families, this guy's eyes are too that, just like looking at the goods.

"Who are you, and who are we?"

Yao Yi stepped out, his voice rolling, like thunder, containing great prestige, his eyes with a sense of looking down and high above, to see song inkstone is like a mole ant in the sky overlooking the ground.

"I don't need to know who you are, because you will all be dead later!" Song Yan's way is not urgent but not slow. It's a big move he made. The result is better than he imagined. More than 30 immortals are attracted directly.

Hearing this, Yaoyi was furious, and stopped shouting: "unbridled! I'm the legitimate son of the Yao family in the purple dragon kingdom. I'm not here to kowtow for mercy! "

"You are insane!"

Song Yan turns his eyes and feels that this guy has made some mistakes. Isn't it embarrassing for him to say those words?

"Bitch, you want to die! Dare to fight with me? "

Yaoyi looks like the bottom of the pot. It's very dark. There is a black halberd in his hand. Before it's stirred, there's a flash of thunder and a roar. It's very powerful.

This is a magic weapon of law, which contains the law of thunder. If Yao Yi cultivates the law of thunder, the standing power will surely soar with the cooperation of the two.

"Since you two want to die, I will help you!"

Song Yan is in a parallel line with Yao Yi when he rises from the sky. He speaks provocatively and doesn't take the other side seriously.

And the battle below is over before it starts.

Both the Jinxian and dikuitang of the three aristocratic families retreated one after another. The Xuanxian war was so terrible that it might have cost their lives if it affected them a little.

Yao Yi, who is called the second product, can't bear it. He holds a long halberd and smashes it heavily at Song Yan with the power of thunder.

"Come on!" josei

Song inkstone drinks lightly, only waving it, and Lei Guangchang halberd collides in the void.


In an instant, he was surrounded by thunder.

Seeing this scene, Yaoyi sneered: "fool, even if Xuanxian didn't dare to pick me up in the later stage, you dare to pick me up with your bare hands!"

"Is it?"

At this time, song Yan's voice sounded, the thunder disappeared all over his body, as if he had been included in the body.

Then, he made a fist and bombarded out.

"BAM bam!"

The fist strength is fierce to the extreme. In the empty space, Lei Guangchang halberd is bent into a long bow. Yao Yi, who holds the halberd, feels numb at the mouth of the tiger. He can hardly hold the halberd.

"This son's body is so strange that he can ignore the impact of law!"

The three Yang eyes of the soldiers are sunken and exclaim.

"He didn't even gather the immortal body, but he had such a strong body, which was mostly inherited by the ancient immortal!" Xuanyuan Jiudao narrowed his eyes and speculated: "this son must be captured. If he can force the ancient immortals to inherit, he must be able to..."

On the other side, song Yan and Yao Yi are in full swing.

Yao Yi's moves are very delicate. With the help of the rule of immortals, his every attack is no less than that of the later stage of Xuanxian, but song Yan, who only answers the enemy with one hand, can easily take it. It seems that he has more strength.

At that time, Yao Yi's mood was extremely complicated. You should know that he was the son of Yao's family. He ran over each other in the realm, and even had the rule of immortals in his hand. How could he not be a low flying immortal who didn't even have the body of immortals.

If he loses in the other side's hands in the end, he will become a disgrace. If he returns to Yao's house, he will become a laughingstock of others.

"No, I can't lose!"

Yao Yi's heart burst, then, he held the halberd back, then, he inspired a seed in his body.

This seed was planted by the ancestral immortals of the Yao family. It can be used at any time of crisis, which can increase ten times its strength. However, it lasts only half an hour, and only the heirs are qualified to plant it. Once it is used, there is no chance for the ancestral immortals to plant seeds in their bodies, even the heirs."Boom!"

When the seeds planted by Zuxian burst out, Yaoyi's momentum rose like a rocket. In a flash, it increased by more than ten times.


Yao Yi drinks angrily, and the magic light in his eyes blooms. The halberd in his hand turns into a thunderbolt, which comes towards song inkstone like lightning.

To this, song Yan disdains a smile.

Pinch and punch, then hit with Lei long.


The energy is shining and loud. The whole void is collapsed and turned into a black hole. The buildings on the ground are also affected and collapsed, scaring both sides to fly back again.

When the light flashed away, song inkstone still stood in the void with white robes and black hair, intact.

He looked at Yaoyi with the greatest sneer: "you just have this skill?"

"Impossible? Come again! "

Yao Yi drinks heavily and kills with a long halberd.


Constant collision, hundreds of miles around the void have been two life into a black hole.

But after dozens of collisions, Yao Yi was boxed by song Yanyi and fell to the ground in a mess, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"Return Yao's son in law, not as good as bullshit!"

Song Yan came to each other's sky and looked down at each other with a deep disdain in his eyes. During the year, he spent a lot of time studying arrays and rarely practised. However, he was nourished by chaotic aura. Even if he didn't practice deliberately, his understanding of the rules went up several levels.

If we fight with Sima Zhen again, the other side is not his opponent.

"Come again!"

Yao Yi's eyes were red. He rushed from the ground and killed song Yan again.

"BAM bam!"

Several times, Yao Yi was once again blasted to the ground by song Yan.

"Ah, I don't believe it! You a lowlife can defeat me! I am the son of Yao's family. I can't be defeated! "

Yao Yi went crazy and rose again.

But three fists and two feet were beaten into the sky again. This time, song Yan fell into the sky and stepped on Yao Yi's face. He said cruelly, "I said, you son in law can't be fake, how can you be so weak?"

[author's digression]: first, thank you for the great rewards from three people, i.e., [annual surplus], [huanyushi] and [td111704192]

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