Magic Love Ring

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

When Fu Yingying ponders where to take song Yan to play in the afternoon, song Yan's mobile phone rings suddenly.

After answering the phone, song Yan said to Fu Yingying apologetically, "Yingying, I'm afraid I can't accompany you in the afternoon. I have something else to do."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I have visited these places many times." Fu Yingying's disapproving smile flashed a trace of disappointment deep in her eyes.

The phone call was from Fu Qingfeng, but Han Dongshan traced the whereabouts of the middle-aged farmer who sold the bronze ring.

When song Yan arrives at Jubao Pavilion, Fu Qingfeng and Han Dongshan are waiting for him in the hall.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Han Dongshan began to introduce: "his name is Zhang Tiezhu. He is 43 years old. He is a villager in Niutou village. He is usually idle and gambling, so he owes a lot of gambling debt. When he is forced to do so, he starts to fight.

Three months ago, this guy should have managed to pour out a fight. This copper ring is only one of the items he sold. According to our investigation, this guy sold five items to five antique stores including us. "

"What are the five antique shops? Have they sold everything they bought? " Song Yan asked eagerly. He doubted that the iron pillar had fallen into the tomb of a monk.

"One has already done it, and the other three have not. Will song Shao go and have a look?" Han Dongshan asked.

"Of course." Song Yan nods heavily.

"One of them is on this street. Let's go to it first." Han Dongshan said.


So song Yan and Fu Qingfeng, led by Han Dongshan, came to an antique shop called "Ancient Art Pavilion".

Although the antique shop is famous, it is a small shop.

"Yo, isn't this manager Han Da? How can you come to me when you are free? "

The speaker is a thin middle-aged man in a yellow leather jacket, with small eyes and a slit.

Han Dongshan said in a deep voice, "boss Huang, I heard that you received a jade ring finger more than March. Just in time, one of my guests was more interested in the ring finger, so I brought it to you. Take that jade ring finger out and show it to song Shao."

Jubao Pavilion is the largest antique shop in Xingnan city. It's not easy for young people who can be called song Shao by the shopkeeper of the largest antique shop.

Therefore, boss Huang became extremely enthusiastic and asked three people to sit down and make tea.

"Boss Huang doesn't have to work hard. First, you take out the jade ring finger and show it to me. If I like it, the price is easy to say." Song inkstone says.

"OK, song Shao, just a moment."

Soon, boss Huang brought up a jade ring with a gold box. The jade is good, but it's just ordinary jade. At that time, song Yan was disappointed.

The second antique shop is called "Nagoya". Zhang Tiezhu sold them a copper sword less than a foot long.

After Dao Ming's intention, the other side took out the copper sword to song Yan happily.

At the sight of the copper sword, song Yan was shocked by the spirit. Although the copper sword looked rusty, song Yan could feel a unique charm from the body of the sword. Under the copper green, there were faint and shallow array inscriptions.

"I want this copper sword. Let's make an offer!" Song Yan looks at the boss of Nagoya.

The other side does not from in the heart a joy, erect five fingers way: "since is the Han shopkeeper to introduce, this number."

"Manager Wang, your price is not generous. As far as I know, you didn't spend much money on this copper sword?" Han Dongshan saw the offer of the other side, not from dissatisfaction.

Shopkeeper Wang sang a smile and thought that he was greedy: "if you talk about this, it's a million."

Han Dongshan wants to bargain, but song Yan stops him. Don't say a million. Even if 100 million yuan buys this copper sword, it's worth it.

"Can I swipe my card?" Song Yan asked.

"Yes! Yes! "

Shopkeeper Wang nodded busily. He only spent 40000 yuan to collect the copper sword. He made 960000 yuan when he turned around, which was a big leak.

After buying the bronze sword, the three went on to the next antique shop called "guyuzhai".

Dao Ming's intention was that the boss also served him personally and took out the jade plate Zhang Tiezhu sold him.

Song Yan is satisfied with buying a copper sword, so he doesn't think he can hit it.

But when he saw the jade pendant, he couldn't help feeling excited.

Because the charm of this jade pendant is stronger than the copper sword he just bought and the storage ring he obtained before. In particular, the array inscription on the jade pendant is integrated with the whole jade pendant, which is far more exquisite and complex than the storage ring and copper sword.

"Make an offer." Song Yan asked directly.

Boss a Leng, or the first time to see even though, let him offer customers.

Finally, with the help of Han Dongshan, the jade pendant was sold for two million yuan.

"Song Shao, do you want to go to Niutou village?" After leaving guyuzhai, Han Dongshan asked."Go, of course!" If he just suspected that Zhang Tiezhu had fallen into the tomb of an immortal, now he is 80% sure that the other side is the tomb of the immortal.

There are two magic weapons in the three. How could there be so many magic weapons in the tomb of the immortals.

Niutou village is a relatively remote village, more than 100 kilometers away from Xingnan city.

An hour later, a black Land Rover drove into Wushan Town, heard the direction of Niutou village, and continued to drive to Niutou village.

However, the village road seems to be hard to walk. It took more than an hour to drive to Niutou village.

Han Dongshan jumped out of the car and handed a panda cigarette to the farmer who came back from hoeing the fields. He said, "brother, does Zhang Tiezhu live in this village?"

"You came to find Zhang Tiezhu, too?" Uncle Nong took the cigarette with a strange expression.

"Are there many people looking for Zhang Tiezhu?" Song Yan also stepped down from the car and took over the conversation.

"I've been looking for Zhang Tiezhu for more than ten times this month, but he hasn't been back to the village for several months. Maybe he has died outside!" The old farmer said angrily.

Later, song Yan talked with the old farmer for a while, and knew that Zhang Tiezhu's comments in the village were not good. This guy was an old bachelor, lazy, but also fond of gambling, and he liked to do something sneaky, so people in the village didn't like him very much.

At the request of song Yan, the old farmer pointed to a wall and tile house and said, "that's Zhang Tiezhu's home."

"Thank you, uncle."

After knowing Zhang Tiezhu's family, song Yan opened the insight and shrouded Zhang Tiezhu's family. What can't disappoint him is that he didn't find any valuable things. Moreover, all kinds of things in his family are in a mess, obviously someone has been there.

At that time, song Yan was disappointed. Suddenly, he stopped the uncle who had already walked several meters away. Then he ran up and took out two hundred pieces and gave him: "uncle, do you know where Zhang Tiezhu has gone?"

"I heard that guy likes to gamble in the teahouse of the horse brothers in the town. Go there and ask!"

"Go back to town!"

Song Yandeng gets on the car and says to Fu Qingfeng.

"Song Shao, don't go to Zhang Tiezhu's house to have a look?" Han Dongshan asked.

"No, there are more than a dozen people coming. Even if there are good things, they will be taken away!" Song Yan waved.

Han Dongshan thought deeply that he nodded, and thought it was true.

[author's extraneous remarks]: on the fifth day, I present

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