Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1781

Chapter 1781


A table was broken and turned into powder, completely eliminated in the world. The table was smashed by a man in blue who had the later cultivation of Xuanxian. Now his face was full of ferocity, and his mouth almost shouted with a roaring voice: "how dare you? How dare they do it! "

Not bad.

This Xuanxian is the one who proposed to continue to execute feisheng immortal last time. Later, he even sent out a word to threaten Feixian League to kill another native immortal, and he killed two.

Five days ago, Feixian League didn't act. He thought that Feixian League had already acknowledged and counseled and didn't dare to kill the local Xianzu again. For this reason, he was proud and proved his correctness.

But I didn't expect that in the evening of the sixth day, the other party suddenly put 40000 heads on a certain city.

It's a provocation and a counterattack.

Especially that sentence, "if you dare to two times, I will four times", which makes his cheek tingle.

"Feixian League, I swear by Shangtian, if you are not destroyed, you will not return to Xianyu!" The other side roars in the heart.

Shangtian, from the eight immortal regions of Shenyu, is one of the second sons of the nine aristocratic families in Shenyu, and it is the key cultivation object that is expected to achieve ancestral immortality.

"Young master, young master, please go to the meeting!"

A girl dressed as a servant girl walked in carefully to report, with fear in her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's a joke to discuss the business!"

Shang Tian drinks angrily, claps the servant girl to fly with one palm. When people are in the middle of the sky, the body of the servant girl explodes and becomes a bloody rain.

In half a quarter of an hour.

In the temporary meeting hall of lvluo City, more than 300 patrol team leaders gathered again.

"Brother Shang, last time you proposed to kill those flying immortals, and even threatened them. Now they have killed all 40000 local fairies. What do you say to deal with this?"

A young man in red asked with a sneer. He also came from the God fish fairy kingdom. He was the second son of the nine aristocratic families Meng Shentong. josei

He and Shangtian are dead rivals. This time, because of Shangtian's decision-making mistakes, 40000 local fairies were killed, so he naturally took the opportunity to fall.

Although the second son of the family of shenyuxianyu is high above the others, he can not put those weak immortals in his eyes, but he can't show it. Forty thousand local immortals died. If they don't deal with it properly, it will have a great impact on their reputation.

As soon as Shangtian's eyes were cold, the opportunity to kill was awe inspiring: "what else can we do? Naturally, he killed 40000 local fairies, and we killed 320000!"

"What if they continue to fight against the local fairies? Can you stop them? " Meng Shentong retorts with a sneer.

"They are more cunning than mice. How can I stop them!"

Shangtian has no good way.

Meng Shentong scoffed: "since you have no way to deal with them and continue to kill the flying immortals, you will only let more innocent local fairies die. Who will bear the responsibility then, your business?"

"Why should I do it!"

"Well, brother Shang and brother Meng, stop quarreling. Let's discuss how to kill the Feixian League!" There was an export of persuasion.

But after some deliberation, no one thought of a suitable way.

"I have a way!"

Meng Shentong said with a smile.

"Oh, brother Meng, tell me your way!"

When Shang Tian heard the words, his face sank slightly and he was not happy.

With a little silence, Meng Shentong said in a loud voice, "we can offer a reward to the flying immortal. Whoever can kill the flying immortal League, we can allow him to join our respective families and give him advanced cultivation skills and ten thousand immortal stones!"

"Let the pariah join us?"

Shang Tian sneers: "Meng Shentong, you are just a whimsical. What are those Untouchables qualified to join us?"

Hearing this, Meng Shentong didn't get angry, but continued: "most of the reason why we can't find the trace of Feixian League is that there are feisheng immortals hiding or reporting for them.

After we offered a reward, they had the chance to become Phoenix.

At that time, we can also set up several models. I don't believe that other flying immortals don't move their hearts. As long as they do, the flying immortals League will certainly not believe them any more, so as to provoke them.

Then we bribed a group of people in feisheng immortal, and let them vigorously publicize that Feixian League killed the 20000 feisheng immortal. Once Feixian League was convicted of this crime, there would be no place for them in more than 3000 wild cities, and they would become the street mouse

"Good! Brother Meng's strategy is really brilliant! "

As soon as Meng Shen's voice dropped, someone began to praise him. Although Shang Tian was not happy with Meng Shen's popularity, he had to admit that the plan was highly feasible.

On the seventh day, no immortal Fei Sheng was executed again.

But a reward is spread among more than 3000 wild cities. As long as someone kills the people of Feixian League, whether you are a feisheng immortal or a native immortal, you can join one of the eight immortal regions of thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed areas, and you will be rewarded with advanced cultivation skills and ten thousand immortal stones.As soon as the reward appeared, it caused a huge sensation.

Thirty six caves and seventy-two blessed places in the eight immortal regions are holy places in the hearts of the immortal people in three thousand wild cities.

In addition, they can also join in the forces of Xuanxian. To be honest, not only the local fairies are very excited about this, but also some of the fairies in feisheng are moved.

Three days later.

According to one news, a famous immortal feisheng successfully hunted a fairy of Feixian League, got the chance to join the Mengs in the eight immortal regions, and became one of the bodyguards of Mengs' second son, mengshentong.

As for the other side's high-level skill and the reward of ten thousand immortal stones, it has been ignored.

Pheasants can really change into Phoenix.

Those flying immortals who were ready to move began to search for the news of flying immortals alliance, hoping to be one of the lucky ones.

Two days later.

Another news spread that one of the rising immortals and one of the native immortals killed one of the immortals, and then all of them successfully joined the eight immortals, fish and fairy, and became the bodyguards of the second son of the merchants.

In the following time, the news of successfully killing members of Feixian League and then successfully joining the eight immortal regions or thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed areas came out.

Of course, there are also news that members of Feixian League have been brutally killed.

Then, a message spread quickly in three thousand wild cities. It is said that the twenty thousand immortals didn't need to die. That's because the people of Feixian League captured the local immortals and wanted to threaten them.

In anger, they killed the twenty thousand immortals.

And they promise that as long as they destroy the Feixian League, they will leave and will never hurt the feisheng immortals again.

[author's digression]: Er Geng, thank you [01 Xiaoyu 01], [light and light]_ Heart: these two people give a big reward

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