Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1829

Chapter 1829

It can be said that the current situation of all the lower level immortals is lack of immortals, pills and cultivation skills.

If you only lack immortal stone and elixir, you can cultivate slowly. Anyway, immortal has a long life, but if you lack skill, even if you have immortal stone and elixir, it is difficult to break through.

Therefore, among many resources, function is the most important.

Similarly, the quality of the skill also determines the strength of the same realm.

If the cultivation method is strong, then the combat power will be strong. If the cultivation method is weak, then the combat power will be weak.

This is also the reason why the big forces of the luangxie fairyland can rule the fairyland. They master the top skills of the fairyland. Without lack of resources, they can cultivate more experts.

The more experts they cultivate, the more stable their power is and the more resources they get.

On the contrary, if the lower level immortals lack the skills, they can reach the level of immortals. If they can reach the level of golden immortals, they can't reach the level of immortals unless they are the kind of peerless genius. If they want to go further, they can't reach the level of immortals at all unless they join those big forces and become slaves and maids.

But now, song Yan has put dozens of advanced skills that can be cultivated to the level of Jinxian in the cultivation tower. For a while, the city people who got the news would like to rush into them.

Seeing the chaos, Xuanxian from the city Lord's mansion came out to preside over the order, and said that as long as the Yellow City was in, the cultivation tower would not be closed.

Even so, the immortals who gather outside are not willing to leave. They want to see the Kung Fu earlier.

In a few days.

When you join Yanhuang City, you can watch the news that you have reached the level of golden immortal for free. The immortals from nearby cities come to Yanhuang city one after another to pray to join Yanhuang city.

Therefore, in less than ten days, the population of Yanhuang City reached more than 50 million.

This also led to the surrounding city almost become empty.

It makes the city leaders of those cities depressed, but the one in Yanhuang city can't stir them up.

After hearing this news, the city Lord of the farther city was afraid that his city people would run to Yanhuang City, so he could not hold back the city people by severely reducing the tax rate.

It's a pity that the temptation to cultivate the golden immortal level skill is too great. You can only join Yanhuang city to get it. Therefore, lowering the tax rate can't keep them.

A month later.

The number of citizens in Yanhuang city has reached more than 90 million.

Two months later, the number of Yanhuang city residents reached 120 million. Three months later, the number of Yanhuang city residents reached 150 million.

After April, the number of Yanhuang city residents reached 170 million.

Half a year later, the number of Yanhuang city residents officially exceeded 200 million.

At the same time, song Yan ordered that the city Lord's office would no longer provide free residence for the citizens who joined later.

When an order came out, the 200 million people in Yanhuang city were very grateful, and all of them had a sense of pride that I was the people of Yanhuang city. josei

At the same time, in this half year, many of the people who first came into contact with the internal skill of the cultivation tower broke through the level of immortals.

There are more than 20000 breakthroughs.

In a few days.

There is a call from the Lord's office. Song Yan, the Lord of the city, wants to set up the city guard. All the local immortals who are called are paid 5000 Xianshi a year, plus 12 top-grade Xianjing pills.

So rich treatment, for those who just break through the fairy, is a great temptation.

So on the day of the order, more than ten thousand immortals came to answer the call.

Three days later, more than 24000 immortals were called.

Then, song Yan appointed Mingyue, Nangong, as the commander of the city guard, Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping as the Deputy commanders, and sent 24 Xuanxian to the city guard as the commander.

As for the centurion, song Yan chose the golden fairy and demon from the temple as the leader.

At the beginning, he left Xianxia world and brought back hundreds of thousands of demons.

Now, all these demon cultivation troops have been cultivated into demon cultivation. The outstanding ones have reached the level of golden immortal, and many more have reached the level of Xuanxian.

However, he was not prepared to expose the demon cultivation army for the time being, even if he left them in the temple for ascetic.

Maybe in the future, it will be one of his secret Corps.

As for the internal affairs of the city Lord's mansion, song Yan was handed over to Wei Le and Qin Xiaoyu to take care of them together. Anyway, they are all good at it.

Suddenly, song Yan thought of something. It seems that he had a three-year agreement with changfengpo.

It seems that it's almost three years from now. I don't know if that guy has the courage to come to him?

I don't think so. After all, he once killed Zuxian triple. It should have been spread for a long time. As a child of Changfeng family, he has no reason not to know the news.

Ten days later.

Hundreds of danyao shops opened in Yanhuang city at the same time.

In the danyao shop, only the best Xianyuan pill and the best Xianjing pill are sold. All the people in Yanhuang city can buy them at 20% discount.

The price of a top-grade Xianyuan pill is 200 yuan.

It's 40% cheaper. So, on the day of opening, the best Xianyuan pill sold hundreds of millions of pieces, and the best Xianjing pill sold tens of millions of pieces.The business is so hot.

However, the next business is not so good, but every day can guarantee the sales volume of two kinds of pills over ten million.

In order to increase the prosperity of Yanhuang City, song Yan once again ordered that anyone who opened a shop in Yanhuang city within three years would be exempt from tax for three years.

So, in the next month, the shops in Yanhuang city rose one by one, many thousands.

A few months later.

Song Yan receives a report from his servant. There is an immortal named changfengpo coming to see him.

"Did he come?"

Song Yan is very surprised.

After three years of absence, changfengpo has broken through to the second level of Zuxian. Even so, song Yan doesn't think he is his opponent.

"Brother Changfeng is a believer indeed!"

Song Yan said with a smile.

"Hum! If you kill my brother, you can't do without revenge! " The long wind breaks the cold path.

"But you are not my match at all!" Song Yanqing shakes his head.

"I know!"

"Since you know you're going to die?"

"I am a member of the Changfeng family. How can I be despised by you? Even if I die, I can't insult the reputation of the Changfeng family!"

Song Yan is silent: "forget it, you'd better go!"

"Draw your sword, I know you have a magic sword!"

Changfeng pulls out the unsheathed sword behind him and points to song inkstone.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, changfengpo waved his sword to kill him. At the same time, Zuxian Avenue appeared behind him.


Song Yan raises his hand and splits it. The wind breaks and flies.

Song Yan's face is cold: "I'll give you a chance at last. If you don't go, I'll take your life!"

"Come again!"

The long wind breaks and drinks lightly, and waves the long sword to kill again.

Song Yan has no choice but to take the other's life, because he has seen that the wind can't turn his brain, even if he lets him go, he won't go.

[author's extras]: second watch

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