Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1827

Chapter 1827

The efficiency of God man is still very high.

Less than half a quarter of an hour after leaving, he returned with the resources of the eight aristocratic families in the purple dragon region.

"There are still 30 breaths left. We will return to the divine world. What else do you need to do?"

Throw dozens of storage rings to song Yan, that God Man cool way.

These dozens of storage rings are full of fairy stone and magic medicine and various kinds of fairy ware. The value of them can't be estimated by song Yan for a while. However, the number of fairy stones alone should be calculated in trillions.

Just then.

The familiar and cold system prompt sound rings in the ear: "Ding, task four, establish the immortal Kingdom, unify the all evil immortal kingdom within 500 years, succeed, obtain the qualification to participate in the battle of the immortal Kingdom, fail, deprive the system, erase all memory and accomplishments of the host!"

Hearing the punishment of failure, song Yan could not help shivering all over his body, and a layer of horror appeared on his face. The task punishment was so fierce, the deprivation system didn't say, but also erased his memory and accomplishments, which was to beat him back to his original shape.

For a while, he had a deep taboo to the system. He pinched his fist secretly and said in his heart, "one day I will break away from the control of the system and control my own destiny!"

"Young man, I hope you can get there!" Meow suddenly spoke.

"You're eavesdropping on me again!"

Song Yan asked angrily.

"You think benmeowa wants to eavesdrop, but you just overhear it accidentally. But you can rest assured that the person who created the system has no malice. As long as your strength reaches a certain level, you can refine the system completely and obey you!"

"What level is it going to reach?"

Song Yan asked, but he still had some doubts about meow.

"Meow Wu is not polite strike way:" ha ha, asked also useless, you are far from that level

"The emperor?"

Song Yan asked tentatively.

"Compared with the people who create the system, the emperor is a fart!" Meow very disdainful way.

"The emperor is a fart?"

Song Yan's heart was more and more frightened. The God Emperor was the most powerful man in the world. The person who built the system didn't even pay attention to the God Emperor. What level of strength did he reach?

Taking a deep breath, song Yan asked, "what happened to the battle of the kingdom of immortals?"

"It's the second fight between you hosts. The winner can get everything from the other. The loser will have nothing!" Meow.

"Second fight!"

Song Yan's face was heavy, and he had some expectations.

In a flash, song Yan went back to the city Lord's mansion and found that the two teachers and martial uncle looked at him with a strange look.

After a while, Qiyun's father said in a complex voice, "you are so unexpected that you call in a god man!"


Song Yan smiled, and suddenly he felt something in his heart: "master, master, martial uncle's disciples intend to create a kingdom of immortals, including the whole world of Langxie fairyland. Would you like to help them?"


Hearing song Yan's ambition, Qi Yun, the three ancestors, took a breath of cold air. This ambition is too big and too appalling. You know, since the fall of the immortal kingdom of the Qin Dynasty two million years ago, no one can unify the immortal kingdom of Langxie again.

"You must think twice about it, apprentice!"

"The last fairyland of Langxie fairyland has been destroyed for more than two million years. A new pattern has been formed. If you want to break this pattern, you are against the whole fairyland. There are many old antiques in this fairyland. Once they wake up, even if you call the gods and people again, you can't stop it!"

"Is it impossible that there are gods and men in the fairyland?" josei

Song Yan is surprised. The barbarian ancestor has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. He wants to call them old antiques. What kind of existence are those people?

Qi Yun said: "there is no god man, but it is better than god man! When the immortal has completed the cultivation of Zuxian 15 times, he can cross the divine robbery, and cross the divine robbery, he can successfully ascend to the divine kingdom.

But there are always a group of people who don't want to leave the fairyland, they have to rely on it. These people's strength has broken Zuxian's 15, and the most powerful even reached Zuxian's 18!

However, when they reach the 17th level of Zuxian, they will be excluded by the celestial way of the fairyland. Therefore, they have to sleep for a long time. In the eight fairyland, thirty-six Dongtian and seventy-two blessed areas, they all sleep for such old antiques! "

"Master, it seems that you don't like these old antiques?" Song Yan has some strange ways. Qi Yun said: "it's normal that not only teachers don't have a good feeling for them, but almost all immortals who have reached the level of Zuxian ten or more have no good feeling for them!"

"Why?" Song Yan asked.

Qi Yun said with a sneer: "because these old antiques need too much heavenly energy, and the throughput of each fairyland is limited, especially reaching the 10th level of Zuxian, which requires more heavenly energy. The 16th level of a Zuxian needs more heavenly energy than the 10th level of a thousand Zuxian. As for the 17th level of Zuxian, the 18th level of Zuxian needs more It's terrible. At least one tenth of the heavenly energy should be taken away. Therefore, the more they take away, the slower our cultivation will be. Only when we have good feelings for them can we have ghosts! ""I see!"

Song Yan suddenly realized.

"Do you know how the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed areas of the eight immortal regions were formed?" said Qi

"I don't know!" Song Yan shakes his head decisively.

Qiyun's ancestor said: "these places are all made up of the old antiques who rely on the old ones and force them to take pictures of the fairies in other places of the fairyland. The original fairyland of Langxie is more than ten times larger than it is now. It's because these old antiques did something wrong and took away the fairies in those places, which led to the collapse of the area where they lost the fairyland. So they are still the sin of the fairyland People! "


"When the immortal kingdom of the Qin Dynasty was still in existence, the rank of Langxie fairyland among the three thousand fairylands could still enter the top 100 fairyland, but now, the rank has fallen to more than two thousand!"

Speaking of this, the man Tian ancestor deeply looked at the Yan of Song Dynasty: "if you want to create the immortal Kingdom, you must mobilize the immortal veins to condense out of the Imperial City, but now the immortal veins of the immortal kingdom are all divided up by the group of old Dong, you need to mobilize the immortal veins to steal food from them, which is also the reason why no one can establish the immortal Kingdom after the collapse of the immortal kingdom of Qin Dynasty, because everyone wants to establish the immortal Kingdom, first The first thing to face is the old antiques! "

Hearing this, song Yan's mood becomes especially heavy, but it's a systematic task. If he doesn't finish it, he will deprive the system of erasing memory and accomplishments. It doesn't matter if he deprives the system, but erasing memory and accomplishments is terrible.

So, in any case, he has to complete the task, even with a group of old enemies are not afraid.

[author's extraneous remarks]: the third update is completed

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