Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Next, it took song Yan eight days to bring out all the powers in the forbidden area and refine them. He harvested 320 drops of golden liquid.

After losing the power, the field formed by incomplete prohibition has been in a state of teetering.

"Break it for me!"

Song inkstone drinks lightly, and plays a series of forbidden hand rhymes in the node of the field.

An hour, a cluster of dazzling brilliance flashed, but immediately returned to dim.

Song Yan has a smile on his lips. The field is broken and there is no field. These more than 32000 prohibitions are individuals, and they are no longer the whole. It is easy for him to enter the Shenmu.

Soon, he opened up a channel among the more than 32000 prohibitions. Then he said to the three girls of xiner in the South City, "do you want to stay here or follow me into the Shenmu?"

"What? How could you enter the tomb? "

Nan Cheng Xin'er was surprised, but she knew how terrible the prohibition outside the Shenmu tomb was. Once, she just reached out to touch the prohibition, and she was directly shot and hurt.

"Or what do you think I'm doing these days?" Song Yan has no good way.

This time, xiner in Nancheng suddenly realized that song Yan had been breaking the ban, but she didn't understand. Did song Yan break the ban after only spitting blood twice and playing some tricks?

Is that too easy?

"Are you going in or not?"

Song Yan asked again.

"Of course we have to go in. We haven't seen what the gods look like!"

Xiner of Nancheng is excited.

"Then go!"

Song Yan made a force to wrap the three people up, and then stepped out step by step, and appeared in the tomb through the tombstone.

This tomb is different from the one song Yan entered last time. It is actually oval. However, there is still a huge copper coffin in the center of the tomb.

"Wow, what a big copper coffin!"

South City Xin'er says with exclamation on her face.

Song Yan ignored him, and as soon as he lifted the coffin lid, it was lifted by him. Then he moved it directly to the top of the coffin.


But as soon as he arrived at the top of the coffin, it seemed that he was hit by a force of gravity and fell back, hitting the wall of the tomb heavily.


Seeing this, xiner in Nancheng can't help but scream and turn her head to run out.

"Shut up and stop, I'm fine!"

Song Yan said softly.

Wen Yan, Nan Cheng Xin'er stops and looks at Song Yan and asks, "are you really OK?"

"You miss me very much?"

Song Yan did not have a good way, and then communicate with the old spirit, asked: "why can I be bounced off!" josei

The old Spirit said: "this coffin is filled with a middle God, and the time of his death should be less than 100000 years, so there is still some divine power left on the body. You are just a Xuanxian now. If you appear above him, you will offend him, so it is normal to be shot by his divine power. However, after all, he has died for 100000 years, and the divine power is limited. You can directly put him into the temple Yes! "


Song Yan nodded and communicated with the temple. Then he took in the body directly.

Just as he turned and left, he suddenly found that there was something in the coffin.

It was an egg, only the size of a fist, white in color, very beautiful, and there was a circle of mysterious runes on the eggshell.

"Laoling, look at it. What kind of egg is it?"

Song Yan asked.

"Here This is...! "

Lao Ling's voice stuttered.

"What is it?"

Song Yan realized that this egg might be something extraordinary.

"No, how can there be their eggs here?" Lao Ling's voice was full of shock.

"Lao Ling, tell me what it is!"

Song Yan can't help urging again.

The old Spirit said in a trembling voice, "if I am not mistaken, this egg should be the egg of the white God kite, the most powerful species in the divine kingdom!"

"What is the white God kite? The beast? " Song Yan looks curious.

"In the divine realm, there are top ten species. Although these top ten species are rare, each of them is extremely powerful. Therefore, their descendants, even if the God King wants to get them, because once they grow up, they will become their great help. If the egg of the white God kite is auctioned in the divine realm, even if hundreds of trillion God crystals can't be bought, it can be seen how precious it is The owner once participated in an auction of top 10 eggs. As a result, nine hundred trillion magic crystals were prepared and could not be bought. If he had got the top 10 eggs at the beginning, he would not be killed if he had grown up when he was hit by a catastrophe! "

At this point, Lao Ling's tone became very sad. "Such a fork!"

After listening to Lao Ling's introduction, song Yan's eyes were shining. Unexpectedly, what the God King wanted could be obtained by him.At this time, the voice of the old spirit sounded again: "however, with your strength, I'm afraid that you can't let the egg of this white God kite hatch out. Besides, if I don't guess wrong, most of the eggs of this white God kite are hidden here specially by some big man of the god world. So, in order to get it, you'd better leave the world immediately, and even if you go back to the world of Langxie fairyland, you don't Take it out at will. Once it's sensed by the powerful figures in the divine world, it's still a big trouble! "

Song Yan is quite surprised way: "can they still run to fairyland to find me trouble?"

Old Lingdao: "although they can't visit in person, it's very easy for them to let an idea reincarnate into the fairyland, or to summon some ancestral immortals to come to you for him!"

"I'll go! It's so horrible! "

Song Yan quickly gave Bai Shen Yuan's egg to Shen Jie, and then looked at the three girls and said, "I want to go back to my fairyland. Do you want to stay here or follow me to my fairyland?"

"Can you go back?"

Nan Cheng Xin'er looks at Song Yan unexpectedly.

"Did I say I couldn't go back?"

"But Mingming said that even Zuxian could not leave here?"

Song Yan is a little impatient: "they are them, I am me, OK, don't talk nonsense, stay here or follow me!"

"Of course, I'm going with you. We don't want to stay in this ghost place!" said Nancheng xiner


Song Yan nodded, fainted the three girls directly, and then took them to the Shrine: "the old spirit goes back to the world of evil fairies!"

The number of immortal stones in the temple has decreased by 100 million.

Then the temple turned into a light and shadow into the void.

Less than three breaths, song Yan receives the old spirit's prompt, he has returned to the Langxie fairy kingdom.

Take three girls out of the temple, breathing the air of the fairyland containing a thick spirit of fairies. Song Yan feels very comfortable. She wakes up with a flick.

However, feeling the strong spirit of fairies in the air, the three girls could not help cheering.

Song Yan did not care about them, but directly called up the map of fairyland in his mind, and found that they were in the wilderness of a certain city in the wilderness, not far from lvluo city.

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the three changes are updated,

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