Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790

But Ji Yukong, who had a good relationship with song Yan in advance, was shocked, but also a little pleased. Although the number of Danjue he pushed was far less than song Yan, it was the highest among all.

In addition, his good relationship with song inkstone makes it possible for song inkstone to choose Dantong.


Yunbo drinks cold. Suddenly, the noise disappears and becomes extremely quiet.

Song Yan pointed to jiyukong and another Xuanxian and said, "brother Ji and him stay, others can leave!"

Smell speech, Ji Yukong and that Xuan fairy face all appeared to be extremely surprised color.

Next, they worship at the same time:

"see Shaozhu for jiyukong!"

"Yan Mo Xuan, see the little Lord!"

"You don't need to be polite, please get up!" Song Yan smiled and helped them up.

The others watched them enviously, then left under Yunbo's urging.


Later, Yunbo recruited two servants of qingshanyuan to lead jiyukong and yanmoxuan to settle down, and he took song Yan to select the ancestral immortal.

Through layers of prohibitions and arrays, song Yan followed Yunbo into a treasure house.

When he saw thousands of ancestral immortals in the treasure house, song Yan's eyes were round for a moment. He never thought that there were thousands of ancestral immortals in the treasure house of the old man Tian.

Yunbo explained with a smile: "some of these ancestral immortals were collected by the master for so many years, most of them were sent by the ancestral immortals who came to beg for Dan in order to please the master. However, at the master's level, the ancestral immortals had little impact on his strength, so they put these useless ancestral immortals in the treasure house!"

Zuxian ware is very precious. Song Yan is sure that any piece of Zuxian ware in the treasure house will be taken out, and countless people will rush to buy it at a price of trillion yuan.

Because the power of Zuxian ware is so great, the power of the avenue contained in it is also of great benefit to the understanding of Zuxian.

"What weapons are you good at?"

Yunbo asked.


Song inkstone.

With a wave of his hand, Yunbo saw more than ten swords fly up and appear in front of him, saying:

"these thirteen swords are the highest quality swords in the treasure house. You may choose one from them!"


Song Yan took 13 swords with different shapes one by one, and finally picked out a long sword with simple shape and dark body.

Yunbozan said: "it's really eye-catching, young Lord! This sword is called Yuangu sword. It's the love sword of a sword immortal of ancestral level. After he fell, he was acquired by his master. However, after the sword was repaired, the sword spirit in Yuangu sword fell into a deep sleep. If the little master can awaken the sword spirit in the sword, he may get the sword skill inheritance of the sword repair! "

Song Yan didn't care much about it.

First of all, his "formula for breaking the Heaven Sword" is a top-level immortal Scripture. There are many sword formulas in the temple that can be comparable to the formula for breaking the Heaven Sword, and even the formula for cultivating the sword by gods and men.

Therefore, he doesn't care whether he can get the inheritance of swordsmanship. However, only when he wakes up the sword spirit can he exert the power of this ancient sword. So he asked:

"Yunbo, do you know how to wake up the sword spirit?"

"Little Lord, you may as well use your sword to stimulate it!" Yunbo thought.

Song Yan said gratefully, "thank you Yunbo! By the way, Yunbo, what do you think I should choose for the next two ancestral immortals? "

Yunbo thought for a moment and said: "the old slave thinks that the young Lord can choose a defensive ancestral immortal, and then choose a ancestral immortal with increasing speed. If you are in danger, you can escape in time!"

"That's Yunbo's recommendation for me!"

When Yunbo waved his hand, three ancestral fairies flew to him.

One is multicolored armor, shining brightly. It's very beautiful. The other is a gold bell. The last one is white silk armor.

Then, Yunbo introduced three ancestral fairies to song Yan again.

Finally, song Yan chose the silk armor. According to Yunbo, the silk armor is made of the silk from the divine silkworm. It can bear more than three times of Zuxian's attack.

If damaged, it can repair itself.

Then Yunbo brought in five more ancestral fairies, one was a pair of golden boots, one was a boat, the third was a silver Cape, the fourth was a bead, and the last was a pair of silver wings.

These five ancestral fairies all have the function of greatly increasing speed, especially the bead called void bead can help him to shuttle freely in the void.

But song Yan didn't choose the void bead, because his great move skill can also shuttle in the void as long as it grows with his strength. josei

So he chose the silver wings.

According to Yunbo's introduction, the silver wings are made from the wings of the silver winged sky tiger, which is a very powerful immortal beast. It is said that the silver winged sky tiger has the blood of the white tiger.The strength of the Adult Silver winged Tianhu is definitely higher than Zuxian's triple, especially its speed. Even Zuxian's triple is hard to beat.

This pair of ancestral fairies made of the wings of silver winged Tianhu can't reach the peak speed of silver winged Tianhu after wearing them, but at least 80% of the speed of silver winged Tianhu is suitable for escaping.

After selecting three pieces of ancestral fairies.

Song Yan says he wants to go back to the courtyard, hoping to receive the poem and Yueyue to Qingshan courtyard.

In this regard, Yunbo naturally has no significance.

When song Yan came back, he told him that he had become a disciple of the ancestor of man Tian. Both poetry and Yue Yue were very happy.

At the same time, the news that song Yan became a disciple of the ancestor of man Tian spread rapidly.

Not long after his return, Lao Yu and Lao Du both came to congratulate him. In fact, they came to have dinner.

Later, Yigan's neighbors came to congratulate song Yan, but there was more awe in his eyes.

After entertaining the people, song Yan came to Qingshan yard with poems and Yueyue.

When Yunbo saw the poetry and joy, his face flashed with wonder and asked, "little Lord, are they blood?"

"Yunbo also knows the blood clan?"

Song Yan is curious.

Yunbo said: "naturally, we know that the blood clan is one of the three major races of the dark fairy kingdom. The old slave once followed his master to the dark fairy kingdom, so judge the breath of the bleeding clan!"

Song Yan said, "what are the other two races?"

Yunbo replied, "werewolves and the underworld!"

"Does Yunbo know how to go to the dark fairyland?" Song Yan asked again.

"Yes!" Yunbo nodded: "there are transmission channels leading to the dark fairyland in our Langxie fairyland, but those channels are controlled by all major forces. Moreover, there is great pressure in the channel connecting the two fairylands, which does not reach the level of ancestral fairyland. There is no life or death in the channel!"

He talked with Yunbo about the dark fairyland again. Song Yan returned to his yard with poems and Yueyue, but he decided that when he reached Zuxian, he would find a way to send poems and Yueyue to the dark fairyland. Only there could they evolve faster.

[author's aside]: second, thank you for the big rewards

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